Summer 2005 to December 2016

      The Hullabaloo       shunned by search engines due to the lack of advertising, cookies and data-harveting             Created using Artful Intelligence             Sources: numerous

words: 20,000 (and rising)

      WARNING: may contain errors and typos        

The answer ye are so anxious to hear

Sorry to say ye'll ne'er find here

'tis hid in secret 'ahin' yer ear

Unexplainable mystery yet e'er so clear

On the Internet no one hears you shout




Unsuitable for anyone under the age of sixty    

Unsuitable for anyone    

April 27th 2021  



things to do when you're dead


  "Strike The Strong"  

Or: Why our “Criminal Justice System” is just criminal and must face eradication revision


The Evuille Werke Of Poysionne And Lyies



     The Book Of A Thousand Mistakes      


“Even if you are right, you are wrong”

  The Reprobatorium thumnail click to view  

Funny Ton Si Thurt Eth


A private enquiry




Lord ("How could I be so wrong?") Ex (“Poisonhead”* ) of Glencoe

the thrice damned reprobate

the axed millionaire



Exploding Mind Nut-Case


finally Mr Blobby The Vegetable From Hell







“Regardless of whether my rage is right

My task is to smile, be sweet and polite”

(true or false?)






”Who Am I?” always changes

”Who I Am” forever, eternal






Strike The Strong




Old Fashioned Romance




Removed Stuff




Cross Eyed Daddy Long-Legs

    The classic backwards verse




The Mute Choir-Girl's Song

    The backwards verse re-written




A P P E N D I X   O N E

    Retrieved From The Waste Bin




    Beginning Of The End




A P P E N D I X   T W O

    Definitions and Glossary




A P P E N D I X   T H R E E





A P P E N D I X   F O U R

    "Strike the Strong" The Book

    The Wheel of Lowist HuBeCo

    The AlThArPo star





    left side 'Q' hover or click





    miscellaneous short verses








what's at stake? 

The continued existence of the human race 

Unless we change, we are gone. 

Who is at fault? 

Why, you me you who?  

  “The only time he put up a fight was when he was asked to resign.”  

  It would appear, however, that to fight is wrong.  

  Those most injured in war are the non-involved  

  The answer, therefore, is what, exactly?.  




Critic’s Comment

Here we have a dreadful piece of writing.

Quite apart from breaking every “ist” and “ism” in The Book Of Political Correctness, it’s scan and meter is all to pot.

Clearly written by someone with poor literary ability and insufficient education who struggles to bluff and mislead through the over-use of archaic and little known words.

Nevertheless, it may contain the occasional provocation.

Best printed on toilet paper.





An “opinion” may be defined as a temporary hypothesis

It may be changed, dismissed or reversed at any time

Accepted beliefs are compiled over generations

from a never-ending conflict of ideas

with an occasional input of insight

A statement may illustrate

an opponent’s view


Please continue only if you agree with the above.

(you shouldn't be reading it anyway)






Author’s Advisory Note

For gentle souls who seek beauty and light

Beyond midway, you’ll get more than a fright

If your skin is thick and your heart is bold

Read on, explore, but you have been told

Is it really that bad, is a warning mere hype?

I honestly don’t know, it depends on your type

Some may argue it is not robust enough

It’s my duty, either way, to point out, it gets rough.

(Should you read to the end and regard it a bore

Take note, in the Appendix, there’s an awful lot more.)





“Everybody is wrong about everything”      

“Nobody knows anything, not really.”      

- Ntumu* wisdom      



“If I am right, I've no need to be angry...  

if I am wrong, I've no right to be angry” 

- Woman's Own Magazine circa 1970  

(try explaining that to a war-terror-divorce survivor)  

Nice people are friendly and pleasant in a similar kind of way; each factory-fresh car is pretty much the same but the customised or crashed is unique.
























- o0o -



The Fool need not forgive for XheX they holds no grudge.  




"Adamant Pronouncement" a guess, hypothesis, merest speculation?

Had he won not lost, Paradise, in place of consternation.

The 'True Self' is, "SUCCESS".  



S t r i k e   T h e   S t r o n g


Words, intended to strike the strong,

Injure the weak, and are probably wrong

Before you decide to pick a fight

Assess your case, make sure you are right

Should it transpire you made a mistake

They will hit you back, until you break

Perhaps, instead, you should take a long look

See the funny side, and write a little book.


























Invent a scapegoat all of us can blame

Transform your bitterness into a game

The world, out there, is worse than you think

Amplify comedy, let misery sink

Only a few are as happy as larks

Most feel rejected and cheated by sharks

Doom & gloom, desire and fear

Conurbations drown in debt, filth and beer.







Nothing I say can stick a spanner in your wheel

For you are “manufactured” out of “concrete” and “steel”

You are, “Sublime”, with invincible self-confidence

I quake and stammer beneath inescapable diffidence

Pope, president, boss or humble servant

Our jibes you dismiss as harmless, or irrelevant

Amidst castigation, vilification, ridicule and rumour

You shine, benign, with your smiling demeanour.





When you err, ’tis human, an, “Act Of Fate”

I am the criminal you love to hate

You are, “The Holy,” you rise ever higher

I am the demon assigned to Hellfire.

No, no, no,

My error is human (and I blame it on “them”)

You are the reprobate* we accuse and condemn

Our truth is pure, the most perfect weapon

(And we’ll use it against you, to menace and threaten).







Establishments record us word, friend and deed

Publishing our failings for everyone to read

Humans are gems caught up in the mire

Old mud sticks while fake smoke needs no fire

People are more sensitive than we may have thought

Quelling over reaction is what we really should be taught

Beneath the mistakes and aberrant behaviour

See the individual, that is our saviour.





Deep in dungeons of torturous pain

Heartache and grief drive innocents insane

Silently screaming as they lurch between traps

Their tormentors jeer as they squabble for scraps

Alone in a crowd where no one understands

Hounded by creditors and council tax demands

Invisible solitude, discreet destitution

“Sin City” makes prison a most welcome institution.





Somewhere, out there, is a beautiful place

Where people live happily, with elegance and grace

Crimes are handled with forbearance and compassion

Disputes are settled to everyone’s satisfaction

Poor and rich share with each other

Strangers and colleagues are like a sister or brother

Through music and drama the sleighted make amends

When the day draws to a close, sworn enemies are friends.


  If everything is a consequence where do we find the start?  





Sweetly describe your vision for society

Not everyone knows the meaning of propriety

Admonish politely for they simply do not know

Instead of ranting, demonstrate and show

Vice is endemic, it’s the human condition

Look what happened under Prohibition

Humour, Allegory, Tact and Elevation

Make ’em laugh and see cause for celebration.

:The End:

-*-                         or maybe I’ll just add one more verse.   








Na-h, unleash the rage, the pent-up fury

Blast the enemy into a purée

Fight your cause, don’t whine and nag

Show your colours, fly your flag

Struggle and strive with every breath

Vanquish the foe

Wouldn't you like to know

Who is the foe?

Isn't it annoying

When the verse you (might be) enjoying




Vanquish the adversary: Old Age (and, Death)

Courage, trickery and circumnavigation

Escape, fully conscious, to a higher creation.

That’s the End, but it doesn’t work, an explanation is needed.    





Our sun, Mother Earth and celestial bodies are alive

Conscious beings who enjoy the highest way to survive

Protons below and galaxies above

Layer upon layer of awareness (and love)

A terrible catastrophe long, long ago

Robbed us of the knowledge of how we must grow:

Impeccability, recapitulation, wise use of energy

“Star seeds awake, heaven is our destiny.”





Radiance and receptivity are the nature of the universe

Actions, words and thoughts bestow a blessing, or a curse

Reality is like soft putty moulded in our warm hands

Wrong-Right choices resonate not only close by but also in distant lands

Heed the higher hint, discover who you truly are

Find your Right Place, glitter and shimmer, You Are A Star

“All things are possible” the great teachers recite

Yet how many imaginations do their fervent lessons ignite?





Strike the strong message with boldness and vigour

Look, listen, convince yourself, make the images bigger

It’s in the here & now that the new path begins

(There’s a very good reason for eradicating sins)

Confound your enemies, let them think you “quaint”

Pretend you’re The Devil (but live like a saint)

Play, “The Luck Of The Fool”, hide the (knowledge? opinions?) outrage you posses

Choose strong words of intent to strike out for success.

A good ending. Whew.

Well, actually, it’s the 'Midpoint'.





Oh how I love my stupors and drunken riots

Humiliating truth is for “Straights” and The Born Again Pious

“Be Good Or Else” Political Correctness dictates

All that does is wind us up and drive us to Altered States

Shattered hopes and broken hearts render us easily led

Snorting, inhaling, injecting, and romps in many a bed

Smashed out my skull I sit, a grinning, bloodshot monstrosity

The merriments of the brothel win against the misery of a monastery.

There, done.    









Dream and vision crushed to a mere throw of the dice

Demons of darkness grip my world in their vice

Powerless to overcome their stranglehold inside

I writhe and shudder at their howls, “S-u-i-c-i-d-e”

At the bottom of the pit (beneath deluges of crying)

I scratch: “1-6-4” “A-F-D” (Abstain-From-Dying)

Common sense, triumphant action - but then a terrible mistake

A moment’s delay, the price to pay: a psychic earthquake.

You know things aren't great when, after a weekend of psychic thrashing,
you weigh yourself and see you've lost two and a half stone.








Axes in my head, razors at my throat

“Kill yourself! Kill yourself you ugly old goat!”

Ten thousand knives are stuck in my back

By their slanderous lies I’m destroyed on their rack

The hammers of hatred hit time after time

As I gaze in despair on my stupidity (and, crime?)

Is there a palliative to alleviate hell?

The wrath of the gods is my final death knell.





“We helped, we guided, we gave you a chance

Behind the scenes we steered your advance

Opportunities bungled, clear omens ignored

You were once our hero, you are now abhorred.

You think you are clever, we know you’re a fool

You believe you are kind, we see you as cruel

Accept your damnation, don’t try to pretend

For you there’s no future, your life is at an end.”










“But” I squeak, my voice barely heard

“A sentence of death? That’s surely absurd.”

My protest rings hollow for I know they are right

Nothing and no one can resolve my bad plight

Wherever I turn, doors slam shut

The blade by my pillow lies ready to cut

Sickness, poverty, madness and poison

A.F.D.? 1-6-4? No cure for confusion?

You know things aren't going too well when your "Aha!" moment is, "I'm insane!"











Today, I’ll disobey

Tomorrow? I may find a way

This ugly life to slay

Cease to cower as prey

Enjoy myself each day

Run laughing out to play

But what if that is wrong?

My grave’s where I belong?










It all comes down to *\HER/*

Inspiration, mentor, motivator

I assumed we’d be friends for life

Instinctively I call her, “my wife”

She’s alive, out there, somewhere

Our thoughts vibrate through the air

It’s a mystery I’ll never unravel

Escape? Borrow and travel?









Passion, promise, loyalty, lust

Entanglement, commitment, dependence, trust

New, unconditional? Old fashioned traditional?

A sophisticated veneer conceals the irrational

“Rose Tinted Spectacles” then the world-view explodes

Yin becomes Yang and men are made "toads"*

A kind word from *\HER/* and I’d go interstellar*

Dashed expectations cast me ranting in a cellar.










Agonised, I hide in persecuted misfortune

Behind me a trail of anger-warped distortion

Wickedness and evil that I intelligently spy

Mirrors of traits of the one I call, “I”?

The more I indulge in self pity over “Little Me”

The harder I “strike back”, the more terrible my tyranny

The shocking truth I skilfully evade

I’m a sewerage of lies, entirely self-made.

“Hello, I am a lunatic, can you give me a job please?”





“Change the way you think and you’ll feel like you’ve travelled to Mars

Does your idea of a prince swear and get drunk in bars?

Life is not about riches or happiness but purpose with value and meaning

Can imitation, addiction & illusion be replaced by gentle revealing?

Think, speak and breathe: Respect, Youth and Dignity

Greet each being you meet as a goddess, a pharaoh or a deity

Reverse self condemnation, drop cynicism and blame

Inspire companions with charm, accept your woes as part of The Game.”







I ricochet in the grooves of reality’s reflections like the stylus in vinyl’s Hi Fi

The normality of today is more weird and refracted than history’s most far-fetched Sci Fi

“Be untouched by the world” is all very well but a phrase can cut like a sword

The puzzling perplexities in the Riddle of Life plague equally pauper and lord

The ego’s battle for personal trophies undermines the greater good

“Paradise City” we’d long ago have built if only we’d known that we could

All things may be possible but* don’t just jump from a height

It took a great deal of determination to provide mankind with flight.

Three times longer than the original text
these lines are finally concluded

The words below do not exist,
consider them excluded






Into the hills the people did venture aboard The Transcendent Train

Tunnels, funnels, valleys and peaks, the engine shouldered the strain

Eternal youth, Ticket To Forever, passenger bonhomie euphoria

The Devil appeared, softly spoken, a chill followed sharp by hysteria

Fiendish chortle, “the fools are mortal, their journey ends with SMACK!”

Faster, faster the rattling wheels barely a-grip the old track

“We're going to die!” “Inescapable death” crime and cruelty spread.

Fear, terror, panic stricken, turn on each other in dread.











If we would believe there’s an alternative to death, new life on a higher plane

Dynamic Harmony would mould our decisions to ensure we never cause pain

The fragile fibres of our earthly heaven are too easily broken up

Strength, wit and silence it takes to drink from amazement’s cup

The Great Creator is half the size of nothing and travels at infinity times two

It’s conscious presence lives in every atom and speaks equally both to me and to you

To become The World’s Greatest Celebrity look out for this audience of One

Were the Origin Of All to give me a round of applause I would know I truly have won.

(better than a whack)        


* end of "Strike The Strong" *


Add a final last verse that encompasses old fashioned romance?










Romantic love sparkles in the air and gives meaning to the life of the child

A glance exchanged, a passing touch, the young heart dances wild

At night, alone, the solitary world fills with turmoil and hope

Exploration, adventure, shared discoveries, in fantasy, both elope

Warm letters, a visit arranged, excited anticipation grows

Shy conversation, a canopy of awe, an imagined future glows

Tentativity, daring; agreement, understanding, smiling face to face

Cosily snuggled, silently entwined, united in a tingling embrace.






In Praise Of Boring

I cycle down the boring street, there’s not a pothole in sight

I stop outside my same old home, it didn’t burn down last night

I listen to my favourite song, neither police nor soldiers burst in

I look out through my uncracked window and see they’ve emptied my bin

The News informs me in doleful tones that we are not at war

The weather is so dull and plain I won’t duck under the floor

The Great Institutions are as I expect, they seldom irk my ire

I watch a film in my usual chair with my feet up by the fire.



* The End At Last *

Tra La La


(er, well, not yet)









here’s one written earlier    

Musical chatter, innocent banter, her delicacy, sparkle and guile

Curve of her arm, tip of her eyebrow, her fleeting, flirty smile

Elegant moves, happiness laughter, crystal-like gaiety showers

Gardens and trees, squirrels and bees, girls, debutantes and flowers

Riverside rocks, a nook to undress, warm waters soothe and invite

Run to the top, spring with a grin, fresh summer swim’s a delight

Her beauteous form arcs through the air as she dives amidst birdsong serenade

Graceful flow of patterned garments, sunbeams glint as she reclines in the shade.

Betch-ya cannae dae annurrerun o’ ’em.





Wind tossed hair like oil-painting flames complement the swish of her dress

Her glistening eyes, her quirky lips, soft skin invites a caress

Profile bold, skylark voice, elegance conveyed in her gestures

Enter a room, stroll the promenade, her presence makes kings out of jesters

“What does she do?” “What does she think?” Who cares, I’m in the presence of a Star

“I’ll write her a song” “I’ll sculpt her form” “I’ll build her an amphibious flying car”

Death of the Lad, sacrifice The Me, plunge, blind faith’d, the Unknown

I’ll be with her forever, fused merged and loyal, discard once and for all, the 'alone'.

That’s nae tae bad.

Try anither yin...






A late addition:



Fleeting meetings, fantasy futures

Into my eye her sparkling gaze, my stomach a knot, in my chest a flutter

Silent exchange, nothing spoken, I cannot speak I know I should stutter

A shower of memories, brief encounters, moments of warmth, excitement, persona

Like a mohair shawl, a fluffy cardigan, her allure, demure, soft skin aroma

For *\HER/* I build a castle of light, for ~*hEr*~ a suite of remarkable rooms

For Her I dream up meadows and mountains, for heR a wardrobe from a hundred looms

For hER I conquer with inspiration and courage, for H-her-R an empire, a new world will appear

For (her) I enscribe great tales of heroes, for (her!) I whisper sweet verse to endear.

I drowned in her eyes, dissolved in her bosom, melted inside her heart





“You are my world”, colouration, motivation, unknowingly, you cast out my doubt

“The woman makes the man” is half the truth, without her endorsement, I’m Nowt*

On wings of inspiration I soar to the sun, I bask in the brilliance of her essence

Digging or drawing, building or repairing, I revel in the realms of her luminescence

Pirouettes, handstands, cartwheels and acrobatics upon the “Beachball” I dance

’Cross lakes and ponds, rivers and oceans I’m carried in raptur’d trance*

Ambitious objective, a mighty task, with *\HER/* as my muse, I glide

Problems and obstacles, sabotage, hostility, like toys, brushed easily aside.

(Her every wish is for him a command)





How’s this:

Pedestal inlaid with diamonds and gold, up she is raised to a height

The Winds of Heaven carry her soul, firebirds shimmer in her light

Once upon a time a princess in a prison, released, she flies free like a dove

The oldest of clichés? Miracles still happen, the impossible made easy by love

Bedrooms and cradles, cellars and attics, wellies, memorabilia and junk

Schoolbooks and gadgets, bicycles and flutes, children slept three to a bunk*

Her world is a jewel, her heart sings happiness, when she greets she shares the “Dee-vine”

Rogues and rascals shed the foul, lost charms resurrect from the 'bovine'.

Aye, that might dae an’ a’.









Through spiritual union new people arrive, in excitement they look ahead

Gusto, enjoyment, confidence, compassion, with trepidation new paths they tread

Not 'hungry mouths' nor 'little brats' but champions, heroes, succeeders

Out into the world the dynasty grows, expressive, enriching young leaders

Secret places dot the Earth, egress to The Realm Above

Behind a bush, the unvisited ravine, or a door in an ally (to shove)

Let offspring flourish, nurture and nourish, may they each discover The Escape

“Property” “contraptions, gizmos and belongings”, by what force can we our values reshape?

Well, six oot o’ ten but ah get yer drift.





Wrapping up:

A kindly smile, share a quick joke, at check-out, chip shop or bus queue

Ageless conviviality, secret morality, “rough diamonds” who practice raw virtue

Wisdom earned through loss, guilt and error may ride on a smouldering rage

A cheerful bampot who entertains and brightens is worth more than a sour old sage

If happy little “Bimbos” and innocuous “Air Heads” make too few mistakes to become wise

They deserve our respect, we should heed their deeds, therein the simple answer lies

Insightful lyrics from the teenage pen become threads in the fabric of our culture*

Derided as “Hoodies”, used as cannon fodder, bullet-scarred bones gnawed by a vulture.





ye dinnae ken* when tae stop

My “Christ” is a lady who spoke less than she smiled, in her eyes a radiant star

Encounters brief, convivial stories, her presence felt still through time afar

Unassuming “Old Ladies” make more of a difference than costly, glamorous technology

Angel meditations, crystal healing, shared knowledge of herbs (and many an “ology”)

Cliff face race, bare foot and hand, swiftly she attains a giddy height

Underwater caves with relay air tanks, the girls venture in, far out of sight

Burning lens of Media’s Eye hunts “truffles” of bluster and arrogance-noise

Ordinary people get on with their lives, quiet and gentle, a soft tone (and poise).

In the eyes of Heaven each one of us is famous. No?


“I saw her!”

“I met her!”

“I photographed her!”

“I painted her!”

“I sculpted her!”

“I filmed her!”

“I married her!”

“I am ‘her’.”

I am the Titanic at the bottom of the sea, you are the mermaid who turns on my lights


 <<<oOXOo>>>   THE END   <<<oOXOo>>>  


























I reach into the twinkling night sky and pluck the brightest star

With a flick of my heart I send it as a card to my long lost love afar

I’m a spirit inside a mind inside a body riding on the ship of my will

Transient and eternal fastened together on holiday in earth’s fine vill*

Decisions are firm, acquiescent, contrariant, supine, appropriate or not *

We’re wrapped, strapped, locked, trapped, tied up in an undisentanglable knot

“A life well spent is rare” they say, each day is gone too soon

’Tis but a few are lucky enough to transcend our somnambulant cocoon.





Surf the cosmic love with vibrant, shimmering energy

Fill your life to the brim with healthy deeds and activity

The key to personal freedom is dispassionate self observation

See yourself as a stranger (you’ll experience a separation)

Be still and let ancient wisdom cleanse your tumultuous thunder

Shine your spirit with cheer, praise gladly with gusto and wonder

Enlightened joy is nigh, where your truth meets inmost sincerity

Seize the immediate moment and enter the bliss of eternity.

“There Is Only Something To See” * (Repeat)





When the Wand of Silence parts vituperative* vehemence everything around us shifts

Let penetrating mind enter absolute stillness, see nature’s unimaginable gifts

Fleeting interconnections weave intricate patterns like the currents in a racing river

What we can conceive we are able to receive, love, longevity, and youthful vigour

Magic, sorcery, transformation, astral travel and dreaming doubles

Limitless reality tantalisingly close, as elusive as floating, slippery bubbles

Steadfast strength through calm self discipline protects from the ravages of wrongs

With thief’s cunning and spy’s ingenuity, slip unnoticed betwixt vaniloquent* throngs.

Okay smarty-pants, what about “Black Dog”?  







Silence, envisage, see sparkle stars creep, flood-fill feet, ankles and thighs

Hips and abdomen the star-streams rush, blossom-shimmer lights, energies rise

Galaxies swirl through shoulders a-cascade, neck a torrent of supanova beams

Cosmic glitters fill muscles and veins, consciousness soars, Heaven's Will gleams

White Sphere surrounds, immersed, connected, enlightened heart-mind intuition knows

Crown above, radiant centre, life force numen* resonates head to toes

Pineal* gland shines, kundalini* petals, vibrant bright torrent, Black Dog out-cast

Return, centred, the world renewed, ambitions fulfilled, greatest hopes, surpassed.

Bit clunky but it could do.*  


3,000 words 













Cherries, Dates And Sun-Dried Tomatoes

A sticky date is a good fruit to suck

A ripe red cherry too easy to pluck

My plate’s adorned with best antipasto

Set in the centre a sun-dried tomato

Pickled onions, a gherkin and a chicken-bone wish

Buttered roast potatoes, ginger-baked fish

Coconuts, melons, a banana and cream

A lovely warm bed and a beautiful dream.





Verse-Re WardsBack (the old ones are the best)



too it saw he man, blind the Ask

true are lies my doubt you if But

fable my of facts the to witness only The

table round old the of corner the from watched I


lot vacant a on house story-two a In

block the of middle the in corner the on lived She

delight sheer in shrieked choirgirl mute A

sight ghastly the at danced men Lame 


drowned promptly and ditch dry a in Landed

sound a making without wall a through crashed He

thigh his in lawman the kicked And  

by walking came man legless A


boys dead two those arrest to came And

noise the heard policeman deaf A 

“Hooray!” shout to went man dumb A

play fair watch to came man blind A


other each shot and swords their Drew

other each faced they back to Back

fight to up got boys dead Two

night the of middle the in day bright One


know really don’t I story a you tell I’ll

go you before but over is show The

spit to sure is gallery the in man The

sit you wherever difference no makes It

floor the on stand and chair own your Bring

door the at pay free is Admission

you undress to not you address to here I’m

you behind sit I as you before stand I

bees asleep-fast and longlegs daddy eyed-Cross

fleas and horses gentlemen and Ladies






* Backwards Verse Re-Written *


The unheard of speaker we call 'Celebrity'

Addressed the cupboard with utmost solemnity

Packed with a crowd of one lonely soul

His oratory resonated as he stepped into his role.


“Armadillos and earwigs, hedgehogs and frogs

Long necked caterpillars and fat snoring hogs

Behind you I sit as I stand out in front

I’m here to impress you with incomprehensible grunt

Bring your own chair and kneel on the floor

Admission is free, pay cash at the door

Wherever you squat it doesn’t really matter

You’ll be sprayed by spit from our Gallery Nutter

My 'McGonagall' is done but before you leave

I’ll relate a true story only idiots believe.


“One black night in the middle of the day

Two dead babes leapt up to play

Bottom to bottom they boobed each other

Drew their lipstick and erased one another


“A blind saint came to observe their plight

A rich mute beggar shouted with delight

A young deaf geriatric heard the commotion

And petitioned the babes for bedded locomotion


“A legless bishop running past

Kicked the geriatric till sore arsed

He smashed through a window without breaking the pane

Lost his head and shouted, “I’m sane!”


“Lame lawyers danced enthralled by the event

A deaf mute choirgirl howled a lament

She lived on the corner in the middle of the block

In a floorless tower on an empty lot.


“I watched from the corner of the topless round table

The unerring witness to the verity of my fable

Should you dare doubt my tale is true

Ask the blind barmaid, she saw it too.”


* End *


-- ooOoo --






Why do herds sigh by mouth?

Why does the fork land on one keg?

Why is Thing the fastest earth on milk?

Why is an aspirin a large, grey elephant?

Why did the stick in a cross eat the toad?

Why does the neck have a very long giraffe?

Why did the buoy throw the cluck at the wind?

Why do forest fires have elephant feet for ducks?


Words, intended to strike the strong

May injure the weak and could prove to be wrong

(Funny Ton Si Thurt Eth)




* End *


- oo o0o ~ OOOO ~ o0o oo -











Individuals Are Innocent animated GIF




People Are Good animated GIF


Tossed from the depths of seething vitriol these at least ring true

(well, up to a point, maybe, I'd like to think.)




You are the greatest, you are the best, you are the greatest, you are the best, your heroism is celebrated in song

You are unbeatable, you are invincible, you are unbeatable, you are invincible, you are mighty powerful and strong

The power of the sun, the will of heaven, the link with intent, the depth of silence, attune to the spirit of truth

Physical energy, mental vitality, purposeful enthusiasm, courageous adventure, live with the vigour of youth

You are magnificent, you are a star, you are triumphant, you are going far, your life is a comet in the sky

Clarity of vision, sound thinking, good decision, convivial resonance, kinship rapport, above Cloud Nine you fly

Sever the chains, leap from the ashes, flee the scrap-heap, vanquish the gloom, run, renewed, to the light

Excel in the sunshine, sparkle at night-time, dance in the moonbeams, welcome the rewards, you deserve to win your Great Fight.


I am, you are, it is, there has been, there will be.


The power of the sun, the will of heaven, the power of the sun, the power of the sun

The link with intent, the power of the sun, the spirit of truth, the power of the sun

The power of the sun, the clarity of consciousness, the power of the sun, the power of the sun

The knowledge of self, the power of the sun, the courage of the heart, the power of the sun

The power of the sun, the depth of silence, the power of the sun, the acceptance of destiny

The resilience of the will, the power of the sun, the brightness of spirit, the power of the sun

The power of the sun, the power of the sun, the power of the sun, the power of the sun

The power of the sun, the power of the sun, the power of the sun, engagement with others.


"May the golden light of heavenly blessings bathe .......... in courage, confidence and strength."




our_sun_sees in us only the good



hell fire bar: How can you aspire to perform open heart surgery if you faint at the mention of the word, Scalpel?


How can we perform surgery if we faint at the word “scalpel”?

(click the bar)







~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~



read at your own risk

plunge the cesspit's depths

emerge with a jewel of discovery

or roar with outrage and indignance

or worse, your head a tangle of incoherence

or is this just a wind-up, an indulgent excessive hype?


  If I need to clean the sewer I first have to leave the ballroom.          

  If you have no such necessity, stay with the party, enjoy the colour and music, do not accompany me and then protest.          




12,000 words 


A P P E N D I X   O N E

(Retrieved from the waste bin)


the last lot was bad
the next is worse


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~













Folklore has it that babies were brought by the stork.

Folklore has it that babies were brought by the stork



(there's more to the stalk than meets the eye)  

The stork fetched the babies from marshes or caves.

The stork fetched the babies from marshes or caves

Guileless delusion is wrenched from my core and shattered to reveal cold fact

Shock! Horror! Alarmed, I exclaim, it’s a struggle to respond with tact

Pretty little girls rounded up, filmed snogging and larking in the nude

Deeper and darker till “Best Behaviour” is cocky, barmy and rude

“Break her in like a wild horse” the ventripotent* bully chortles

Au pairs! Neighbours! Undergraduates! Indulge the pleasures of mortals

Lecherous philanderers greedily drool at every glimpse of bare flesh

Wives? Loved ones? Who gives a fig? The Unwanted are tossed to the creche.





Bored with my bride, a bit on the side, variety keeps me perky

’Er in doors has her “Harem” of bores and pretends that she’s no more than flirty.

Liberated? Unmarriageable, freedom, permissive, I smile as she hoists up my mast

“Find ’em, feed ’em, bed ’em ’n’ leave ’em” love is a thing of the past

Fill ’er wi’ booze, flip ’er on end an’ carry ’er ’ome like a six-pack

Stick ’er ’ead in the loo, watch porn on the Tube, work my way through ye ol’ wine rack

“Would the last human being to leave the planet remember to turn out the light”

Written in jest, who would have guessed it could accurately reflect our new plight?

"Invasion Of The Body Snatchers" docudrama        












Ridibund* leaders caught with teenyboppers “a perk of the job” they shrug

Anonymous endowments fund fatherless children but who’ll give the young Mum a hug?

The bright eyed girl deliriously swoons with dreams of Happily Ever After

Her heightened expectation irreparably shatters amidst jeers of derision and laughter

Wicked Willies play their games, a fanny’s his natural nest

“Tie me up! I wish to be spanked” the bishops and judges request

“Seven hundred a month, introductory offer” the hardcore websites promote

Bludgeoned wives broadcast their screams demanding we all must take note.










Harp strings strum as I sip my rum between glasses of wine and liqueur

Smart-phone video-clips depict war-torn famine victims in far off places obscure

Parliament directives unleash explosives, civilians lie dead or in tears

“Equally And Severally Liable” the good partner’s career disappears

Our taxes fund stealth planes, helicopters, submarines and intercontinental missiles

When professionals fall they’re out in the cold, cannot even sleep in our church aisles

“Teach your children right from wrong” surely we should start at the top?

History reminds us through woesome tales how innocent heads get the chop.

Outraged and indignant outlaw and king upon one another glared    
Who had the right to torturous retribution? A mutual "Justice!" flared    










Oh what a wonderful world we have woven, a tapestry of fear and despair

Pompous, powerful, proud of their work, they expect us to live on thin air

Hoarded incomes squirrelled away to be gambled by financier’s gnomes

The wealth of hundreds of nations drained, fed back to the people as loans


You know things aren't going too well when what you earn is less than what you are expected to pay in taxes.
Russian illustrator      

Weekly Income: fifty six pounds
Council Tax: seventeen pounds. The year: 2019



At Her Majesty’s Leisure, Self Employed, Convalescent, Pensioned or Roughing:

Ignored from calculations that define “Median Income” the fact = (approximately) Nothing

A country’s success is gauged not by stock values but by her punishments, destitutes and unemployable

The buck stops where? With the child or the throne? Not with those appointed to be responsible?

Rather than construct and organise society to support the needs of life
Life, it seems, must adapt to the demands of technology, greed and incompetence










What do you get if you pay a chimpanzee a million or two a year?

A very rich monkey who scratches its crotch and throws nibbled nuts at your ear

The masses hypnotised, pushed and swayed with astounding power and precision

Freedom closed off as our thought strings are plucked to twist unconscious decision*

Tomb-faced zombies glassily gaze in malls of unattainable glitter

Manipulative advertisements deliberately designed to spew clutter (and mountains of litter)

If you want to make money in today’s society you simply have to sell drugs

Do you want to make friends and feel very happy? You simply have to take drugs.

Loot chemists, steal cars, rob grannies and they'll treat you to a year on a yacht







Why is it our N.E.W.S.* boasts "Company Profits" but is silent on "Tax Paid" and "Debt"?

Why should I care if the Fat Cat is richer? - They want me to gamble and bet

Jobseekers Allowance deducts every earned penny while Landlords are indulged and secured

Her Majesty's Treasury pours billions in subsidy, the extent of the theft is obscured

Supervisors and box-tickers, Big Bottoms at Computers spend thousands to cut a few pence*

Those who languish under Monetarist Policy are powerless to put up a defence

"Control inflation: maintain unemployment" for decades a deliberate strategy

An unbalanced economy, disingenuous usery, the "Puppets" oblivious to human tragedy.






Jack and Jill went up the hill and made themselves lots of money

When they came down they met a poor clown and this is where it gets funny

“To live like a lord we’ll protect our hoard, buy us a grand investment

It needs loving care, that clown over there, he will meet our requirement

Clean and warm, follow the norm, we’ll charge him to handle our ‘management’

‘Citizen’s income’? We’ll take that as well, thank you, HM Government

Give us your wage, why do you rage? Object and you’ll sleep in the street

Not got a job? The public we’ll rob, you workers must serve the elite!”

Instead of paying a tithe employees may keep just a tenth






Sell the industry, betray the people, feed the power of greed

Double the prices, cut the service, watch our country bleed

Hike up the hand-outs, squirrel away profits, directors and shareholders first

Dump the debt in the name of the company, let the business burst

In a faraway land the knaves of Richestahn sip their cognac and wine

Billionaire lifestyle courtesy of taxpayers, Treasury grins, "that's fine!"

Elected to govern, confounded confused, bludgeoned by many a force

"Me! Me!" politics, devoid of principles, Might must be granted her course.









Humour is truth flipped inside out, an overdoes can cause a calamity

Dreary tedium of regurgitated routines, identical days called “Normality”

Levitating Yogis? Cures through meditation? Fables from Cheat Sheet & Liar

Heavyweight Wrestlers, spear-skewered Dervishes? “Dumb Proles” may never rise higher

Puny little humans, pathetic and weak, "we’re not really up to very much"

Heroes of yore were powerful and bold, we long ago lost their intrepid touch

Make yourself invisible? The idea is inadmissible. Turn on the telly and drink

Praise your Pay Day, play with your Joy Stick, spend and indulge, DO NOT THINK.

“Everything GOOD is illegal, immoral or unhealthy”      






Our world is not merely built upon lies, it relies upon lies to survive

Mortgage Loan bundles swept into an "asset" - a Banker’s fairy-story to derive

A thousand pounds I hand over to you, you bill me for taking my money

A thousand pounds I borrow from you, you bill me for lending me money

“Student Loans” an orgasm for Lenders when the mortgage market catches a chill

“Your pension fund no longer exists, our charges exhausted it to nil”*

Faster and faster repayment demands swell unspent off-shore accounts

Bitcoin, Decred, Ethereum, Monero, electronic currencies bloat imaginary amounts.*

(technically, the global economy is bankrupt)      

Bakers bake

Bottlers bottle

Packers pack

Drivers drive

Bankers convert cash
into ten-fold debt




“Pah! Those barefoot ignorant savages with nothing but a loincloth and a smile

Smelly old huts, home-made clothes, carcasses, skins, their world's beyond vile

What do they know of sculptors and painters, literature, architecture, mathematics and chords?

How grand our civilisation, lorries and trains, soldiers, captains, Right Honourable Lords”

Their cheeky eyes glint in the dancer's fire as drums and pipes raise minds and hearts

Silent, invisible they slip through the leaves, scampering dinners brought down by their darts

Every flower and bush, bark and root, named and known for nourishment and cure

Those “silly young children” know more of what matters than our scientist, teacher or brewer.








“Upgrade” “Download” “Install” “Buy now” latrant* trillionaires shriek

“GET HOLD OF THEIR MONEY” frantic desperation as falsified balance sheets creek

Ten thousand neuropathic* Internet hands reach into our pockets and souls

Anonymous, unaccountable they harvest our details to tweak and squeeze our controls

Fraud from abroad, 'Telephone Midges' sting for a pretty little penny

Tiny sums rake considerable hoards, modest, frequent, from many

Direct Debits like tartarean* flesh-eaters gnaw at accounts with greed

Clothing, shelter, a meal and companion, how little we each truly need.

Are we subservient to the needs and demands of the machine?





My bed is as big as a football pitch, my bath an Olympic pool

For the kitchen, a mountain quarried to a dip, a forest felled for a stool

Dinner’s delivered from a cement-mix truck, I’m fed by men with shovels

Dessert is a wagon of strawberries and cream topped with thousands of truffles


Look! See what happens to the souls of the greedy.

Mr Creosote with John Cleese from The Meaning Of Life by Monty Python's Flying Circus<!-- - YouTube Log In Required to verify age -->

John Cleese serves Mr Creosote in "The Meaning Of Life"
Monty Python's Flying Circus, the ultimate fat man sketch *

















My car is the size of a jumbo jet, my cycle has seventy six wheels

Pandas and tigers fashion my coat, two diamonds serve me as heels

My toilet’s as deep as Lake Baikal and barely big enough for the job

Rivals and rebels, jeer not, get away, it hurts when you call me a slob.

A dried out world where nothing has value but everything is tagged with a price.








Sloomy* lazarettos* line Groaker* Alley where toshers* fear indictment

Neon lights, music and drums, the cavalcade persuades with incitement

Noodly long necks, curiosity eyes, smiles anticipate excitement

Wonderful show, dazzle and glitz, promoters’ displays aperient*

“Happiness!” “WIN!” Money and dreams, showman’s grandiose habiliment*

'Tis nought but SALES, sadness prevails, miseries withdraw in disappointment

A myriad posters blanket our streets with pretence of “universal contentment”

Topsy-turvy, values inverted, the sufferance of exclusion breeds resentment.










Endowment Funds risked on the flashy new mall

Crush the small traders, “We need it all”

Double their rates, harass with rules

Start a new business? That’s strictly for fools

Treasury pays salaries from National Debt

Every pound on deposit recycled - as debt

Reinvent economics? Scrap trading by electronics?

City chore conscripts, the New Ergonomics?









    We like to wine and dine, afterwards, visit the loo

    Why do we allow corporations to demand we mix up the two?

    Entertainment, drama, high culture interrupted by impertinent ads

    We're expected to suppress irritation, salute those incorrigible cads

    To buy and shop is fun, as good as watching a show

    It is time we learn to disentangle, stand up and tell 'em all, "No!"

    Straightforward, frank candid honesty earns both loyalty and trust

    Please find a better way to share offers, it is rude the way that you thrust.







Dent the surplus of “poor little” billionaires governments have hell to pay

But wages cut, houses emptied, millions jobless? That’s okay

“They scrutinise our laptops, copy our phones, record every transaction and letter”

“Conspirators!” “Traitors!” “Spies in our skies!” they tell us they've made our lives better

Facinorous* tales unravel the façade, scandal’s absorbed like a sponge

My head is clogged with glamourous garbage, wickedness sticks like a gunge

Shattered windscreens, headlamps crumpled, bumpers and exhausts a-tangled

Outrage, “Sort it!” “Straighten the parts” in our Scrapyard, everything’s a-mangled.*

Vitriol, like alcohol, feels great at the time but
too often it is followed by a terrible hangover





Here I am in the land of the living amidst the remarkable complexities of life

On the day I arrived not a word did I know - wrongs and deceptions are rife

Until we have learned or been taught a better way blunders and mistakes are inevitable

The buzz of vitality drives youthful discovery, each moment is new and incredible

Excitement of inventions, the beauty of Nature, when I'm 'big' so much will I achieve

But then comes the change, from within or without, lost goals a great struggle to retrieve

Childhood's bubble then bustle and competition, the blows of unpredicted catastrophe

The simplistic narrative of "see, do, enjoy" shattered by forces called "reality".






Who Am I? 'Red-Black-Yellow-White'? Is the answer determined by skin?

Hair style or jewellery, freckles and frowns, or measure the width of my grin?

Top 'em 'n' tail 'em, squash 'em and nail 'em, standardised height and weight*

Seventeen per cent grey, universal complexion, Red Tape will eliminate hate

Crank the key, tighten the spring, tick tock, tick tock in judgement they sit

Success or failure, gain loss and crime, social interaction spawns glory or sh*t 

Detection, Enforcement, Prosecution and Punishment, resources and forces unlimited

Forgiveness? Forget it, cures and enablement, for compassion our budgets are limited.

Is the biggest crook in court the cat in the wig? *      









Vikings and Normans, Visigoths and Romans, Mongols who galloped the plain

Cossack and Ghurka, Tibetan, Berserker, Vietnamese, Latvian and Dane 

Indian saris and colourful tales, African dancers and drums

Chinese ingenuity (and legendary hard work), Jamaican music and rums

Greek philosophy, mythology and olives, Egypt’s incredible knot

The black Loretto* Zulu Prince more British than the Franco-Scot

Bagpipes and tartans, headdresses and Spartans, Persians, Pigmies and the Swiss

Pyramids, Atlantis, Temples and Nazca Lines, labyrinthine adventures and a Silver-Screen* kiss.







If Norwegians were red and Greeks were green

Italians purple, the Scots aquamarine

If the English were pink and the Welsh were blue

As varied and different as the beasts in our zoo

How colourful our streets, who could complain?

Blonde, freckled, brunette? Protest in vain

Red, black or brown, yellow, striped or white

Like labels and bottles, it’s what’s inside that’s right.

Perhaps it’s not ‘racism’ but ‘FORC’ Fearful Over Reaction to Colour

If Africans and Asians had the same complexion as Australians, what then?








“I am a good Christian, go to church each day, by profession I capture and kill”

“I’m a vegan vegetarian, egg, bacon, black pudding, add a sausage my belly to fill”

Change what you do or change what you say, discord is self contradiction

Butchers as tailors, blacksmiths as watch-makers, mismatch evokes consternation

What is my 'wolfe*', my rapport with 'Out There', my place in the cosmic jigsaw?

Self knowledge so simple, “why but it’s me” an, “Architect!” who drives a broken rickshaw

Purpose and tone behind each interaction, by day and by moment they grow

But what if I’m askew, knocked out of line, how then with the truth can I flow?

I'll know I've become a Christian
when my outraged condemnation is
displaced by naïve compassionate
enquiry coloured by lightness
and humour      

(Fat chance o' that, y'arrogant ol' tossa,
why d'ju think you've been told to die?)





I microwaved my pussycat, drove over your pedigree dog

I stabbed my husband through the heart and drowned my tot in a bog

The school burned down when I played a prank, someone else went to jail

Should ever the world catch me out they’ll say I’m beyond the pale

Time and again my conscience bites, it seems there is nothing I can do

With a struggle I strive to start afresh, reaffirm: Each Day Is New

Forgive myself? Perhaps I can but what if They were to know?

Bounty Hunters and Tabloid Writers, to them I’m the Butt Of The Show.

Are you sure you're not talking about yourself there?      











When “Nasty Nutters” and “Horrible Hags” among colleagues and strangers I see

What shocking persona might the world out there be seeing and saying of me?

Mind my own business, eik* out a crust, I search for the stairway from gloom

“I am not a criminal! I am not a criminal!” backwards frog-marched to my doom

“Psychopath!” “Thug!” Newspaper headlines, surely they don’t mean me?

The song says it all, “Forgive me Delilah”* there is more than one side we must see

Compulsion, subservience, terror, hypnosis, the mirror of unconscious rationality

Spontaneous, Malicious, Greedy or Ideological: the pyramid of defined criminality.










“Ladies and gentlemen, princess and duke, today we have much to discuss

Daisy cutters and napalm, undiscoverable mines and protestors who kick up a fuss

Crappy little suicide bombers, Crowd-Kill-Pavement-Truck, our Trident Submarine does the biz

Iron shards that shred and blind, playgrounds go 'Whoosh' with our fizz

Depression to Boom, war is profit, taxpayers carry the bill

Pick a soft target, unleash the ordnance, as simple as popping a pill”

“Human beings were never,” a quiet voice says, “intended to injure one another”

“Security! Security! How did he get in? Arrest and jail this - ” (brother?)

Every bullet and missile is indelibly imbued
with the names of the suppliers & mandators





A cargo of ordnance I picked up from the store

I'll drop 'em on a city and then go back for more

A payslip in my pocket, I am not to blame

The colours on my wings say I'm a cog in their game

"We’re not yet at war!" - Mitsuo* feels disgraced

Declarations and agreements, without them, debased?

Honour is most precious during conflict and strife

Arbitrary invasion has, instead, become rife.





City park, trees, benches, muddy ground, sit, smoke, observe

Two fine ruddy red Afghan hounds, prance, frolic and swerve

Larking pups barely noticed, fine specimens of their breed

Freely play, owner unseen, run wild, released from the lead

Harmless fun or serious interaction? One dips its head to the ground

Throat exposed, the other darts close, snaps without a sound

Whatever their purpose, conflict is concluded, dignified and quiet

“Behave like a dog” when annoyed or upset, Homo Sapiens kick up a riot.

When we invented firearms honour and glory left (ask a Samurai)





A sightless face stares up from the street, half your eldest son’s head

Call out! Call out! Friends, family? Mutilated, their bodies lie dead

Sticky road drenched in blood and flesh, beware the live explosives

Wailing grief, cries of pain, distraught and anguished fugitives

Glories of war? Triumphant heroism? Employees launch mechanised ordnance

Youngsters who are barely men or women obey orders from the comfortable eminence

What is the purpose, who decides, why do we humans inflict massive slaughter?

The opposite of violence: diplomacy, sales? Where is Mother Church with her sanctified water?




The Boer War, forgotten, unknown, vivid to those where t’was fought

Major issues, fundamental beliefs, to some so strong yet for others, as nought

Kaleidoscope world, ever changing views, quite separate realities co-exist

Porn Star, romantic, swinger and engaged unknowingly brush by the Never Kissed

Everyday norms cause, elsewhere, “Outrage!” storms, who is to say what is “The Right”?

How easy it is to bloody the wrong nose when, indignant, we fight?

How then should I know, give in or stand firm, accept or repel a change?

Trenchcoat or dinner suit, cassock or nude, switch context and the ordinary is strange.

What is the significance of attire?      






World War One earned fortune upon fortune, lost in '29

“Find me a leader, fund his armies, * in a decade the world will be mine

“To cover my tracks he’ll sacrifice my ain*, martyrdom guarantees respect”

A lattice of investments, diffuse distribution, the truth they will never detect

Our name shines on, from the darkness of their shame, what if instead, We had led?

War crimes and torture, robbery and corruption, descendants’ cheeks forever red?

Rebellious children, contempt for their fathers, name and history spurned

In a few generations a culture forgotten, 'mouldy old books' blamed & burned.

Those who fund the fighters call the shots

"From JFK to 9/11 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" by Francis R. Conolly

"From JFK to 9/11 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" by Francis R. Conolly REMOVED from YouTube, Conolly's website down





The Twentieth Century, one hundred years, death, revolution and mass-destruction

Brilliant visions of technological glory sabotaged by man-made (and natural) disruption

Millions upon millions of people same as us, wiped out like the mowing of a lawn

Unseen powers that manage our Earth, intervention to reduce “human spawn”? *

How many billions would otherwise be here, could our problems have been horribly greater?

Is it right to blame the opportunists of “Richestahn* ” or is there a Cosmic Curator?

High Street abundance, emergency services, sunshine on parkland and streets

Can we love “Cityworld”, cherish human endeavours, recognise and celebrate our feats?

Manipulate war? Control the supplies.    












Punish success with State’s “legitimised theft”*? Crush innovation at birth?

Brilliant enhancement or versute* profiteer? How do we assess True Worth?

Who are those Rich, misers hidden, never to enjoin or share?

Integrated, participative? Helpful, supportive? Judge not but be fair

How easy it is to make a mistake when managing public cash

Best or worst, Laird or Council, unaccountable administrator’s hash?

Investment, Grant Aid: Idiot or Genius? Lose or manifest a treasure

Hatred of status? Whether topmost or lowest, wealth is not the measure

The rich, like the poor, will always be with us, some good and some of them not

Beware of becoming like the cracked sooted kettle who scorns the holed black pot.

I fly in your planes, purchase your merchandise... 

The gregarious rich

The greedy rich

The philanthropic rich

The philandering rich

The inventive rich

The indolent rich

The eccentric rich

The repugnant rich*

The exotic rich

















Mr Creosote, indignant, talks to the government, "your laws have lost me my profits"

"We're terribly sorry but don't you worry the taxpayer will fill up your pockets

We'll put on a charade, a grand jamboree, barristers, lawyers, a judge"

Fracking and drilling, burning and spilling, Mother Nature you poison with sludge

Compensation to slave-owners we've barely paid off, this debt will last us a century

All hail ye, rich, fat and greedy, pipelines plugged into the Treasury?

When the Newsagent closes we turn up our noses, bankruptcy profits the accountant

Loss of business, home, friends and family, ordinary people are quite unimportant.

the treasury pays accountants in bankruptcy  

how often would it be cheaper to settle the debts?  





Worthy administrators in Local Council Chambers pass to and fro The Application

Scrutinsed and questioned by consultants and experts, each figure undergoes examination

"Five hundred pounds is an awful lot of money, are we right to grant such a favour?"

"Rules and regulations, red tape and procedure, we may need to invoke a waiver."

Conclusion at last, the stamp of approval, by ninety three pounds twelve pence reduced

Celebrate our decision, congratulate our systems, none of us can ever be traduced*

A cabinet of paper, folders of contracts, expense sheets requested and filled

"Did we count up the cost of our diligent endeavours?" (Two thousand and more we were billed.)

The Leasehold Valuation Tribunal rules that the £9,000 fees be reduced to £6,000 but
the charges for their ruling exceed £100,000*





Ford makes cars, Tetley brings us tea, banks bore mineshafts of debt

Phantom money, trapeze-artist economy, without any safety net

Karl Marx was right, he predicted the future, it happened just as he said

Genghis Khan recognised the dangers, we’ve lost our money-sense head

A billion lines of complex code make up a financier's product

A penny in the pound is all we have left, thanks to their unchecked conduct

If everybody knows our financial charade I may as well shrug it all off

Mind my own business, watch my step, see what Karma does to The Toff.





Depth-charged economy undermined by ingenuity impossible to control or stop

Let Her Majesty's Treasury be a cash-only bank therein every wage to drop

Neither cheque-book nor debits, overdaft nor loans, just transfer or draw by card

Easy management cuts debt and stress, why must we let ’em make our lives so hard?

Ordinary people have quite enough trouble without financial administration

Ease our burdens, fast-cash transactions, remove the hassles of complication

Voluntary tax payable in malls, certificates of gratitude in foil and gilt

Vending machines for each department, satisfaction when we see what we've built.








The Great have gone, the weak are here, clamorous wilful and dim

Selfish desire overrides wise direction, receptivity blocked out by whim

Manipulative cartel, product placement advertising, promotion and competitive greed

Shouting and barking, accusation and correction, yet fail to fulfil basic need

Naked Emperors prance the stage, in sycophants’ limelight they bask

Ignorant of crime, negligence and waste, “LOOK” as we peel off the mask

Who is to blame? How do we decide? The Perfect Leader is hard to make

Systems and customs? “Kill To Be King”, the worst of the worst cut up The Cake.

The leader's face evokes, “Straightjacket!”








A new kind of kid arrives on the block

Eight bells out the Institutions to knock

How about something that's always been there?

The Muddle-Head "I don't know" "it's all in the air"?

Foggies, Fuzzies, peer at the blur

‘Today I try my best, tomorrow I may err’

Decisive action needs clarity of vision

Leadership shuns scrutineer’s hesitation.

Muddle on Monday, wise on Wednesday, Saturday? Totally stupid










Who's to say what is “RIGHT” or what is, “WICKED”, why is it we punish or reward?

Revel in the success of family members, fallen strangers gleefully abhorred

The Thumb and the Pinkie went to war, fingers and hand were bloodied

Distant Head calls the Nurse, “Imagine if Diplomacy I’d studied”

Fudge and smudge, woolly minded and doubting, mundane everyday entombment

Zig-zag to the Here-And-Now, Heart-Truth whispers and Nature attunement

The woman told the man, in her pinstripe suit, “get in touch with your feminine side”

The man took heed, appraised her attire, with a smile, “same to you, Ms,”* he replied.

Sacred Feminine, sacred only when feminine  








Engastrated* camel takes longer to roast than a leg of pork or lamb

Ginger snaps, bread, a celebratory cake, each varies according to gramme

Human beings are neither flour nor meat (though some may seem a bit dull)

Computer and machine we can (more or less) control but what's that inside the skull?

Pandora’s Box* (the legend explains) released once well restrained forces

Insult, command, condemnation and complaint can push us down inexplicable courses

“The Deed Was Done,” the Courts intone, “your name we publicly damn”

“Cure” “Improvement” utterly irrelevant, arbitrary sentence a flam*.







In the eyes of the law each one of us is equal, before Allah, God, Jehovah too

Magistrate or soldier, Lord Chancellor or policeman, you kidnap me or I kidnap you?

“Our reasons are valid, we serve a higher cause,” by 'equal' is my purpose not the same?

Children or adults, our affairs no less important, it’s simply we play a different game

Criminal Record, cruel indulgent punishment, state might to wound and confine

Explain what is, 'WRONG', my actions or yours, when gowned & wig’d, 'tis fine?

The Will of Heaven long ago decreed, ten laws in stone made clear

Dismissed by rulers of every land, despite cherished for thousan’ o’ year’.





“Another’s name thou shalt not shame” is supposedly a revered Commandment

Degrade, humiliate, crush and destroy, a slip and you’re marked out for banishment

Poltergeists, phantoms, invisible familiars surround us, all times, unseen

Exorcise one, in jumps another, as toxic a potion as a drink of xylene*

Black demon’s tendons reach into the abdomen firmly to secure with hooks

Down shoulder and arm, through back and bones, just as described in old books

Rip and crack, squeak bubble and pop, in stages the demon is evicted

The innocent human who suffers as host - seized and criminally convicted.

The hyper-sensitive child is more vulnerable than the vigorous and strong.  












Swap our rings and say fine words but come "The Crash" we're thrown to the courts

Purple gowns, incense and crowns, a "Saviour" who drops us in torts*?

Is it time Mother Church yanked her thumb from her bum and revived the goal of Christianity?

Buy up the prisons, no longer "convicts", conscript them into "Convent" and "Monastery"

Treat them well in their "Hermit's Cell", revitalise how they think and behave

Recognise the streak which makes some of us fall, alter beliefs that twist and enslave

Are the great estates that govern our society made of "us" or some other being?

Skewed communication between individual and nation flips knowledge into projected phantasying.










soldiers eat babies WW1 posters







French and Brit against German and Turk wage a bloody Great War

Weapons down, uncomfortable peace, travellers meet up as before

Enemy soldiers civilian attired swap stories around the old table

“Destroy This Mad Brute!” wartime posters, 'Friend' has become the new label

People are good yet relationships go wrong, ugliness disrupts common beauty

International guests from campfire sing-alongs plunge bayonets in the name of 'Duty!'

War is justified, killing, "Correct!" when sanctioned by the Might Of State

Spouses entangled in a wrong-footed marriage? Parliaments befuddled in debate.

The charming young man who sings in the choir was seduced by That Evil Seasoned Harlot  

The boisterous knave who drinks with his mates ravished our sweet innocent Charlotte  





Tsarina divine widowed Ivan the benign henceforth he became known as “The Terrible”

His inconsolable rage roared for an age, frightened populations rendered skeletal

He murdered his son and finally broke down, forgiveness he prayed and was blessed

His miserable tale repeats on all levels, it needs to be seen and addressed

Through love can a monster be redeemed as a man, wild passion, a mild man made a monster

Straightjackets and jails, crucifix and gallows, no more a cure than Tincture Of Lobster

Molfars* and seers, psychics and peers, social workers, psychiatrists and priests

Like a limb wrenched in war, separation’s too sore, regardless how awful the “beasts”.

Was forgiveness invented by Christ and his
teachers, or is it rather, our idea of
punishment is the latecomer?





By empty platform slides the locomotive, no sign of her do I see

Settle into seat, through window gaze, descend the dark myzeurie*

Struggle to rise, rational reason, no need to be so down

Hopeless efforts, insurmountable tomb, as in a whirlpool, I drown

The train draws in, I step out the door, there, she stands and smiles

A passion flower I pick, all is well, through innocence and charm she beguiles

Reach out to touch, back she springs, who’s in control, she or I?

Electro-chemical magnetic resonance, as easy to comprehend as the last digit of Pi.

Love, loss, expectation and hope    
do more than merely paint my world






The voyage I wend within myself navigates between perils unseen

Quicksand, desert, glacier and swamp, the ledge by the bottomless ravine

The “Secret Enemy” sabotages, destroys, consequences unexpected (or obscene)

The heart attunes to mind, spirit, body, ultimately, to Heaven supreme

“Know Thyself” not so easy, crisis brings out the worst

Buoyed up upon a silver spoon or crushed, humiliated and cursed

From glamorous queen to “despicable wretch” celebrity to “hospital nutter”

The Winds Of Fate blow high and low, lift from or hurl into nadir’s gutter.

"Normal": psychiatric & criminal records
outnumber university degrees






Elderly landlady, train driver, minder, conceal great battles within

Squadrons of aircraft, a fleet of ships, to them a thunderous din

Memories to the left of them, anguish to the right, each day yet another defeat

A brief respite in a beautiful garden? Nowhere can provide that Retreat

Childhood dreams reduced to rubble by bombs of self-condemnation

Teenage ideals shelled into nonsense by battleships of self-accusation

The once vivid life-plan shredded and torn by forces from the world all around

By the time realisation has reshaped the midden one's resources have long run aground.

Now-Here the only “Retreat”?       







Into my tar-pool of paranoid recriminations I draw down the Star of Al3Th6Ar3Po8*

The amassing of fault, failure and sin - part of a process we must all undergo?

Locked inside a self-evident conclusion* I know must, nevertheless, be wrong*

Gauntlets of hatred, to withstand this pressure, each moment, I need to be strong

The superior man shines his spirit, sweet and nice, he is friendly and kind

Actively he seeks out those who annoy, they test his mettle, grow heart and mind

That’s all very well, I am no sage (detractors and friends mock in derision)

“May heaven’s goodwill bless your path, guide your hand, illuminate decision”.*

Conclusions and judgements belie context and source

(Is that a conclusion?)








I rant at your errors but what of my own?

Rare are the moments they applauded my tone

In shame I wince at over-reaction and wrong

My next challenge I'll greet with rage? Or, sweet song?

Adversity a catalyst for our worst or the best

Flattened by knocks, swollen up by success

A dignified visage amidst slander and humiliation

A single green shoot in the junkyard of damnation?

Oh to be able to see the wrongs of the world and yet, nevertheless, be at peace.





Humpty Dumpty sat on his wall

Happy big smile till his love’s loss fall

Broken and scattered he littered the deck

Horses and Men cried, “Oh! What the heck”

Along came his Queen with her fine white hands

Mended his pieces, rejoice swept the lands

She made up a yolk, she re-made his white

Cheery Ol’ Dumpty thus ended his plight.*

Humpty Dumpty can be a man, woman, girl, boy, rich, poor, any age, culture or background.






The battle with the Self is easily won

Fly from the roof (splat), there, ’tis done

’Ang on a mo’, there’s something I forgot

“Win-A-Better-Life” ya daft ol’ clot

That, my foe, is harder to achieve

Change my state? Impossible to conceive

Not only do thoughts and habits imprison

Expression is crushed by critic’s attrition.

(My enemy is my catalyst for self-mastery and change? No?)





Like a gyroscope that spins on a tightrope thread I'm connected to my Self and Intent

A sudden gust from the great out there too easily heralds descent

The bottle that's shaken, the packet spilt, the best year of my life was when a child

Teenage exuberance belied fake imitation, thereafter pay the price of the beguiled

When I thought I was weak and less than others in fact I was myself and strong

When I thought I was right, the same as everyone else, I see, in dismay, I was wrong

Reconnect the slender silver thread, revitalise those chakras that spin

A lifetime's struggle to 'Strike The Right Note', benign through thick and thin.

(I might have been a crackpot but at least I had fun and friends)









Awake with the mind of a new born babe, by nightfall, a world rediscovered

Categories and labels, congealed opinions, through effort stale prejudice uncovered

To withstand the force of shocking truth build first a ground of innocence

To err is human, examine mistakes*, forge, with courage, sound confidence

A drink and a cigarette, suicide and debt, life is arrayed with duets

Haughty nobles “refined” and “benign” their heads a-ringin’ with toxic 'tourettes*'

Individuals are - individual, institutions blameworthy, governments (and ideologies?) worst of all

Dark dealing diplomats or multinational CEOs, should the buck make its way to the Royals of Pall Mall?





Who are they who are the “Too Many”? We need to have them killed

Names, please, could it be you? Return the form duly filled

Measurements, analysis, our world is full, the evidence is indisputable

Prevention, curtailment, stop the growth, the alternative is indescribable

Every year, people disappear, who actually knows where they go?

A higher plane, the oldest secret? Through silence, can each of us know?

Preposterous, demented, senile, deranged, “Contraceptives in our water”

The problem they strive so hard to resolve has cost us our son and grand-daughter.

Q: To make a noticeable difference, how many people must we erase?  

A: To gain more than a century, more than five billion  

If we could stop poachers and polluters, why, surety then we could have as many people as we like?






The Perfect City, can it exist? Loan-free abundance, community and purpose

Somewhere to live, a sense of belonging, protection from relentless, “Spend & Purchase”

Concrete, glass, asphalt and steel, wet or dry, always the same

Asphalt, concrete, steel and glass, dry or wet, always the same

Buses and trains, taxis and planes, bicycles, cars, monotonous contiguity*

Street lights, sirens, sewerage and pipes, a miracle of collaborative ingenuity

Night sky stars, phases of the moon, the orbits of planets from our streets unseen

Hedgehogs and hares, badgers and bears remembered by photos in the glossy magazine.


Advertise! Advertise!

Buy! Buy! Buy!

(spot the missing advertisements)















Robots in our rooms, skies filled with drones, driverless cars to clog roads and lanes

Sparkle-eyed children emerge in a world where the scarcest commodity is live human brains

To ask a question I pick up the phone, an automated recording barks, “read website screen”

Exasperation, tech-rage, rant and fume, will it soon be impossible to induce a human to intervene?

Decisions that disrupt the fabric of our lives made not by Homo Sapiens but electronic devices

Autonomous Block Chains self-replicate and analyse to modify behaviours and life’s critical prices

Orchestras of birdsong? An occasional squeak; alarms and car-horns pierce sensitive ears

Air brakes and percolators, drills, engines and jack hammers, would we be happier with mud-thatch and spears?


Advertise! Advertise!

Promotions harangue the eye











In 'Suicide Cities' with streets of tears the blood runs cold from despair

New born babies, a million a week, more than mere “Welcome” we must prepare

Flee the crowded ancient lands where growth is unsupportable

Why go to Mars when our deserts lie empty? The sea by sun’s heat can be potable

Afloat on the ocean lie islands of waste, net 'em and ring 'em with liners

Discarded vessels lashed together, before long we’ll attract wealthy diners.

Design a metropolis, replicate through sales,  “H.E.O.N.O.S.”  may provide us the cure

Have Everything, Own Nothing: Organise & Share, could such a proposal be a strong enough lure?


Advertise! Advertise!

Need! Need! Need!





Youthful protest led by singers, record sales rewarded them well

Where are they now, whence their vision? Could we ask, "Why'd you lead us to Hell"?

Fiery lyrics inspired the millions, did their money buy nowt but self-indulgence?

The 'People's Champion' who stirred armed reactions, did Mammon then devour that effulgence?

Those who prance, sing, preach and dance upon our world's stage and screen

They scoop accolades, shop and feud, do they forget what they felt as a teen?

How does it work, what is the truth, were we them would we be the same?

Are we alone, in a complex world, tasked solely with winning, 'my-own-selfish-game'?


Advertise! Advertise!

Greed! Greed! Greed!






Fast easy cash, “Income For All”, we can do what we like but whence hails the will?

Operatic bin collectors, sing-along bus journeys, a flower box to adorn every sill?

Over-stocked supermarkets joust for position, the once-prosperous populate beggardom

Nouveau-Riche squeeze past in SUVs proud of their indulgent rascaldom

Ten thousand I pass in the bustling street, none do I ken nor deeply see

Their eyes, clothes and faces hint of tales, I know them not (nor they of me)

Together yet apart we thrive or “get by”, evolutionary miracle or by higher design?

Pastures, villages, countryside paths? Essential conurbations resolve but confine.


Advertise! Advertise!

What If I don't?






Power-crazed tyrant a foxhole-trapped rabbit frightened by those he must rule

Wealth of his nation stolen and hidden, his reputation, in lights, is "Cruel!"

Rulership's duty is structure and fairness, facilitate, organise: Lead!

Incompetent, ignorant, vain-glory power, decisions driven by greed

Exploited resources, floodgates of treasure, workers in shanty-town poverty

The blithering idiot fails to see the glory of nationwide sufficiency

Judgement Day arrives for each one of us, how humiliating his inescapable embarrassment

The price of failure on such a scale? Exploding soul? Lucky to be dealt mere banishment.

When governments stop being at war with their people the people will stop fighting back

The tyrant’s soul, lost in the Oort Cloud, every few minutes by a rock is struck


Advertise! Advertise!

Ignored if I won't.






"Welcome to the machine, tuppence ha'penny an hour, from dawn till into the night"

Many mouths to feed, bills to pay, employers disintersted in plight

Ping-pong politicians bounce the table between Money, Media, People and Law

Free Market Forces crush luxury's prices while housing and essentials soar

By the end of the month not a penny to spend, the non-involved took the lot

Whose idea is this? Deliberate design? Or a happenstance that never had a plot?

Why can't we think? Does nobody care? Whenever will the powers learn to see?

A sham democracy, self-centered vanity, many millions locked in slave-r-y.

What's the sense in voting for an 'opposition'? Everyone elected must surely be equal.

Why does HM Treasury alleviate the salary burden through 'Benefits'? Why not reduce essential costs?





Why is it that the needs of the greedy

Must outweigh the rights of the needy?

How much of our well-earned money

Buys indolent rich their honey?

The landlord gets more than the tenant

The jobless despised as "impertinent!"

Our tummies and beds are the same

Impoverishment neither a joke nor a game.





What is the difference between pursue an objective and chase a passing whim?

How long does it take to ride a bike or master the long-distance swim?

What is the difference between hailed as "Genius!" or sectioned as, "Insane"?

What does it take to drive a car or be licenced to fly a new plane?

What does it take to build a yacht or replace a worn-out hip?

How long before you’re a concert pianist or asked to captain a ship?

What does it take to climb Mount Everest or repair a broken steeple?

What does it take to run the country or know how to lead the people?

Our politics: like asking that the bridge be built by bakers.





If money and literacy were removed

Would our lives be worsened or improved?

If "filing cabinet" housing were made Communities

Would we see happiness or organised mutinies?

Why do wild animals leave hardly a skeleton

Do they escape like a freed-up electron?

If it is true Mother Earth is alive

Does she play games, tell jokes and skive?





R A I L     A G A I N S T     T H E     I N D U S T R I A L     C O M P L E X      

RAIL   AGAINST   THE   INDUSTRIAL   COMPLEX” - “How will you get here?” “Simple, I’ll swim it”

Ring ring, “come to visit” two days later, on the other side of the planet

Instant global inter-communication, shop and travel at the touch of a button

Mobile phones in beggar’s hands, an impoverished invalid as fat as a glutton

SCUBA dive, parachute, surf and bobsleigh, F1, Rallies and Powerboat Races

Quick and easy musical composition, slick Home Movies put smiles on family faces

Spectacular architecture, oil paints and pigments, new kinds of photographic enhancement

Cinemas, theatres, IMAX and stadia, miracles of technological and social advancement.



Let’s go back to the good old days when everyone was always at war

Let’s bring back the Golden Years when Winter brought famine to the door

“Destroy The State!” “Bring down The Establishment!” Shut down the world’s electricity

Get rid of money and close all the shops, blow up every university

Nostalgia for hunters, gatherers and marauders, let us each build a hovel or shack

Abolish our doctors and hospitals, put our health in the hands of the quack

Complication, corruption, frustration and disorder but what’s the alternative you suggest?

Appreciation, respect, duty and gratitude? Is it not more fun to complain and protest?



horizontal animated bar







England has raised her anchors and sails, she’s awa’ tae a gran’ new place

Scotland has bought many thousan’ ae rockets, we’ll heave oorsel’s aff intae space

Jibe at the Germans, f**t at the French, Danes and Dutch be dammed

We dinnae need none o’ yous, we’re better aff wi’out a’ you, our li’l ol’ island is crammed

From out o’ the glacier the "Iceman" rose, he revealed an interesting tale

Since earliest times we’ve criss-crossed our lands, oft in the name of a sale

“I’ll join you for dinner” “fetch your children” without making first an agreement

Does that sound fair? Do you know what to expect? Understanding brings surely ennoblement

“J’aime La France,” “Deutschland ist schön,” “L’Italia e molto belissimo”

Am I truly to believe my future and yours is nowt but roulette in a casino?

Time to bring in the mercenaries?  


what is the point of britain?


What is the point of Britain - corruption and greed?




America welcomes us with open arms, the Russians could eat us for breakfast

Warmongers eagerly buy up our arms, India is poised to jump fast

Once upon a time knights rode the realms, peasants fought beside them to conquer

Our world today is a fragile web, a mistake and we all drown together

The Super Rich may think they are safe, "It's a game and a sport to exploit"

When a nation's professionals are stripped of their homes who knows where their daggers will point

D-Day won us our last great crisis, years of preparation and a jolly big surprise

We (just) won the war, but look what followed? It's the 'Other Side' who today holds 'The Prize'.

Churchill gave America her ’50s boom 

BREXIT New Agreements


British Isles with flags GIF



Mountains and coastlines, cities and forests, whaddya mean, "we'll sever all ties"?

"We'll break from Europe without a plan!" Does that sound to you clever or wise?

A 'Hidden Agenda'? Secret agreement? Is the truth that our leaders are stuck?

Or "Mushroom Management" that established tradition, "keep 'em in the dark 'n' chuck in some muck"?

"NEW AGREEMENTS" the time is ripe, the "Union of Crowns" and the EEC

1707, 1971, wars and revolutions, can nobody see?

A vision for society, new structures and strength? No chance of that, if the Dark Hand rules

Industrialisation: a weapon of exploitation? Is "Utopia" nowt but a fantasy for fools?

Thatcher used our oil money to give Malaysia her "Economic Miracle" 

BREXIT That's All It Is





"Bye Bye Europe" the people have spoken, pipers and drums lead us into the mist

Cannon, claymor, florin and groat, Trafalgar and Charlie - now history's new twist?

Raise the draw-bridge, portcullis the tunnel, re-invent parliament, banking and trade?

Seize our chance to start afresh, before long "those foreigners" will beg us for aid?

Scour the world, examine the books, our brand new land many nations will enrich

United States, hundreds of countries, they'll flock to our isles to learn from our switch

England "The Capital" for the study of language, Ireland for literature, diplomacy and negotiation

Wales the heart for all the world's music, Scotland The Centre for Quality And Evaluation.

"Don't get angry, don't get even, just get better." 

BREXIT New Agreements New United Kingdom, Europe and the rest of the world



crumbling Britain, broken Britain, rip-off Britain, bankrupt Britain, brothel Britain, American Britain?



Postscript 2021:

It’s Boris’ Cabinet Meeting, bring champagne! Whiskey! Gin!

Agenda: get yersel’ sozzled, see the PM’s mischievous grin

It’s an ordinary workaday event, how dare you say anything’s amiss

What better way to seal an agreement than to give your colleagues a kiss

Bring along your lovers and mistresses, your dogs are welcome too

Cheers to a snog and a cuddle, wink wink at the bathroom queue

Overwear, underwear, blouses and trousers, the cleaners’ll pick it all up

We’re dancing outside in the sunshine to celebrate our ’66 World Cup

is his successor worse?    
Yes! Liz Truss: “I fought the orthodoxy and the orthodoxy won”  

    Westminster must surely be the only government in global history to have, in effect, imposed sanctions against her own country.




horizontal animated bar






Childhood dreams, fairytale endings, a once beautiful vision in tatters

Petty-minded, irate ego, enraged over the tiniest of matters

“Drunkards, smack-heads, telly addicts, useless incompetent slobs”

“Lousy sandwiches” “not enough sugar” “your place is with ovens and hobs”

Toothpaste caps dropped, toilet seats raised, last night’s plate unwashed

Torrential verbigeration*, “Divorce! Divorce!” the whimsical marriage is crushed

“If I’d murdered you instead of married you by now I’d’ve been let out of jail”

Charming children? Whispered sweet nothings? Blue lights flash as sirens wail.








The saint of a husband who cooks and cleans discarded on a whim

The brutish rogue who can never be owned keeps her hanging in

Who understands, who can see, what are the forces at work?

Dilligent slave, cuckold old colonel, a happily married ‘jerk’

Does it actually matter? Must we live together? Do descriptions befuddle our clarity?

Aspiration, anxiety, essential needs, whose version do we accept as 'Normality'?

"Our world is nothing like what we think it is" the key to knowledge is confusion?

Transcend the emotions that wrangle within, vanquish the phantoms of delusion.





You make me drink and smoke strong stuff, you keep me awake throughout the night

You make me talk you make me shout, you make me rage and pick a fight

You make me laugh with scorn and ire, you make me boast and jeer

You make me drool with lustful desire, you make me letch and leer

You make me feel dull and bored with life, you undermine my motivation

You make me frightened I hide away, you are the author of my situation

You make me bitter and shrink in self-doubt, you make me feel unclean

Hurry up! Hurry up! You must change your behaviour that I may feel serene.*





"Hell hath no fury as a woman scorned" gentlemen remain calm and polite?

"I will take such revenge, like a dog, you will be sorry" he rants without respite*

What is at work? Ego and emotion? An invisible, inner complexity?

Is there a cure? Are you immune? Do you know you won't hit such a perplexity?

Abdomens, nerve endings, organs and muscles, our bodies we dissect to heal

Behaviours and outbursts, foul language, neglect, to learn, must we swim the surreal?

Upon your desk I splatter this mess, you, I am sure, know more than I

Imagine a world where such conflicts are understood, together, how hard can we try?







With HER I feel a saint and a champion, but hEr? I’m a “Stupid Great Prat”

With Her I’m “Cheesy Mister Nice”, but heR - pimp, wittol* and Rat

When I’m with (him!) I am a prostitute and a tart, but with hIm, a “Damsel In Distress”

When I’m with Him I’m a wife and a mother; with hiM, an imprisoned princess

Game or charade it is not, it’s as real as any profession or role

Chemistry's work, mysterious, unfathomable, but is it beyond our control?

“Love At First Sight” celebrated in song but what of 'Superior' versus contempt?

Context, custom, compulsive desire, I dare you an explanation to attempt.





I had everything except a wife

When “wife!” walked into my life

The moment we had our first kiss

Marriage I was told to dismiss

“Liberation” is the name of the game

Media’s mantra proclaims the same

‘However will I get over this dream?’

Outcome: the interminable scream

Every hour, in my head, the ‘Ding-Dong’

Decades to recapture ‘Our Song’.

Archangel Michael and the Spirit Of Truth

Disentangle the thoughts that’ve plagued me since youth





I thought we would marry in 1979, ’82, ’91, ’94

In 1998 I packed up my bag and journeyed almost right to her door

My throat was tight, it just wasn’t right, at least I can say that I tried

Wedding and baby, not a pretence? I cannot believe how I’ve cried

"You’re the man of my life." "There’s nobody else." While she waits she’s having girls’ fun

For over a year I saw her in the sky, her face a radiant sun

Tears, divination, omens and dreams, a plague of doubt and contradiction

Misanthropic posters, magazines and campaigns, what or who exorcised appreciation?







Super salaried educated professionals prescribe under-age girls the pill

Barely a teen, she’s ever so keen to try out her exciting new thrill

Her guiding principles accepted by blokes who invest their trust in her wisdom

They surrender old notions, leap into the haze to bounce on the quilt of her Queendom

Lost on the outside, looking for the inside “you’re the Great Party I miss”

‘I don’t know anything, I know nothing at all’, isolation ends with a kiss

Brave New World of shiny bare skin, bums, boobies and dripping wet legs

Fondle, fumble, tickle and tumble, lick a bit suck a bit, slide up to her eggs.

Many a girl has dragged a bloke into bed and tormented herself ever after





“I stuck my hand up her skirt!” “I grabbed a hold of her tit!” “Pah! She dived into my bed.”

Hypnotised, demonised, competitive imitators, flee if there’s a hint, 'we’ll wed'

“Sell me yer panties” “Show us yer mooblies” “Go gi’e me a jolly wee shag, hen”

Wandering Hand Trouble, “I’m an expert on bras, the tickly nipple inside, ye ken”

“Fallopian tubes are my singular speciality, look, I’ve a ten inch tongue!”

“I breathe through my ears, keep awake for years, I promise I’ll forever be young”

“You are my darling, my sweet cherished beloved, till time doth end I’m your stud”

Swindlers, liars, rascals and cheats, promises burst when dropped with a thud.

Four hours a night webcam moobly wobbler  











“Nights In White Satin” (M.B.*) “Oh how I love you”, “Go f**k yourself” her surprise retort

Human nature is pure, individuals are innocent, what causes the spirit to distort?

Misunderstanding, imitation, the 'False Self' asserts but in truth it does not know

Impulse, addiction, obsessive fixation, what torture little people undergo

Rattlin’ the box of chattering brains the answers we never shall find

They’re deeply concealed in our innermost being in the pool of the soundless mind

‘Regardless of whatever you may think, say or do I shall always be there as a close friend for you’

I looked, I found, “All The Girls In The World,” a “leg-over union*.” - and relentless hullabaloo.

Chivalry exists solely because a man cannot have a child










  For her it's impossible to know

  How "she-makes-me" either rant or glow

  A letter or a call from her

  Excited I'd shout or I'll purr

  Horrified by my own volatility

  Emotions fuel or block creativity

  A lifetime of invisible control

  Explain please, you, "Guru" d'you know it all?





Satan, Lucifer and Ahriman steal gladly our ragged old souls

We’re robbed of life’s vision by the commercial demands of ubiquitous Media’s goals

Strident youth’s confidence exploded to nihility by following that stream when young

A lonely lost Loon-A-Tik with no ladder to normality, nonsense blurts from the tongue

Her wedding announcement, like a brick through a window, crashed to the carpeted floor

The ultimate rejection, ”WOMEN - HATE - MEN” loss of the form all adore

Erupted resentment from fidelity spurned soils memories of “The Godly Princess”

Steadfast calm in the face of threat, in kindness view porn’s excess.





Bulging bags of condoms and abortions rammed in the municipal bin

Rich married prostitutes hook wealthy clients who turn out to be closest kin

“I bedded four guys and caught an infection” the young Women’s Libber complains

“No excuses! Use rubber protection” the wise Agony Aunt explains

Ideological infidelity “A Breakthrough For Women” see broadcasts where your sweetheart gets laid *

“Thou Shalt Not Object” no crime is committed (regardless of whether she is paid)

Should a man dare to raise a challenge the libidinal* is mightily annoyed

Woe betide him who shouts “Yes” and joins in, for He-Must-Be-Destroyed.

double damned, do or don't          











Eager to please, “I just like to f***” the compliant conformist quips

Yippee it’s free, lucky, lucky me ... until the dark side flips

“I was following you” the entangled lament, hearts and minds destroyed

Hospital wards, suicide morgues, bankrupt, criminalised, never employed

PSTD Post Sex (Success?) Traumatic Disorder oh 'twas fun at the time

Years, decades a lifetime later the romance bites back as a crime

Unconditional Love? 'Wrong sex, bad sex' invisible guides advise

'Twould appear our fear of over-population has proved to be fatally unwise.

Wine is strong, the king stronger, women stronger still *











“RAPIST” “WIFE BEATER” “SEX ABUSER” The New Government posters blare

“No man has the right ...” (to clear his name) cry those who want men to play fair

The Female Eunuchs (Medusas) arrogantly condemn the “Chauvinists” they 'batter' to displace*

The Spirit of Man is gloriously defeated, it’s the end of the human race

Envy’s 'equality' excludes conscription, hod-carriers and filthy mines

The crowded cabaret roars with laughter at the comedienne’s hilarious lines:

“I smashed my boyfriend’s balls with a hammer and cut off his penis for my tea” *

“A woman can jail her own husband for rape, ha ha! Ho ho! Hee hee!”

“The World Without Men will be full of fat, happy women”*







“Domestic” means violence, “Male” means evil, as for Woman “ADULT” need it be said?

The law decrees “consenting grown ups” may do as they fancy in bed

“What is the situation?” “Where will this lead?” Who acquiesces to who?

A fragmented heart tormented by emotions: Better Half’s boudoir has a queue

A political-religious behavioural doctrine incompatible with the human condition

Incompatible with itself as even the Fair hit the blackness of soulless perdition

Wealthy Lords in dusty wigs wrench the erred from home and community

Toffs and gentry join Swinger’s Clubs to Swap ‘N’ Shop with impunity.

When he visits a prostitute, does he buy rape?








When a man can say “I have lots of children, all of them conceived by others”

Identify the ideology, the impersonal foe, individuals are sisters and brothers

The Devil surprises, entices, advises, her-his orders presumed smart authority

Virtue, imposed as 'Righteous Morality', robs us of natural conformity

When grabbed by The Law and punished for crime The Devil has simply evaporated

Obey the diktats of Holier-Than-Thou our freedom’s ensnared and manipulated

Omens, dreams and the Natural Self steer and guide through turbulent noise

Companionship’s comfort distracts, deludes, hindsight highlights Deviant’s ploys.

I tell you to be good, you rebel and do the opposite, I tell you to rob and cheat, you obey and pass me the blame










"Learned Twaddle" is all well and good, there are numerous works on morality

"Words Of Wisdom" build theoretical structures scattered easily by the shock of reality

When one's 'Russian Dolls' erupt in confusion, pop out and run away

What can one do (you know there's no cure), what is there anyone can say?

How can they know I'm a broken destitute unless I say it is so?

Mute the babble, shoulder the embarrassment, quite simply, "Don't Let Them Know"?

When the forces and powers that govern our lives abandon us in exasperated despair

Do we hope no one sees, shrug off our misfortune, fake, 'The Prosperous Debonaire'?













Her perfect boob revealed with allure, the laddies she aroused for a week

Some cry 'more' others shout 'stop', is she a leader, obeyer or weak?

Titillation, arousal, can I do the same? Not a lot can I show to fire up her brain

My power is as great as your desire, if I have what you want I can cause you pain

Not getting what we want is the first disappointment, the second is our desires fulfilled

How can I live without need or hope? Surely the objective is to be excited and thrilled?

A screen-gaze sloth, my machine does the work, what happened to dance and play?

An electric world of disembodied words, who - what - where the monster we must slay?

21st Century: humans willingly farmed by machines?








Middle aged “dumped” sneaks to the pub and huddles in the hope of a lay

Childhood 'Goddess' taunts with her Toy-Boy unaware it’s Reality, not Play

“It’s a woman’s prerogative to have many lovers” oh just the fun of a teen

Do I hear what I hear, do I see what I see? My darling is naked on screen

In a public house I write my notes, the film shows a beauty doing “Emancipation”

Mother, sister, daughter, wife? Upon kin is conferred excommunication

“Our men are away, we have our needs,” the, 'Married Women’s Club'* proclaims

Above the law, free as they please, 'we make the man' cite the dames*.

When did adultery become a need?    






“The best bit is we bonk the editors” smiles Topless from profitable Page Three

“A XwomanX PERSON must go from bed to bed”* says the professor indulged by TV

“We invent the bra” “We burn the bra” We, ”Get - The - Message - Across!”

(It takes nerves of steel to quell that rage and pretend to be not even cross)

A king may have a hundred wives, he loves them one and all

A prostitute has a thousand clients (and brags of her anonymous haul)*

“A woman’s right to choose” (snigger snigger) what does the subtext mean?

When the blame is moved from him to her it completely changes the scene.

Acquiescence, obedience, compliance, belief.  





“'Tis now the girls who shoulder the world”* triumphant celebrities boast

When the fun goes wrong the laddie must fall, he is incarcerated the most

Salaried wives, bank loans for babies, “let them buy their own upbringing”

The love-lorn Dad tossed like a rag never ends his downward spinning

Destiny conspires to thwart our desires, expectation packs awesome force

Stress, anxiety, heightened insecurity, “he wins the marriage, she the divorce”

“A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle”*, behind her success is herself

His balls in her drawer, the male erased * society, unnoticed, he’s swept from the shelf.

T'is a lucky man is kept in a shed *  








“Women are extinct” the author is hailed but it’s “men” must be deleted

The gents concede “we’re terribly wrong” (blackmailed with guilt, we’re defeated)

Blocked exhaust bursts the engine, a potato shoved up it for fun

Absent prefix awaiting discovery, until it is found, he is, ‘none’

Natural forces ignore social mores, yet there are reasons behind every name

Descriptors and titles, “Tradesman”, “Salesman”, “wombless-entity” is not quite the same

Shout at the world with fury from the rooftops, apoplectic blood-vessels aglow

In the final analysis Conjecture and Opinion converge to say, “I - DON’T - KNOW”?

The answer is something completely different and I don't know what it is.







Drag home a drunk, work him like a pump, in the morning, “You’re a rapist” they squeal

“Ooh La La it just sort of happened” does nobody ask how he might feel?

My “Free The Nipple” stripped-to-the-waist Mum strides into our school

Nowhere to hide, I walk by her side, cringe, embarrassed, “A Fool!”

I dread to think what if Dad did the same with his One-Eyed Trouser Snake

Is there no word for cosmic rapport, each moment the tone that we make?

Commitment scrapped, eradicated trust, twisted society (and lives)

The brothels of tomorrow stock virile gigolos to serve divorcees (and wives?).

The answer is somethin' compledelly differen', canna’ guess, on’y discover.






“If men can sleep around then why can’t we?” her back-to-front logic decrees

I look in my cupboards, under the table, search on my hands and my knees

No one is there, I am all on my own*, with whom am I accused of being?

I made many a promise, lifelong commitment, what is it that I am not seeing?

Love without loyalty is no mere frivolity it ruptures the fabric of life

The rage of the betrayed ricochet as many a blade causing, in our cities, much strife

Her beautiful features wracked by grief, her inmost lament is too gory

Broken heart, mashed up mind, red ripped wrists tell her story.

The answer is somet'in compleeddelley diverend an' everybody knows except me.








Gloating broadcasters earn from our wrongs, cruel, just, wicked - or fun?*

Pimp, client, professional or validator, jail which, all? Or none?

“Toss your daughter a packet of condoms” Broadsheets educate mums

Wonderful logic, brilliant leadership, editors who can’t do the sums

Throughout human history society has hinged upon fidelity presumed

“Women’s Liberation” axes the axiom, two heralded words and we’re doomed

Lineage, family, home and motivation, love itself annulled

No spirit can flourish nor even survive in the vacuum of unspoken trust culled.

T'an'wer's wot, exaggedly?












I am a tourist, a tourist of Hell

Am I right in thinking you may be as well?

Burning flesh and broken bones

Hypothermic destitution, outstanding loans

Bankruptcy, humiliation, a, "victim!" enraged

Emotional turmoil, incoherent, deranged

Seven kinds of suicide, physical immobility

Nagging discomfort of constant irritability

The hell of stupidity, embroiled in crime

Heart’s desire never reached, run out of time.

"You," said the judge, "are insane."
"Aha," the plaintiff replied, "promotion!"





“Imagine waking up to the same man every morning” “I knew I could lead you by the nose”

My 'Other Half' the 'Extension of myself' what unfathomable mystery doth Heaven impose

“There’s nobody else” “You’re the only one” “I call them up and we f**k”

Numbed, stunned, tsunami words, yet, I am the author of such 'luck'?

Turn your back and walk away, accept that at times there’s no resolution

Crushing psyche, telepathic thoughts, bizarre horrendous interconnection

The mechanics of the universe, forces and strains, science ignores spiritual ties

The invisible energies beyond capacitors and rotors: disrupted agreements, confusion and lies.
















State declarations, “Safe Sex Use A Condom” warped? Or merely an absurdity?

“He asked, I complied”, “She taught, I obliged”, endorsed by media’s authority

“How wonderful our Princess should have another man’s baby, variety adds such spice”

If a man talked thus you would make a new law and jail the “Philanderer!” for vice

When all one’s loves are “New”, on the comic-book page it’s hilarious *

In practice it’s like living in a blender, cold reason (and survival) are precarious

My legs are in London, my head is in Hamburg, my arms are in Rotherham and Skye

As for Paris, don’t ask, I’m far too embarrassed (for *\SHE/* is the reason why).

This man bedded a thousand girls, after his only indiscretion that man is ruined.

For her: ditto?









I’ll shove my c**k up any old hole as long as she gives me the dosh

I’ll shove my c**k up any hole, pished or sober I’m never too posh *

   Childhood heart-throb, lost in the mob, smashed out his skull in a bordello

Once got together, had a bit of a snog, for both of us, quite frankly, it was awful

“Heaven Knows,” sometimes I wonder, are we truly guided by invisibles?

Stasis, habits, tedium and debt, d’ju really expect me to believe in them miracles?

“Happily Ever After” where went it wrong, blithering idiots spin gibberish yarns

Once it was clear then something intervened, those teenage years (and the wrong pair of arms?).





Aah what delights, a c**k up every orifice and tongues across my skin

Surrender, sacrifice, intoxicated hilarity, in ecstasy I shout and grin

Dance and drink what little they do, Pornocracy is the ultimate high *

But then it arrives, black rain, black sun and an ugly - big - black - eye

Everywhere I turn, the smokey hands of lecherous maltreating guys

Pavements, lampposts, traffic lights and bins, the cityscapes mock my cries

“I’ll slice his dick and grind his balls, I want to smash-in his face”

At night I lie and slit his throat, with an axe I destroy every trace.

“I suppose if you f*** enough blokes you're bound to pick up a few loonies.”  










“I love him” she hollers as she splits his skull, his insides spew on the ground

“You’re the love of my life” his last breath mumbles as his carcass is heaped on the mound

From a thousand miles her psychic attack reduced him to a functionless heap

Wait, let it pass, five '24-hour-years' later, emerge from foodless sleep

Write her a letter, read it back, tear it up, put it together - can’t

Write a letter, read it back... Silence, dark, sit, think - can’t

Go to the shop. Maybe not. Stand, sit. Stand, jacket, on, off.

Think, rise, maybe go, maybe not. Think. Wait - in the bottomless trough*.

You know things aren't great when to put on your jacket and
make it through your front door takes over two hours











One wrong thought, a single stupid idea

Through carnal knowledge taught, by a bedclothes mountaineer

What is this peculiar notion, buzzing, like a gnat, in my head?

Why is it that passion’s strong potion has left me wishing I were dead?

Surely, if this were “The Way”, we could always, forever, be friends?

Instead 'tis true what they say: the heartache (with grief) never ends

I know not if I am right or wrong, being punished or an innocent sufferer

I thought *I* was the one led along, but I’m told that I was the instigator.

“Latin Eggs”*       


My new girlfriend went off to her boyfriend (à la féministe)

I asked out a girl on the weekend

Can you believe we did no more than cuddle

On the Monday, woe! Had I trouble

It’s no joke that I shouldn’t be alive

By stubborn procrastination I survive

My head feels unutterably wrong

Corrective forces need to be strong

You know things aren't going too great when you realise your life is a dustbin full of broken glass



In the bed I see a him and a her

Did she agree? Or, did he concur?

What were the words that were spoken before?

Did one feel ashamed? Did either adore?

Sight is too easy to deceive

Truth often tricky to perceive

What scenarios are you able to enumerate?

Right vs Wrong? How are we to calculate?

The star is reputed to have shagged four thousand groupies
the rest of us commit four thousand suicides over one

(Ahem, four thousand groupies shagged the star)

(How many groupies shagged nobody else?)


“I cannot trust you because you are a man” a phrase too often heard

“I cannot work with him because he’s a man” bold, apt or absurd?

What if he were to say that of her? How then might she react?

Shrug her shoulders, smile with understanding, condemn ‘the pig’ as a pratt?

The question is “why?” What is at work, can you see, feel or know?

“Toxic Masculinity” “Men are like toilets” mud the misanthropists throw

Uncontrollable tears, tormented by fears, heart-mind whirlwinds collide

Wonderful Liberation vs Family of Man, the superiors (and all of us?) must decide.

You'll not find romance in a brothel









Who am I? I am as I am, that I am, or am I as you judge me to be?

Identity projected from strength within or your force that reshapes the “Me”?

“I Am A Lunatic!” “I Am A Fool!” “I am nothing but a worthless discard”

“I am divine, I reign supreme, my face belongs on your placard”

The essential self does no wrong, the imitator is our damnable outcast

You are magnificent, above reproach (regardless of behaviours or sick past?)

“THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GOOD AND EVIL” the hardest lesson to deglute*

Seamlessly align with Out There’s blueprint, that, surely, is beyond confute*.

I don't know anything, I know nothing at all, I'm alive, that is all.













A hundred million girls and boys dashed upon Heartache's Rocks*

Pregnant tummy invokes deep fear while he hides in bed (with the pox?)

Relationship breaks, “I” blame “The Other”, “You” take The Other's side

“I” blame myself, expose my faults, never will you a-join or take my side

Silent in public, scrutinise in private, a lifetime for a single lesson

In Victim's Shoes I squeal and accuse, in Prosecutor's Hat I'm Aggression

Twisted mouth, hatred eyes, words of poison, pitch, venom and lies

Euphoria inverted, flesh thrill a'thwarted, laugh-joy smashed to interminable cries.

Don't look in a dustbin and expect to find a honeycomb












  I am a man of hate which is not very great sadly it is my fate

  I hope that if I wait I shall change my state I fear it is too late

  The condition is innate repellent to any mate I’ll never get a date

  Unless I find some bait! But what about charming Kate whom I met when I was eight?

  She and I both loved to skate and play with chalk and slate, she talked in quite a spate

  Her torrent would not abate could she be why nerves grate as I curse with slouching gait

  Or squirt my zits on a plate? My “friends” are quite irate. They locked me in a crate

  And loaded me up as freight customs found me at the gate I immediately began to relate

  How I am a man of hate...*

If a feminist is as cherishable as a debt

And a prostitute has a price but no value

Is a woman worth eighty to a hundred and twenty men?

Is a man a utensil, worthless when broke?

“I divorced my husband because he was useless









A warm summer day down by the stream, tickly games to arouse and cheer

A fantasy prince who'll make you his queen, why a frog? Not a bunny or a deer?

Seduce a guy? Just say 'Hi' romp in the fields of mushroom delight

"Mills & Boon" pulped by the ton, old fashioned slop, new dreams excite

"Miss" and "Mrs" titles dismissed, disregard for their meaning, for him, and their purpose

Her babies carry her Daddy's name, fatherless trophies, "another smart purchase"

Squeal for "freedom" squeal for "marriage", tormented desires rip and tear*

Her "Feminine Side" has long ago gone, romance and love crushed by "La Guerre"

When she switches her endorsement to hostility
Is his life and purpose rendered void?





Why should I be 'Ladylike' why should I smile and be nice?

The world serves nowt but Sour Grape Soup, it’s wrecked me more than twice

Look at them with their Private Jets, hundreds of pounds for a meal

The only way I can get through the week is if I learn to cheat and steal

Slippery slimy two-faced men, the snivellers & grovellers are worse

Their screamin’ bastids blame me for their wrongs, truly, life is a curse

There is for me no more, 'Right Place', nowhere I naturally belong

Childhood was too painful and sore, ’twas 'The Future' I cherished in song.





The Medusa* Principle, a brilliant insight, as true today as when t'was written

Direct assault can only backfire, men are constrained to wear softest mitten

No man may explain her infidelity is a pain, neither distress nor upset may he express

Sirens Isle, waist deep in bones, pornography does more than undress

Authoritarian condemnation echoes through time, ignored by the frolics of bed

Skeletons of boys, or young girls too? Are not all of us equally misled?

“YOU ARE FANTASTIC” inside turns out, black becomes white, I find myself made into The Devil*

“Marriage” I write, “Insane” cries the world, (a Right versus Wrong way to revel?).

Medusa's “Snakes” - tact, allegory?    





Unimaginable world, just out of sight, accessible in the blink of an eye

Change of thought, reconfigure the will, see through the false-self lie

Muddled and blocked, discomfort and scars, attune to cosmic fun

Bodily knowledge, core of our being, connect with the heart of the sun

Perfect alignment, appropriate action, goody-goody naked exposure

Absolute silence, kundalini well-spring, vibrant controlled composure

Desire, acceptance, impose vs obey, tune the strings of expectation

How am I to know how to be, how to act, the 'right' of each situation?

Aye aye, the world's most embarrassing “me”?    






The lock I pick in my dingy cell

To freedom I leap, land, "splat!" In Hell

Scrape myself up from "Suicide!"'s floor

Drag my carcass through another door

“At last!” -- but I slip, it's the bottomless pit

Zombies and skeletons jeer, "greet the new git"

Childhood vision, heaven's promise ahead:

Crushed and exploded, here in life, I am dead.

You too?  


You know things aren't too great when
you sense the nihility of the bottomless ravine
and know you're just half a step from the brink





I presume to know the story of my life but discover, to my horror, I do not

Long lost friends re-emerge, unbidden, and tell me of events I’d forgot

Situations where (to me) it was clear I was the victim of hard and cruel persecution

Related, narrated or published in print describe ME as the “cri-mi-na-l insteetooshun”

Praise and glory, damnation and poverty, a long life twists and turns

The downside of an opposite is the upside of a clown when the tearful Montauk* yearns

Ancient history, learnedly explained, “solid facts” arrayed with certitude*

Bearded professors and young school teachers are obliged to present a firm attitude.








I scrape my finger, what a calamity, but how we laugh when you plunge to your doom

“I’m All Right, Jack” on top of the world, wreckage scars the trail to my bloom?

“To be kind, be strong” when 'Weak & Vain' seize the reign their cruelty is unwatchable

Gormless tyrants aboard “The Luciahriatan Express”* smile as to Tartaris* they hurtle unstoppable

The “Great Digestion” of our limitless universe squeezes, sucks and separates to purge

At the end of the turbulent Road Of Life, Fool, King, Devil and Alien merge

Drama and stories, adventures and glories, grist to the mill of History’s Tale

The good and the wicked, the proud and the crushed dissolve on the Ouroboros* tail.

(You need to be strong to be kind)   







The Hanging Magistrate of Yore

Ugly, twisted and a bore

What do you think happened to his soul?

Straight to Heaven? Or, turned to coal?

Is he with us again, reincarnated?

Vapourised to smoke having been incinerated?

A good Christian church-goer to be sure

Is hanging, truly, a wonderful cure?








If I want to be met with compassionate understanding I need surely to practice the same

“Criminal Justice” mercilessly destroys* as if 'twere an inconsequential game

Human misery amidst technical wizardry negates our “civilisation”

The key to future enduring happiness is perceptive realisation

Thieving, lying, dishonesty and crime have causes on many levels

Or could it be no more complicated or strange than bad old fashioned devils?

A kindless church (and judiciary) that lacks understanding is like a hospital without any medicine

A planned society, governed interactions, to evolve: invent, as per Edison.





“Come to our party” - fall in love; get the shove, whoosh-bang - black - care-wards seldom heal

Mind wipe, world swipe, whirlwind void eradication, the simplest event, unmanageable, surreal

Magnificent cathedrals carved and adorned, hated as “bumptious chauvinist aggrandisement”

Sensitive souls precariously balance, chaperones were introduced by thoughtful advisement

“The Love of my Life,” this time, it’s 'YES' - she greets, she turns, she leaves

Decades of adoration, unfettered admiration, dead like winter's leaves

The bombs rained down upon many a town, their suffering is beyond our imagination

Impersonal glass-walled concrete towers but for human inner breakage is there no medication?

How will I get through the next twenty minutes?
The same way I survived the last.





Step into his shoes, live with his Blues, squeal with protest, “it's tough”

Silent cemeteries store self-terminations, when will they have 'Battered' enough?

Ten thousand armoured teenage girls encamped around the City Of Troy

They’ll kill the women, spare the men, carry home their juicy 'Beau Boy'

Three, twelve*, twenty-seven to one*, the TOKAW* displace the males*

“Equal Opportunities Legislation Exempt” ideological coffin-lid nails

Mortar and brick make not a “Home,” purposeless, demotivated, a death-wait box

Angry old cuckolds march on Parliament, burn their underpants and unwashed socks.

The attitude of 'battering' is endless and irreversible* 







Express distress at better half's excess, dissent against Two-At-Once “Liberation”

Smile (you b*****d) as I twist your love and subject you to cruel manipulation

“New Man” is a dickhead, decision-free meat, his role is to comply without thought

“We love the power” the New Women chant, by whip and leash on his knees he’s taught

“Too Many Men Walk Free From Court” if innocent, we’ll attack another way

Destroy the man, destroy Mankind, our jilted Wittols must die to pay

What is a 'Pimp'? Who controls porn, where’s objectivity in this strange ideology?

The, “Oldest Profession” the world’s biggest industry, a complex, gripping pathology.

“Purveyors Of Rape Since Earliest Times”





Wrap the Fine in veils? “Lock the men up in crates” Succubus and Incubus* thwarted

Resist the Hungry Force, cherish each child, conception celebrated ne'er aborted

Euphoric encounter, mutual attraction, fly under the covers Sky High

Girl or young woman, is she to blame? If you earn from vice, “Bye Bye”

Unmarriagiable union, broken relationship, accept it was, “One Of Those Events”

Connect brains with hearts, read the situation, apply the cure that Heaven presents

“Children to raise takes the help of the village” city crowds, anonymous, ignore

Substitutes, “Benefits”, hand-outs and charity, love lost isolation, motherhood's a sore.





Two Shoes cartoons ONW Opens in New Window


Single Mumless-one spurts sprog after sprog each one of them popped into care

Snooty condemnation from hoity toity snobs yet is she not blessed in the eyes of 'Out There'?

Who is to say, to judge or condemn, was it “his fault”, “her choice”, or fated?

How can outsiders see the inner stories, was he the criminal or the innocent berated?

Those who are born, whence hail they here, do they push or wait till they're invited?

Invisible forces, the desire for life, did they trick her, catch her or make her excited?

Above all what she needs is strength and support, in her dynasty, who knows, the next 'Divine Saviour'?

Camp-fires and dance nights lost to the past, machine-driven devilries mock joyous human behaviour.

The family home, heart of society, transformed into a bottomless pit.







“Same! Same! All is same!” Ochlocratic* greed on the mindless path

“If you've nothing to hide, you've nothing to fear” (we'll televise your games in the bath)

Freedom of speech to cherish and value, listen for reason, brush aside The Gnat

“The Royals must earn the minimum wage, drive an old banger and live in a flat”

Behind the scenes tradition and knowledge, established, revered, esteemed and passed on*

(Behind closed doors the perverts reign free, unhealthy, misaligned, the abusive don)*

“Stupid deserves the same platform as Wise, the untrained may navigate our ship”

“Misogynist!”* shriek our screens, radios & books (Gas Men complain, “the Jews won't tip”).












Mindless pushed-around fanny-fodder pimp, D.I.Y. slave and A Stupid Great Git

“Do you boil your nipples after each knob or does the next bloke lick the last guy’s spit?”

One behavioural doctrine have The Superior Beings brought: Batter-Bonk-Betray (and Abort)*

Who should know better, the lesser or the greater? Fertility suppressed, the Sacred warped

“YOU COMMITTED A CRIME” “What am I to do about it?” “Stop and turn yourself round”

See the Jewel that you are, awaken the Sublime, kick out the crook and be crowned

The Road To Bliss is broken glass, fisticuff bruises, trauma and abuse

Arrival means ease, brightness and confidence, quick to make peace and celebrate truce.

Do the Sublime know no crime?





I wedge the door and put it on the snib for tonight I will be dead

My corpse they’ll find some bleak dismal morning stuck to the blood in my bed

Her thoughts move my wrists, 'He killed his wife!' Her mind manipulates the blade

I press the sharpness against my neck, ’twas in innocence in the beginning we played

The moment we met, long, long ago, I exclaimed to myself, 'my wife'

Dark solitary decades, a loner despised, our 'love' hits The End with a knife

I thought I had found, at last, my answer, the girl of perfection and bliss

Instead I am painted The Accursed Monster, condemned and hurled to the abyss

When a man’s reputation is slandered and blackened no one dare intervene

Every riddle, surely, must have an answer, in each wotchyacall’em, perceive the lost queen?

Who would believe I tried to propose but couldn't get a word in edgeways?



The last 'Goodbye'

Neither a wave nor a sigh

A letter, returned, unopened.

Cold, dead, impersonal

Where once so impressionable

Love (Lust?) turns to dust when reopened.

  ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~   ~  





The Prisons of Limbo

Banished, adrift, in the Prisons Of Limbo, no windows, walls nor a door

Escape is impossible, heart is darkness, in the head tortured tantrums roar

Like a boulder in space amidst faraway specks, communication an ephemeral touch

One wrong move, reach out for success, *\HER/* thoughts an invisible clutch

To the 'Great Out There' each one of us is transparent, our emotions, inner world, clear to see

'Mechanical meat', 'computer-head chatterbox' how wrong is our Urban Scree

Like rays from the stars we interconnect from afar, our vibrations harmonise or grate

Attune to the cosmos like an experienced musician Heaven's Key to turn in The Gate.

if the gate is in Limbo, just walk round.



Had I found the truth I seek

Were I strong instead of weak

In place of loss, had I won

Grief and rage dispersed by fun

A silent calm my inner norm

Deftly surf thought-waves’ storm

Who and where would I be?

Do you know? Can you see?

Twenty years to achieve "overnight success"

in a day, felled.





Condemn the behaviour, not the person.“

“Know the person, understand the behaviour.“

crime + science + judiciary + religion = event, explanation, innocence, cure?




The 7 Second Test

Can you smile

For seven seconds

While being struck,

Insulted and accused?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Criminal Justice System

Criminal Justice System


System Is Just Criminal?


Hand On Heart

Never in your life

Have you experienced strife

That changed how you felt

Made you 'burst' or 'melt'?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~




“The defendant, m'lud, is your daughter / son / mother / brother“

Criminal Justice System     Criminal Just is System     Criminal Is Just System     System Justice Criminal

or: am I wrong, again?

is it just underfunded?

(a single scrap of evidence and the outcome is reversed.)





Frankly, if some slob poked around with my young child I'd shout to bring back something a lot more serious than mere hanging.

"The judge commits more crime in a week than those he jails perpetrate in a lifetime." True or false?

(FALSE, sorry matey.)         



~ ~ ~ ~ ~


PIMP ~ Prostitution


TIMP ~ Tobacco


BIMP ~ Booze


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The prostitute's manager we call a 'pimp'

A promoter of tobacco might be a 'timp'

"Buy Our Booze" how about 'bimp'?

Marketeer of gambling? Surely a 'gimp'

A pusher of drugs could be a 'drimp'

Purveyors of pornography leaves us 'rimp'

When they 'big yins' make money vice is good

Teenagers 'rimped' are castigated "rude!"


A vast area of incredible complexity
awaits our scientific scrutiny

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


GIMP ~ Gambling


DRIMP ~ Drugs


RIMP ~ Pornography


~ ~ ~ ~ ~



I am a victim of addiction, I am a victim of my need

I am a victim of conviction, I am a victim of my creed

I am a victim of my boss, I am a victim of my pain

I am a victim of my loss, am I a victim of my brain?

I am a victim of your blame, I am a victim of your greed

I am a victim of your fear, am I a victim of your need?

I'm a victim of my destiny, I am a victim of fashion

I'm a victim of my hunger and a victim of our passion.

If you want to hear about the weaknesses of the legal system
befriend a retired judge, barrister or prison governor:

Good people who do their best.


Could it be said that our criminal justice system may be likened to giving a penknife to a girl-guide and ordering her to remove her grandmother’s tonsils?



The cardinal and the barrister checked into a brothel “It’s okay ’cos we obey the Madame”

Establishment icons, 'The Pillars Of Virtue', how’d they compare to the local madman?

Devoted wives, intelligent children, respect and honours they expect from their peers

Mechanics of behaviour, habits and beliefs, apparent to shamans, mystics and seers

Imprisonment, criminalisation, moral condemnation, consciences wracked by invisible fires

Invincibility conferred by status and power, dizzy heights see-saw into dirty desires

Professional obedience, suppressed rebellion, egos inflated by riches and praise

Ordinary people imitate the mirage, goaded and seduced they’re destroyed by The Craze.

Who should know better, the prince or the tart?

(you or I?)




proof of innocence

Unravel the Wrongs, Reveal the Innocence

(aye, right)

Closer to Christ in a doss-house than a cathedral



OK so what you're telling me is these two charmers should be given a slap on the wrist and a cosy course of counselling?


Myra Hindley and Ian Brady moors murderers notorious child killers

notorious child killers Myra Hindley and Ian Brady, the "Moors Murderers"


What we did was we removed these 'two charmers' from society and the staff treated them like the other prisoners. I don't think we found either a cause or a cure.

(Ian got addicted to Myra in an unhealthy way, she did't like it and got him a child substitute. They discovered that they enjoyed killing? No? No. OK.)

How long did it take to do our first heart-transplant? How much longer for hands?






We’ve a very good reason to smash down your door

There’s a very good reason to bomb a city in war

We’ve a very good reason to take your money for taxation

There’s a very good reason to inspect organs for donation

We’ve a very good reason to shout threat and accusation

There’s a very good reason to make you take our vaccination

We’ve a very good reason to impose our app on your phone

What’s the "good reason" to shoot a child with your drone?

see “Snowden” (2016) Edward Snowden, whistleblower




Plea bargains and favours, casinos and booze, videos that titillate and shock

The over-weight judge in fancy attire bellows at the wretch in the dock

Smuggling and break-ins, robberies and blackmail, every 'friend' on the wrong side of the fence

“Get a job!” - “I need a degree” and my benefits are cut to mere pence

Master of destiny? Choose my associates? Bent coppers give the best protection

Grass up your mates, turn-coat, betrayer, benign, “we'll reduce your detention”

How do they feel, these righteous enforcers, do they delight in imposing impeachment?

Witness relocation, falsified credentials; might the judge book psychiatric treatment?

(the magistrate tasked with meting out
130 convictions against the Skye Bridge
illegal-toll protestors had a breakdown)






The pope and 'don Juan', Mother Mary and 'St Perfect' gather to perform acts that are lewd

How do you feel, how do you react? You and I, we permit ourselves to be crude?

I shake your hand, explain my background, impress that I am holy and pure

Are you glad or shrink back? Offer a warm welcome? Or d'you wish that I'd fall in the sewer?

What is this stuff about 'Evil' and 'Good'? It is injury that taught us high surgery

Imagine, if you can, that nightmare scenario where you're compelled to utter foul perjury

If you burgle my home and steal cherished possessions would I shout, "Throw away the key!"?

What if you're beloved, I know your reasons, how then might I heed your plea?

Shoplifters vs toffs who never pay their accounts





Confused not only to the point of insanity, I'm confused to the point of death

Compassion and love record no fault, judgement sucks out our last breath

Tyranny: the first is the word in thought, the second is exposition in speech

Printed text and broadcast descriptions, thunderous orators who condemn and preach

Ego the monster in bedsit and palace, neurosis like a swarm of gnats that nibble

Exposure and dependence, obsession, emotion, administrators who block and quibble

The tyranny of desperation, injury and pain - cheerful while surrounded by torture and slaughter?

Is that truly our Heavenly Lesson, forever to sparkle with unshakable good humour?

Her knowledgeable smile spoke longer and clearer than a weekend of loudhailers and riots



  May All Sentient Beings Enjoy Wholeness Vigour Sufficiency Affection Order and Redemption  

and a blissful sense of innocence? 







A = B


B = A


If the man I love bonks birds before my eyes and society says I cannot have a child

I’ll discard the “Wallflower”, whoop it up-roarious, f**k 'em all wicked & wild

Stupid, stupid, stupid am I to imagine there’s a man who’d be mine

Naïve silly girl to cherish a dream, the New Me feels 'Just Fine'

A Heroine am I in this glitzy new world, proud, powerful and in control

Castigation glances harmlessly by, the Pimpfriend is there to console

Everybody’s doing it, I am a latecomer, the evidence is wall-to-wall

“You’re a bitch. You’re a slut” withering words, “I simply said 'Yes' to your call.”*

Demon in him + demon in her = #%&*$@!





You tell me I-AM-GOOD, my ego inflates with pride

You tell me I am W-R-O-N-G, I shrivel and wish I had died

How can that which I truly am, be switched off or on by a word?

Sense of self fragile and weak? Status and value assigned by the herd?

Flagellate, repent, atone and torture, self-punish until I am numb

How much must you see me suffer before I am welcomed back as a chum?

“Heaven” “Jehovah” “Allah” or “God” I worship and praise unceasing

Grovel, supplication, does the pure self rise, or, disdain for “Sinners” - increasing?

(Worship, for many, means joy and purpose)




I see myself as a clumsy oaf, five thumbs, crossed eyes a wrecker

I see myself as an impoverished loser, dependent, I scrounge like a beggar

I see myself as a boring fart, repetitive and dull I opine and drone

I see myself as a lazy slob, indolent, stubborn, I moan and groan

I see myself as sick, weak, feeble, incurable and ever impatient

I see myself as an inventive genius, an artist, orator, brilliantly vocationed

I see myself as knowledgeable and wise, astute, a saviour, enlightened, a leader

I see myself as a fog of confusion, contradictions, uncertain, an eternal learner.

how about think of other things, plunge into your work?





I awake at dawn with a brilliant idea, my genius is a bird in flight

In the evening I wrestled with an ancient problem, my unconscious worked through the night

Yesterday was a glorious day, greeted and cheered by my friends

Comfort, abundance, success and honours, my tale of happiness never ends

Everything is beautiful in its own way, people are charming and kind

Stories and smiles, congenial conviviality, joys fill my heart and mind

The world is a fantastic and beautiful place, wonders never cease to amaze

Music and laughter, conversation and song, behind every word appreciation and praise.




I'm glad to know I'm not a poet otherwise criticism would hurt

I'm glad to know I've a lot to learn otherwise criticism would hurt

I'm glad to know I'm a bit of a snob otherwise criticism would hurt

I'm glad to know I'm neither guru nor sage otherwise criticism would hurt

I await the praise that will give me confidence instead I get a put-down

I await the bliss that will bring me happiness till then I’ll try not to frown

The answer to the riddle, perplexity, itch? Perhaps it’s not 'Gain!' but life itself?

Ego, desire, spirit, identity, tentacles that bewitch or enrich the self?




The self is a tower with mirrors and floors

Shatter, collapse, lacerated sores

The roof a lighthouse, a brilliant beam

Basement a cesspit, the rancid dream

Slippery steps, a long way to the top

Climb, stagger, crawl, reach out - drop!

Breakage too easy, repair is hard

Torments lamented by poet and bard.








The machine won't work because the valve burned out or a wire came loose in the plug

A belief misaligned, a shattered faith, saint's holy true nature distorts to a thug

Thought, deeds, words and response: resonance and alignment may hurt or heal

“Nobody ever did anything to anyone” I alone am responsible for the way that I feel?

Event and reaction, mistake and correction, purpose, intention or wild spinning loops

Chemistry's Elements researched, classified; the "wolfe" between people may fall into groups

Death may erase my torturous problems but if I reincarnate, are they there as before?

Lifetime's decisions may distort or straighten, right action and insight can they fate's skandhas* redraw?

"There Is No Religion Higher Than XTruthX Rapport"

(Knowledge is a gift, behaviour a choice. True?)






Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jew, vengeance and greed are the same

Religious rhetoric a colourful shroud, underneath it’s the age-old game

Pulpit prostitutes preach love and sin yet practice habitual vice

Hypocrisy is part of the human condition, regardless whether Nasty or Nice

Holy, bravado, vain or brag tested by reality’s shock

Mirrors of truth reflect best and worst, ’tis better not to mock

Theories are easy, armchair generals, there’s a reason why soldiers stay silent

“Destiny conspires to thwart my desires” I know not what will trigger my 'tyrant'.





Look into history, study many a country before our global communication

Symptoms of illness, 'Depression' 'Neurosis', many treatments for restoration

Herbs, dunks and dances, tablets, entrancements, fantastically different cures

Unfathomable mystery defies even sorcery, whose version, mine or yours?

The world I perceive, all that I believe, created by my senses and eyes

"Red" "Blue" and "Green" what of spectra unseen? Does my retina manifest a disguise?

There are those who can see in both you and me our auras and silvery etherics

The goodness of will or the relationship with self, our delicate ephemeral mechanics.









Fear in formaldehyde, curiosity on the microscope slide, character tested by litmus?

Voyage past Pluto, bathyscaphe the depths, DNA spirals astonishing to witness

Knowledge presented on page and screen boasted as if t’were what matters

Illiterate “bumpkin” or “nondescript” servant sees our world-view’s in shambles and tatters

A wrong sense of self, illusory, imitative, creates a reality that is fake

Resentful, entangled, subservient, explosive; drop it, simply, and wake

Alert to the present, trust intuitive judgement, arise, transcend the debasement

Personal energy, cleansed of ambiguity, feel-sees the real world in amazement.

try that y'self, bud





Neptune orbits around Lord Ra, her position held by unseen power

Planets pass by beyond our earth, gravity’s grip sweeps through and o’er

Molecules and atoms dance and spin, angstrom distances subtly redrawn

Orchestral harmonies, radiant patterns, spider’s web shimmer in silken dawn

Cosmic rays meet quarks and charms, invisible visitors who dance and turn

Tone and colour, mood, speed and rhythm, micro to macro like the leaves of the fern

New born being catches the imprint of criss-cross planetary links to the sun

First impression indelibly etched, the start of a weft ever-changing begun.

Another crap and clumsy fumble & bungle        





The abandoned dinghy bobs up and down, waves roll in to the shore

A wave is a wave whether large or small, each different kind must obey the same law

White horses crash, spectacular surf; sun’s 'Strahlen'* interact to make heat

Air and glass, water and space, a change in speed as light crosses each mete*

Our Solar System, a unified being, the Oort* Cloud delineates 'the rump'

When light escapes to enter Deep Space, does it slow down, speed up, or jump?

If the gaps between stars are crossed in a blink our measure of space is wrong

Vacuum there is none? 'Space' filled to the brim? We may need to re-write the old song.

Waves are but a symptom        





I ask the stars to share a secret, their answer is truly amazing

Each of our planets is much like earth, life, as here, a’grazing

Cosmic rays interact in a matrix, like lasers on photographic emulsion

Eyes select “Red”, “Green” and “Blue”, brain plays God with the combination

Earth enjoys her own unique resonance, to local patterns we attune *

Astral travel dissolves the boundaries, consciousness wears every costume

Solar system wisely protects, invisibility doth invasion and conflict block

Martian Cities, “People from Venus” Earth, to them, “just a rock”.

As Mother Earth grows, gravity increases    








A myriad thoughts permeate our beings, they come from many a place

Some from within, some without, most of them vanish without trace

Like tapestry‘s thread they show who we are, they also weave our fate

The mechanics of emotion, chemistry of interaction, forces that depress or elate

Whispered inspiration from the cosmic silence, cliché’d reactions to clamorous media

The stories and pictures of my spiritual world as crucial as water, breath and bacteria

My mind is a cinema, a studio, a workshop, I rehearse and forge my tomorrows

Bruises to leg, heart, or expectations, ointments and mantras for body and sorrows.












Twigs and stones, roots and bones, every thing radiates expression

Character, tone, quality and style, each “is-ness” a unique impression

Eye-gaze exchange, silent understanding, non-verbal communication

If language were absent how then could a dog heed our spoken indication?

Praise, hierarchy, order and judgement, knots and threads interminable

Matter and waves, consciousness and occasion, what we call “words” are inseparable*

Intimacy’s whisper, barely acknowledged, magnified year upon year

One tiny wrongness dismissed or unnoticed expands to a “Shout!” in the ear.

Words take their place alongside gamma, beta and infra-red rays?





Reality captured on magnetic tape, orchestral reproductions astound

High fidelity musical concerts, ferrite specks fill rooms with sound

White arrow hovers over shiny pixel, button-click on an illuminated dot

Dazzling complexity of art-science computer, binary roots of ‘On-Or-Not’

Apply a magnet, the tape is wiped, Hard Disk Drive rendered unusable

“In The Beginning Is The (missing?) Word” unspoken interactions, undefined, inexcusable?

Upon what does our universe rest, a blip, a syllable or vibration?

'Tis said each letter has a number, does Numerology touch the foundation?

Numbers behind everything: measurements, quantities, prices...





My fingers I count, the first is “One”, the Teens begin with “Ten”

Missing digit, nine then what? Eleven to “ten-teen”, twenty-one to “twenty-then”

Multiply, divide, if zero were a number, then others it could make disappear

Nought = nothing, neither gap nor border, a puzzle to tease the engineer

Infinity’s lemniscate, a pair of rings, conjoined as one yet both are “None”

Reorganise our mathematics, re-write how we count, d’you think it’d cause some fun?*

Or does it not matter, make not a jot of difference, any old symbol will do

Whatever we mark, Nature’s Laws still work, Base-Nine, Seventeen or Twenty Two?


zero is not a number, wheres the ten?




“Your Majesty” bowed the royal bard, “your standards are admirably high

“The quality you request is beyond my best, no matter how hard I try

“Humbly I implore, let us work together in secret all limits to exceed

“Increase my salary, to share with others: a Writers Team I need

“You and I will know, and nobody else: the perfect proxy I’ve found

“His name has a ring, he looks the part, we met at a local fair ground

“The truth we’ll encode, each signature unique; your humble servant, Edward de Vere

“My dear Queen Elizabeth, England’s great plays shall be presented by William Shakespeare.”






Thirteen hundred years before Christ a comet blazed and tore the skies

Thunderous calamity, floods and catastrophe, Atlantis erased amidst cries

Migration of people from pre-“Alba”* to Egypt brought art, construction and myths

“Instant Culture” sprang up as from nowhere, who’d believe they arose from Scotch mist?

Princess Scotia arrived upon our shores, hailed as the Honourable Return

Rename the Old Land to commemorate Her Presence, traditional oral history doth affirm*

Constantine needed Unity of Religion but Caledonia was too far (and berated)

Lydda*, Joppa, Arthur’s Seat, Christ's story to Jerusalem he relocated.

The Norse “Garden Of Odin” changed to Israel’s ‘Eden’?      





Long, long ago, in an age gone by, vigour and rapport prevailed

Ageless longevity, lifelong fertility till childbirth was wilfully curtailed

Eve and Adam grew up in the Garden, explored “Forbidden Fruit”

Snake, tree and apple, a simple metaphor? If so, it’s a bit of a hoot

First blood spilled, a brother killed, the unthinkable, shocking, change

Ruthless cold murder, brutality and torture, now accepted as nothing too strange

The Fall Of Man, the Great Mistake, everything turned upside down

Courage, passion, abandonment gone - Self Pity became the new gown.











“The Garden Of Eden” a made up name like “Disc World”, “Narnia” or “Utopia”?

Struggle and strife of every day life blurred by nostalgia for “Cornucopia”

The unknown bard of ancient times, a 'Milton', 'Aesop' or whoever

Epitomised the shocking historic event in analogy to remind us forever

Pain the teacher, diligence the price, pleasure the promise and just reward

Heightening expectation of rightful compensation, gamblers return to Trickster’s board

Eat for nourishment, drink for thirst, look to admire, learn and be strong

One indulgence forbade, “Carnal Knowledge” (is the tiniest flicker of porn quite wrong?).

Hello Psycho, The World Is Yours*





Do the words I craft to express truths about reality forge, not freedom, but a cage?

The harder I strive to discern, understand, the tighter the noose of my rage

The worst, it would appear, is to lecture and preach, to boast, "I know, you do not"

Abandon definition, analysis, exposition, silence the mind to cleave Know-It-All’s knot

Why, then, do we think? Why are words important? Do they help, hinder, or do what?

Words change reality, configure the will, align, disconnect, create beauty or blot

Incessant sentences ripple through my mind, products of my last decision?

Paranoia, jealousy, remorse and desire, pressures that weave my perception?

Homer’s Cyclops = “heid up ’ees ain aersh” know-all?




Puzzle books, riddles, mathematical equations tell us each 'Problem' has, 'An Answer'

Reality conceals the opposite result, study releases 'The Prankster!'

Instead of 'The Conclusion' definitive and neat the scientist opens a new question

Sensible people don't even ask, their concerns they direct to their digestion

"Knowledge" attracts to the unlikeliest of people, 'creep' 'outsider' or 'twit'

Moment to moment, they live in here-now, smile as they listen (and quietly knit?)

'Absolute Truth' the cherished 'Holy Grail', 'tis but a sliver of half a coin

A lifetime's diligent enquiry and research flipped by Nature's unpredicted quoin*.

Expert: someone who knows more and more about less and less
until he knows absolutely everything about nothing





Knowledge is a gift I cannot demand, opinions a junk of half-truths and fears?

Knowledge enables me to achieve and resolve, opinions indulge or upset my peers

Wisdom is the power to cushion the clash, disagreement displaced with humour and a smile

Fortitude and forebearance restrain my torrent, hold up a shield against vitriol's bile

What is "right" vs. "over-react"? Punishment and crime, pretty much the same?

A difficult question, the answer elusive, who knows how best to deal with the blame?

Were each of us in balance and perfectly attuned no need would there be for The Law

Why then do we err? A hundred reasons, too easy it is to bungle "The Rapport".

A bit weak I guess





My Desire is a scampering mangabey, my Virtue is a mouse in my pocket

Suspicion a snake entwined round my leg, Letchery a gnat in a locket

My Holiness is a macau that calls out from my shoulder, Condemnation a crow on my crown

I tell myself nobody'll ever notice but their squawks are the talk of the town

Envy a toad that croaks at the wrong moment, Spite a lizard that spits

A menagery of emotions race, wriggle and jump, they drive me to the end of my wits

My Guilt is a rat trapped under my jacket, in my trousers runs Ferret my fear

Should your pets be the same as mine they’ll run riot when the two of us draw near.





Truth is a sail that catches the wind, swift the ship upon ocean crest

Truth is a child with clarity of vision, Grown-Ups hear answers they'd never have guessed

Truth a balloon o'er vale and forest, watch, unseen, as wildlife graze

Truth is a clue in omen and dream that leads us to daylight from befuddlement's maze

Truth is a tower that looks to the horizon, pride of the people in the bustling town

Truth is a brush that paints Today's picture, calamities of fools or the tricks of a clown

Truth is a shell found under a rock, shiny and patterned, an abandoned home

Is truth a secret owned by “The Elite”, miserly gleaned from the cherished old tome?

Sound-bite solutions: one size fits all





Hear ye! Hear ye!

The truth’ll set ye free


Whaddya mean, “it’s me”?

There is something I must see?

You already know?

I am the one who’s slow?

How grand it is to preach

To you it’s the hypocrite’s screech?

- o0o -



truth of the matter


I don’t know the truth

Those things above I bring below

That I may see and may know

Silence zilch diddly-squat





Truth is a friend only of the Gods, for us mortals it demotes, jails or kills

The truth about loyalties and words of betrayal, duty neglected for party-time thrills

The truth about promises and expectations raised, great hopes and dreams we shattered*

The truth about motive, deception and crime, trivial whim instead of purpose that mattered

“What is the truth, yes or no?” You ask for a description of trees

“What is the truth in ten words or fewer?” You ask of carburetors and bees

Truth is a tool, it can clear out confusion, separate nonsense from fact

Truth a medicine to cauterise delusion, but some of us never make it intact.

Even stupid people know that one        





“WHAT IS THE ANSWER?” the bug-eyed bilious indigent yells

Enraged in a cage, furious frustrations peal like countryside bells

You don’t care, I AM IMPORTANT! My apoplectic voice must be heard

(Like a wasp on a pane, a minnow in shoal or a quietly dying bird)

Cosmic inspiration in now-here’s eternity, heed the links in our psychic soup

Act in accordance with what’s appropriate for the moment, jump free from the head-talk loop

If we were to live for a thousand years with unassailable youth and vigour

Instead of neatly catalogued answers the mysteries would grow ever bigger.








The, “Man Of Knowledge”* said, “suddenly, I knew, thereafter life went on”

What did he 'Know'? Can it not be told? We’re unable ask as he’s gone

Is it, 'The world out there is independently real yet somehow, also, my projection'?

Notice small changes, coincidences and strangeness, how much of “Real” is reflection?

My head is my own, my private space, that buzz is nobody’s business

Some thoughts entertain, others are decisions, their 'decrees' reverberate with “Is-ness”

Words of insight to the “Wanna-Be” ne’er-do-well and life does not physically change

Home so humble made a, 'Brilliant Palace', cherish a treasure in a handful of change.

Could Castaneda have meant the, “Man Who Knows”?













Reality is weird, nothing like what we think, some of us know more, some less

"Sorcery" applies a remarkable discipline to the descriptions between us and The Mess

The "Ordinary Man" may blunder like a clown or (unknowingly?) follow The Rule

Focussed attention, humility and kindness, his inner being peaceful and cool

Conscious awareness of hereness and thereness, each action in harmony or discord

A myriad impressions invade mental silence, if strong, deep knowledge is restored

The terrible truth? We are unknowing conjurers, with our magic we ensnare and reshape

How many have the talent to wriggle free of the nets, seize a slim chance and escape?












Strange and contrarian is our human condition, we behave like schizophrenics

Is there a reason? An innermost working? Based on simple mechanics?

A "cake stand" of chakras, spinning wheels of life, each with attachments and belief

A clash of expectations, wrong kind of kinship and a war for elusive relief

Head says 'Left' Divination, 'Right', Heart shouts 'Stop' the unconscious blows a fuse

A world inside out, my back-to-front mind, is it fear that has trashed up my views?

To seek in others the beauty and the good, in myself, I hunt down the bad

Pompous associates compete for authority, instead, best to play the daft lad?






I’ve been good, I’ve been bad

I’ve been glad, I’ve been sad

I’ve been right, I’ve been wrong

I’ve been weak and I’ve been strong

I’ve been Here, I’ve been There

I’ve been flush and I’ve been bare

I’ve been still, I’ve caused a stir

Can you guess which I prefer?







“Chop off their hands” righteous punishment, how fine to see peccants suffer

Stone them to death? “Roast and burn!” “Our laws should be made even tougher”

Flee from artillery? Transgression in bed? Starving who steal from an orchard?

“Karma and reincarnation are eyewash and nonsense,” without consequence I order them tortured

I am the law therefore I am right, I grant myself licence to maim

Infant, civilian, soldier or spy, to the illachrymable* each death is the same

Compassion, lenience, kind toleration? “Turn up the heat if he begs”

I improve the world, I serve the Lord, I cleanse our land of “The Dregs”.

“I” wouldn't be a, “New Woman” by any chance?








Onto the moor they took the children where no one would hear their cries

Cassette recorder essential equipment, to begin, they gouge out their eyes

Screams, torment, relentless laceration, the infliction of death is a relief

Such horrors occur throughout our world, a fact that beggars belief

Professional, methodical they execute their mandate like governments who extract information

Bury the bodies, clean up the site, recordings provide necessary confirmation

Hired hands who will only be paid when they show their duties were completed

Haughty and wealthy, history of perversion, their witnessing victims - deleted.





Wife wide eyed beside her bottle of pills, daughter’s suicide clinically filed

Auntie hurled herself from the highest bridge, husband starved himself in the wild

Uncle they cut down cold from the noose, sisters shot one another

Son caught strangling his fiancée, my niece slit the throat of my brother

Grandad blew his brains out with a gun, cousins leapt from a cliff as a pact

Grandma hit the High Street from the Tower, three nephews collapsed mortally hacked

Mum lay down on the railway tracks, Dad stuck his head in the oven

Death by forces beyond our control, can anyone understand how they govern?






For many a couple, married life is a battle, they stick it out despite anguish and trauma

Some say the Key is to let her be free others it’s just buy her fine flora

Experts impress with “Kama Sutra” and sex, “the secret lies under the covers”

Then there are Those with a very good nose who point out love’s upset by the 'others'

The simple key that anyone can turn is summed up in a single phrase

Excuse me a moment the phone’s started to ring, I just have to hear what it says

Survey, sales call, automated announcement, an offer I cannot refuse

Where was I now, oh, 'The Simple Key', I’ve lost it, those calls did confuse.

He wants sex with his wife, for adulation or masturbation?







Once upon a time, the home* was “Society”, woman took her place at the centre.

Departed family, silent walls, her chore a bore against their, “adventure”

Tidy up soon done, pavement and shops, monotonous absence entombs

“TOO MANY PEOPLE” three authoritative words, “The Mejia’s” mantra booms

Flashy bright images, radio stories, the hearth, once sacred, eclipsed

Rehearsed portrayal of parallel lives, bedazzles, entertains, encrypts

Mendacious* promise, the fabulous exotic, Other Side’s “New Grass” ever greener

Thunderous interruption, noisy expectation, their returns distress the dreamer.











I looked for a girl, most beautiful of all, found her, in awe, then lost

Learn from the past, the new 'wife' in my life, friend-kinship, “whatever-the-cost”

She + me = children, a family, together forever three lifetimes or more

I hear her thoughts from inside her heart, I'm squeezed in a psychic war.

  Beautiful girl, I do believe I am loved but why does she, also, have others?

Is it something about me, preordained destiny, or is it our “New World's Orders”?

Reciprocate, welcome, open my heart ... she cavorts in another man's lap

She paints my world, everything I touch, but the last psycho-war still clogs me with crap.










Whoopee at last, after a decade and a half, the most beautiful girl's on the phone

An article on scrying, "let's try it out," abruptly I cry like a rone

I feel I'll burst open like a pod of peas, I grieve as the deluge pours

"We're going to get married," this is it, why then are we cut to our cores?

A myriad emotions, thoughts and commotions, her words leap loud from my lip

Draw every penny, go take the bus but sabotage prevents such a trip

Each moment a stress, unbearable tension, "I can't go just now" what next?

Every turn, every move, a clash, a collision, "Happy Ever After"? Interminably perplexed.





I spit a curse and make a promise never again to be involved with dumb men

I join a sect where the men take a vow never to be involved with women

How do you feel when you hear or read such severence directed "against you"?

Does it not wound, are we not all the same, who then can resolve what is true?

With poise and precision the professional theoretician analyses in 'The Grand Report'

Human behaviours, dysfunctionalities, "how to switch from outburst to rapport"

"If I were you I would never do that" - it's the very next thing that I do

Our 'Silent Selves' have no words, configurations that are triggered on cue.

Ah but what's better than to make up a rule and then be the first one to break it?

(22 Jewish generals and 7 Jewish admirals were "Arianised" by Herr Hitler)





The Wooden Horse conquered The City Of Troy and Helen was brought back to Greece

For the ordinary man his horse falls to bits and his "Helen" calls up the P'lice

No, no, no

Helen, imprisoned, awaits her hero, in silence she suppresses a tear

The ordinary man camps on the beach, boasts of victory then swigs back his beer

No, no, no

The ordinary bloke slips over the wall, quietly he seeks out her room

He's about to go in when her Red Light comes on, he sinks, she's poisoned her womb

She gives him a clout, his mind feels like gout, he gets a right kicking from soldiers

To the end of his days, a zombie in a daze, his torment forevermore smoulders.





The Iliad and the Odyssey, a celebration of history? Or one man's lonely allegory?*

Anguish, loss, exasperation and error, his struggle to make sense of reality?

The human condition eludes plain exposition, drama and lyrics illuminate and show

Today are we different, has there been a change, is there any way we can know?

"Most beautiful of all" his personal serenade spat back at him with scornful contempt

"Misogynist!" "Sexist!" from the covers of her lovers she withers his every attempt

No, no, no

Two gentle souls caught in the maelstrome, bright lights, big city, the "Whirlwind"

Proverbs and fables, legends and dramas, the "Riddle" leaves both equally chagrined.





If a single cell in a Superior Being were touched by the shadow of chivalry

The economy would collapse, millions jailed as they see the horror of their chicanery

We face the choice, re-name 'The Third Sex' (or, vanquish our fear of babies?)

Romance and marriage by 'New Woman' are annulled - OR - who is it that banished the ladies?

Born with a power to bring us all life, nurturer, teacher and muse

Divine Inner beauty, the 'Sacred Feminine' trampled like dirt under hooves

How do you react? Welcome, 'The Freedom', or assert your motherhood as a blessing?

Definition of insanity, "find a prostitute to woo" our error needs surely addressing.

"No more chivalry, we're liberated" J.L. TV      

(No more family, we are prostitutes?)      







At the centre of life is life itself, new life cherished more than old

The bearer of treasure is feted and welcomed, her promise more precious than gold

Displace the womb by a sheath of rubber? Her glory and value are void

'So-ci-et-y' demands she be as before, the sensible are rightly annoyed

Tricked and duped, pressured and negated, her fertile forces redirected

"The opposite of love is power" they say, as a result, "smash", "batter" or dejected

The broken man, buried in blame, must face the wrath of the jury

Smash - lash, batter - beat, incomprehension fuels mutual fury.

How dare any man, woman, politician or pope
proclaim that the number of children in the
average household should be at least seven?







See the row of handsome laddies sitting on the wall

Look at what they hold in their hands, they ain’t half got some gall

Pretty girls look away, some shriek, some laugh, some run

Things to do on a hot lush day, the ‘dare-yous’ having fun

Middle aged woman stripped to the waist, picked up for doing the same

Business bankrupt, massive stress, not the best way to garner fame

Understanding reader who follows the news ’most certainly knows more than me

Gorgeous beauty twirled on the pole, oh how he wished she would sit on his knee

The Imam ran into the yard and shouted,

“Who stole my Playboy Magazine?

It features my daughter!”




netflicks Wednesday piranha scene Zeitgeist

Netflick’s “Wednesday” captures the Zeitgeist

Piranha-toothed feminist tsunami, raging flaming eyes

My ears they are a-ringin’ with your global hate-men cries

“Ex-ter-mi-nate! Ex-ter-mi-nate! The world, soon, will be ours

You turned us into prostitutes! We’d wished you’d bring us flowers.”

“Why do you presume that I know more than you?

The simple shocking truth is I haven’t got a clue 

By all means take the driver’s seat but you have to pay the price

You stuff us into prisons and that, really, is not nice.”

squelch in the blood of a dead man’s shoes, crunch the bones of your abortions




The female eunuchs seized the man, presented him to their court

Shoulder to shoulder they stood as one and chanted, “He Had A Thought!”

When she goes on the game he is to blame, his fantasies manipulate her behaviours

Minister, CEO, bold entrepreneur, never again may men be their saviours

Lady Worsley destroyed her lord, decreed him guilty of her deeds   (Seymour Dorothy Fleming, Lady Worsley 1775 - 1805)

Years of gang-bangs, numerous men turned up to satisfy her needs

Grey bearded ayatollahs are thrown into a panic when they see what has happened in the West

“Don’t let them write!” “Don’t let them drive!” Entreat them, the family is best.

He accused her, she accused him back and won




She walked into the room, my emotions went crazy and wild

It wasn’t anything she said, she merely entered and smiled

I wrestled with innermost turmoil, I wished to be calm and collected

The words that sprang from my mouth were odd and quite unexpected

When ocean currents collide the waves make a hole in a ship

It is said that we can evolve, rise above the screech ‘n’ rip

I dive into the sewer of my soul to yank out the mysterious block

My life feels shaped and moulded while I am her let-down or rock.




Swings and roundabouts, seesaws and chutes

Violins and keyboards, drum-kits and flutes

Agreement, chastisement, flash-points and orders

Cold-shoulder, sulk, transgression of borders

When we are 'good' or act with perfection

Accepted as 'ordinary' unacknowledged interaction

Each pain-point accumulates like runaway debt

Without (intervention? Resolution?) the weight rips the net.

What if, before middle-age, most of us popped off
to a higher plane on our journey to become a star?




The sword in my head strikes mighty blows against written and broadcast words

Declarations, news, opinions, beratings stampede my brain like uncontrolled herds

Memory a barrel studded with wrongs, they pierce and tear as I bounce down the slope

Conscience the lime that scalds and burns as, with a splash, I lose all hope

In the cold impersonal river of fate I look back, “too late!” slowly drown

Shattered career, fractured life, aspired to be a hero but die as “That clown”

Darkness envelopes, ultimate loss, judgment waits, guides advise

I present my life in every detail, if accepted, then to the stars may I rise?

My life is presented in every detail, a horrendous shock? Or, a most pleasant surprise?




In the 'Garden Of Eden' there was no word for 'Weapon' nor any concept of war*

Disputes and conflicts were as prevalent as now but people were imbued with 'The Law'

The Ten Commandments as proclaimed by Moses were ordinary, accepted normality

Imagine today being instructed to wear clothes or lock the door of the lavatory

A single command was known to all: procreation is more than "entertainment"

Fear of over-population (or the arrival of aliens?) discarded the established arrangement

Words had been rare, people had been gentle, then "Importance!" and flare-ups erupted

Anger and rage, Pandora's box opened, our fuzzy soft world was irrevocably disrupted.

Christianity merely put into words the definition of a normal healthy human being?







Mankind is already dead and gone, extinguished without any rites

Headlines of tomorrow soon to be seen, Feminist achievement in lights

"The Last Male Conductor Dies" "The Last Male Politician"

Triumph of the Batterguys, the anti-man constitution

Once, here on Earth, long long ago maleness did not exist

How hard did he struggle to have a family, how fiercely did she resist?

Romantic love finally arrived when she granted him her child

Mechanised expression, fear and contraception skew the sensitive and mild.

The truth is what, exactly?      

Maleness, soon, will be as rare as Aztecs, Mayans and Apaches?      




One plus one, in school I was taught, add up to equal two

One against one, conquest in battle, creates one country that is new

One with one, wriggle and enjoy, in a family the outcome is three

One bonks one in Liberation’s brothel, a null result as they chant, “I’m free!”

Science, philosophy, mathematics and reason, reality’s unfathomable convolutions

Research, enquiry, study and learn, lucky to find but a few resolutions

One plus one, does it still make two? We’ve monkeyed with Nature again and again

Two thousand one hundred and thirty is three times seven hundred and ten.

1+1=2 1 3 0 (3X710)





I sit at the table with my cup of tea, timid, weak, a wretch of a man

I sit at the table with my cup of tea, break the handle, I'm a "Desperate Dan"

I sit at the table with my cup of tea, with innermost silence I'm as one with the room

I sit at the table with my cup of tea, open a letter, financial doom

I sit at the table with my cup of tea, disinterested, I ignore the filthy mess

I sit at the table with my cup of tea, I slurp and dribble but couldn't care less

I sit at the table with my cup of tea, rigid with fear as I hear a grave warning

I sit at the table with my cup of tea, the same bored thoughts as on every other morning.





I walk into the crowded room with the love of my life, much friendship, warm

I walk into the crowded room, malice and slander fill the air like a swarm

I walk into the crowded room with a twisted grin for I am the berator

I walk into the crowded room, plastic smiles greet me The Feared Dictator

I walk into the crowded room, the enemy agent, it's wartime, great danger

I walk into the crowded room, ignored, unnoticed, the invisible stranger

I walk into the crowded room, 'eligible', handsome, rich, desired

I walk into the crowded room, the local hero, a celebrity, admired.

      She enters the crowded room...  (he has never been the same since)





I come to you with my burden of guilt, bemoan what a criminal I am

I come to you with my bags of gold and boast what a criminal I am

I come to you with my crock of gold and a toast to how lucky I am

I come to you with my promisary note and explain how diligent I am

I come to you with my anointed chalice and tell you how holy I am

I come to you with their anointed chalice and chuckle at what a mercenary I am

I come to you with a packet of condoms and laugh at what a Lothario I am

I come to you, how do you react? D'you praise my virtue or d'you join my scam?





When I should have said ‘yes’ I said ‘No’

When I was meant to act fast I was slow

What I ought to have chucked I kept

Everyone laughed but I wept

I wish I had waited but I went

That letter should never have been sent!

I needed to be strong but wasn't strong enough

Somebody dropped a comment and I stormed off in a huff.





I should have done this, I should have done that

I wish I could do this, I wish I could do that

I shouldn’t have done this, I should never have done that

I’m wrong about this, I was wrong about that

I’d forgotten about this, I overlooked that

I think about this, I thought about that

Have you heard about this? Did you see that?

I missed out on this, I was too late for that.





I am a victim of my fear, I‘m a victim of desire

I am a victim of mistakes and that dirty rotten liar

I am a victim of my hope and a thwarted expectation

I am a victim of my thoughts with their self-condemnation

I am a victim of my loss, I feel my life is broken

Is it nothing but delusion? Have I simply not yet woken?

Tidy up the mental turmoil, get to grips with the here and now

Can you imagine waking up with a head that’s filled with, “Wow!”





If I truly were right

Then, surely, my world would be bright

Please don’t let me talk shite

Smile and just be polite

It’s rude to belligerently fight

Make silence the result of my might

Accept my loser’s black night

Dream to a giddy new height.

The language of kinship

The language of sales

The language of war

The language of anonymity





Is the purpose of life to climb up my own arse and make myself a know-it-all twit?

Is the purpose of life to moan and complain, degenerate into a grumpy old git?

Is the purpose of life to blame and accuse, point the finger, mock and jeer?

Is the purpose of life to hide in a cupboard, wind myself up with conspiracies and fear?

Is the purpose of life to steal, cheat and swindle, end the week with a fisticuff fight?

Is the purpose of life to learn rules and regulations, proclaim to the world, “I am right!”?

Is the purpose of life to read, watch and listen until embalmed in glorious information?

Is not the purpose of life to savour and enjoy, look back in the end with pleased satisfaction?






I gaze on the world through the eyes of a billionaire with spouse, parents, siblings and children

I gaze on the world through the eyes of a destitute with hangover, vodka bottle, bruises and chilblains

I gaze on the world through the eyes of a teenager with a broken heart, new love just lost

I gaze on the world through the eyes of a divorcee with hatred, blame and spiralling cost

I gaze on the world through the eyes of a grandmother with wheelchair, blanket and memories that dwindle

I gaze on the world through the eyes of a cheat, delegates, strangers and gamblers I swindle

I gaze on the world through mischievous eyes, see the truth about mistakes and the hilarity of folly

I gaze on the world through my rain-swept windscreen, mile upon mile in my battered old lorry.

I gaze on the world through the eyes of a shopper, dazed and confused as I try to find the exit




I walk along the suburban street like thousands of times before

I spot an alley I'd never noticed, curious, I venture in to explore

I emerge onto a picturesque square, quaint houses from a different era

How did I miss it? A mirage or time-warp? Have I entered some sort of chimera?

Not a soul in sight, all is quiet, the city beyond, is it gone?

I look for the alley but it is not there, in its place a stream with a swan

By its banks I stroll, I feel relaxed, time itself has stopped

Seven years fantastic adventure, on my return but for a moment I'd popped.




Bright the buildings in horizon's sun against the slate-grey sky

Colourful rainbow touches the land, as I approach it waits till I'm nigh

Bathed in its light there stands a spade, its handle inlaid with gold

I feel as though the Heavens sing, to touch it I need to be bold

Into the soil the blade I plunge, what do you imagine there I found?

Treasure indeed beyond description, a gift from both the sky and the ground

"Tobacco Road" Destitute's Close, Brownfield City Tip Yard

Rejuvenation, a new conurbation, the future as promised by 'The Bard'

Healing, amending, crystals and flowers or touched by a curative phrase:

"Dom Peardene" with magical gardens, sprawling mansion and the Aeolian Maze.*



The Aeolian Maze

The Aeolian Maze, "Dom Peardene" and The Pink Room

("Enter on cruches, emerge on a pogo-stick")





Life is a cartoon I saw as a child

A weird conversation when the wrong number was dialled

Life is a film that changed how I think

An alluring foreigner who gave me a wink

Surprise celebrations, big presents unexpected

Welcomed by strangers, by my true love rejected

Life is like paints spilt onto a page

Yet lives are defined by The Job and The Wage




Forty years ago I made a terrible mistake I'll have to go blow out my brains

Thirty years ago, an appalling error, I'll crawl out and drown in the drains

Twenty years ago - that professional misdemeanour! I have to go jump off the bridge

Fifteen years ago what a ghastly embarrassment I hurry to leap from the ridge

A few moments ago I got it quite wrong I'll string myself up with a noose

Flops, failures, bungles and blunders, I stew in my own smelly juice.

It seems that my search for ultimate truth has led me to absolute lunacy




My mind is a forest with birdsong and rivers

My day a tumble of dash, duck and shivers

My mind is a sports centre with targets and scores

Parties, conspiracies, whispers and roars

My mind is a city with to-do lists and schedules

Duty, obligation, encumbrance and professionals

My mind is a treadmill of mantras and repetition

Gone are the songs, my ever changing imagination.




'Now' is a meadow with cloud, sunshine and breeze

Now is a journey where I gaze out with ease

Now is my boat bucked, it strains against chains

Now is the herd that thunders lush plains

Now is a kitchen of expectation, hope, desire

Now is an attic of condemnation, guilt and ire 

Now is a midden with bedsteads and relics

Now is euphoria conjured by psychedelics

Now is my lighthouse, far ships catch the beam

Now is my workshop, finest tools shape my dream

Now is a frame in the cosmic Edit Room

Diligence, strive or error cut to glory or to doom.




Perception is peculiar, that 'Blockbuster', to me, is 'bad'

My cherished 'Orchestal Steamhammers' derided by others as mad

Washeroom tittle-tattle disregarded as worthless drivel

But when typed, published and sold? Hailed as a 'Wonderful New Novel'

Jungles and war-zones I explore, the unimaginable floods my perception  

The best bits I write up as a book, reviewers applaud my description

Readers retell and embellish, details mixed up in the repetition

Scepticism, doubt and disbelief provoke polarised over-reaction.


Perception Description Repetition Reaction

Perception - Description - Repetition - Reaction









I leap out of bed, greet the day with enthusiasm - until I face my reflection

The Gargoyle glowers, shrivelled old flowers, in public I’m robbed of protection

Glamourous young teens flirt to either side but wince at my wrinkly old skin

Once upon a time they chased me round town, today, I’m a, “rot, for the bin”

Head over heels, late nights and deals, “Goodbye” to childhood sobriety

My children, my domain, a place to call “Home” lost to the ‘Permissive Society’

Cold shadows lurk where my family should have been, a cat makes barely a difference

Call a friend? To be drowned by complaints? Solitude has become the new prevalence.





The drop dead gorgeous fashionable girl celebrates, alone, her birthday

Companions and loved ones long ago gone, she’s four years short of a century

A once charming teenager hobbles the road, sticks barely ease her pains

Hair loss and wrinkles, arthritis and cataracts, dribbling betrayed by stains

Her mouth is half plastic, her eye is of glass, her ears have the latest technology

A wig hides her scalp, her hip is cold steel and her bladder’s a bag made ecologically

They delivered her Zimmer, 'a temporary measure, the cure is soon to be unveiled'

March in Protest. Demand “Eternal Youth!” Life’s Limitless Promise - curtailed.





The craggy pensioner gazes at the child, “do you think I want to be old?

“Were this malaise to be shed I’d be better than you, fast, mischievous and bold”

Playground laughter, adventurous children, riverside, gang-hut and tree

Climb, jump and skip, hide or run away, show off a cut in a knee

Memories of moments, jubilant exhilaration (and painful tantrums with tears)

Bachelors and spinsters to long lost loves light candles in sad lonely years

The young and the old, discovery and recollection, communities need the mix

When a rich long life finally reaches its end, it’s over in a couple of ticks.











Pretend I’m still trendy at sixty five, seventy, eighty two - I lie

Dress to be cool, ogle young talent (but can I remember why?)

My hair is a snowstorm, my belly, a pumpkin, my face a palaeontological crag

Blotchy legs, blue swollen ankles, leathery old arm-muscles sag

Regret, remorse, rage and revenge grate and grind like an encrusted hinge

Knickerbocker Glories, chocolate and cream replaced by that regular syringe

Hurry up, get it over - someone - please - would you shout, at last, “Amen”

Morphine exhausted, bed wracked pain, half out then (briefly) back to life again.










The dead are Not, they know they are gone, void and numb they wait

Robbed of senses, no experience of reality, unable to think or debate

Life is all, beyond lies nothing, to seek death is the ultimate negation

Awesome universe, limitless reality, admire the magnificent creation

Endure the torture of ten thousand jolts, pull through to the next plateau

Unfathomable reality, hindsight’s clarity, examine the remarkable tableaux

Drag yourself back from the “Kill-Myself!” brink and smile as if everything were fine

One day you may awake, see how it works and seize your very own 'Diamond Mine'.

Compared to being dead, to be alive is greater
than all the riches in heaven and earth combined.






  An angel does not injure, maim or kill  

  An angel may transform, hold or banish  


In the evening haze warm understanding shines from crepuscular* Angel Eyes

Fear dissolves as heavenly hosts blow trumpets of truth to manumise*

Throw the cord of brilliant intelligence with its clasp of sound common sense

Heed the echo from the 'Magic Mirror'* that exposes bedizenment’s* pretence

Chains draped upon burdens of revulsion at another’s loathsome mistakes

Reduce their importance, understand folly, forgive, play for high stakes

Beyond the soul periclitate* cuniculi* to seek a new contract with Azrael*

Open the way for a brand new day, with courage evoke the power of Zadkiel.*

in Paradise, nobody drags relatives from rubble.






“ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE” don’t make me wince, absurdities from fictional delusion

Probe and delve, innumerable sources, “such marvels are no mere allusion”

Grandma conquers the Wimbledon stars, she taught herself tennis at ninety

Grandad sweeps Olympic Medals from Earth’s most agile and mighty

Our Great Aunt saw off five Miss Worlds, her brother out-did Charles Atlas

As for her parents don’t ask, their latest feats are not only spectacular but matchless

Bye bye Old Age, enfeebled dementia, “Hooray!” for Eternal Zest

Eradicate fear, transcend crushing guilt, reaffirm, YOU ARE THE BEST!














Families, celebrations, procreative exhilaration, companionship brings true thrill

Fertility! Virility! “Welcome Children, we’ve the whole of the universe to fill”

“May All Sentient Beings Find Happiness” it is in our nature to do good

Challenge not the “Church Of Auto-da-Fé”* (who would do as they did if they could)

Softly address The-Teratoid*-Minister-Of-Omnipotent-Power with calm, polite assertion:

“The bloody days of heavy weaponry have reached their worst culmination.”

Highway to Hell, destination? A coffin. Gurus spout millions of answers

I give up, let’s have a drink, converse and enjoy glamorous dancers (well, on my own, as usual. Done now, I can crawl back to my sty* and slit my throat* at last, make the world a happier place, another b*****d bites the dust, “goody goody, more money for us.” - quote* ). I seize the blade, use massive strength, practically sever my head; sticky flood, I gaze from above, lifeless I lie there in bed).










            Boo-hoo, you indulgent idiot, stop that get a grip

            How can others turn to you when you’ve such a blubbering lip?

            Go to don Juan's “Place of No Pity”, be firm in the gales of emotion

            Hideous crimes are all around, be the beacon amidst hysteria’s commotion

            “The wrongness I face is the error I erase” (VLH*), in silence, the past forsake

            “Have no desires, let the invisibles decide” (Destiny makes no mistake)

            The Will of Heaven sees worse than we can imagine, trust, heed and wait*

            Wilderness, wonders, paradise and hell; for death we can never be late.



You Are The Best click for video







Snipers, unaccountable, who accuse and hide, die in dishonourable shame

Yet, anonymity removes context, severs the link, protects the other's name

If you do not know "me" you cannot know "them", who of us is, all times, The Sage?

YOU are not here, no words can you hear, look: mere squiggles on the page

Reward, expectation, hope, envy and punishment, forces strung head to toe

Inner conviction, steadfast certitude, strive to empathise with The Foe?

Truth Commissions, airline misses, betrayal, crime or cruelty in war

For us to learn and society to evolve, shield participants from shame (and law)?


yeah yeah yeah

g'wan go gi' us a wicked one





I played her ribs like a piano, her bottom, a magnificent drum

I tinkled a tune on her toes, she smiled and gave me a hum

Her hair I strummed like a harp, her tummy the perfect violin

Her knees, clickety clack, castanets, she giggled when I tickled her chin

Her nostrils went “Hoot!” and “Toot!” her ears flippety flap

The trombone you can probably guess and our hands went clappety-clap

Her mooblies she waggled and bounced, her nipples went a-ping and a-pop

Our orchestral manoeuvres were such fun that neither of us wanted to stop.

y' can dae be'er 'an 'at





Me ’n’ Eskimo Nell

I leapt (with a lear) upon Latin Eggs to roar the sunset plains

A tumultuous encounter with Eskimo Nell, to tangle our fiery manes

Steam expanded, pistons pounded, the furnace fuelled to a blaze

A dozen revolvers, Colts and rifles, the racket cracked every glaze

Law-courts, cathedrals, uniformed officials flattened by our rodomontade *

The once quiet lake upon which we splashed today is a "Niagara" cascade

Ironclad passion scarred the landscape with tornadoes of wild abandon

Thunderheads, lightning, volcanoes and tsunamis, the wake we gouged they've named, "Grand Canyon".

(some say "Eskimo Nell" was penned by W. H. Auden)        






ain't it time to quit?


nah, no’ yet        

♥♩♪♬♩♫♩ ♥

Mandy on a Monday

Theresa on a Tuesday

Wendy on a Wednesday

Thelma on a Thursday

Fiona, on Friday

Samantha, on Saturday

Susan on the Sunday and,

Monica on the Monday


Ma-n-d-y ♩






Soo-san ♬

Mo-ni-caa ♫

♥ ♩ ♥


“Everything you can do we can do better”  







I know my thoughts are incorrect, I know that my world-view is wrong

A burned-out love I try to resurrect, in my throat lies strangled our song.

She the Goddess who knows The Way, I The Lunatic who follows

Her absence makes men say I'm gay, till dawn I work on my gallows.

How can I visit when she writes, "Do Not"? She rejects yet expects I'll arrive

How can we marry when she has tied The Knot? My mistakes say I can not survive.

To her I am but a card in a pack, to me, 'All The Girls In The World'

For decades my brains I scratch and wrack, for *\HER/* "So Simple", or, equally whirled?





The worst of it is I am my own tyrant, my jailor, prisoner and fool

My thoughts are hooked on a long-ago loss, my mind's an eternal duel

"Freedom!" a cry from many a lip but what, exactly, does it mean?

Severance, disunion, eternal separation, in space, alone, in a machine?

"Ball And Chain" a symbol for marriage, 'teenage anarchy' puts up a fight

Living together, intermingled interaction, expectations to be The White Knight

"Celebrate Children" welcome life - ‘hail babies above money and fame’?

Don't make me wince! Could that be right? Wrong values pin-point The Blame?

The blame for this condition which is ever so common
does it rest with me 'n' you or up at the top?





There is something important that I do not know

My blindness or weakness is the root of my woe

Dreams, divination, common sense and omens tease

Motivation, inspiration, lucky break - I freeze!

The answer flits by like a train-window reflection

I strain to make sense of it's 'obvious' direction

What else can I do but the very next thing?

I wait with my hopes, will my heart ever sing?

Almost a quarter of a century locked inside my own murder





Who is this stranger I refer to as "me"? Autonomous bio-object or integrated component?

Option, choice, duty, opportunity, invisible honeycomb of moment-to-moment

Obligation, expectation, denigration or temptation, whither the wind that fills my sails

"Surf Your Destiny" "Accept Your Fate" gusto, abandon or loggerheads and gales

"Nutty old uncle", "Dad Of The Year", successful entrepreneur or despicable "failure"

Whoever, whatever, wherever, why? Now-Here is all, is there a 'Saviour'?

Who is this stranger I refer to as 'Me'? Disembowel my brains in order to see?

Flaggelations, burdens, yearnings, desires, who is the Joker who tells me I'm free?






'Go to the Place Of Sublime Indifference

Accept the moment as fate or consequence

Conserve your energies, observe your thoughts

See your self and your life, both haloes and warts'

I've studied, I've strived but I feel like a bag

There's a sack over my head, my motivations sag

*\SHE/* and !SHE! hER HeR and HEr

I bounce like a pinball, collide with error.

How can I hope to save the world when I struggle to save myself?





Destiny a force that overrides every whim, presumption, hope and purpose

Choice, like a muscle, seizes opportunity, too often missed in the circus

Invisible guides point out and advise, dulled by habit and attitude

Conclusions slide like bolts on doors to shut off understanding and gratitude

The power of intent, mysterious, unseen, a secret personal magic

Conjure a life, a Happily Ever After, spring buoyant from the disastrous and tragic  

An eighty year old man pseudo-named 'don Juan' runs marathons without losing breath

Were it but true, attainable by me and you, 'bye bye' to sickness and death.





Attune to heaven, cosmic compassion, be at one with the great out there

Anger, jealousy, greed and fear - disperse! Into the air

Broken in heart, mind, spirit and body the Infinite, surely, has a cure?

If I die today the world cares not, of this alone can I be sure?

Girl meets boy, boy meets girl, through chemistry, in an instant, lives changed

Gift, slave, conquest, buddy, car-keys in the bowl, 'unchained'

'Everything - Is - Possible' through innermost silence, anyone can walk through a wall

Time to work together, perform The Great Miracle, a trick that benefits us all.





In you I see the wrong and shout

In battle I wield a hefty bold clout

But what of the error that frightens you in me?

How do I resolve when I cannot even see?

If it is true that I am horribly wrong

Not a gentleman but a ghastly "King Kong"

Then surely I must terminate my existence

Thereby silence my vehement resistance.

When the archbishop said, "she is a prostitute!" was it with condemnation or with glee?










Strong the strike intended to words

injure the probably and wrong are weak

pick you before a fight to decide 

right sure assess make case you’re your

transpire it made a mistake you should

break you back until you they’ll hit

should you instead perhaps look a long take 

funny the little side and see a book write.


The Pentadactyle's Repast

Pentadactyles in the air

Pentadactyles on the stair

Pentadactyles in the street

Pentadactyles eating meat

Pentadactyles rule the world

The Pentadactyle flag’s unfurled

’Tis not some old peculiar lizard

Pentadactyle means, 'five fingered.'


<<>>   * FIN *   <<>>

(oh no, not another false ending)    

















The Reprobate's Lament    

Grip the wheel of LoWiSt HuBeCo and follow the AlThArPo star

Black the sky, black the sea, “Brightland”, never seen, how far?

Panic tight wrapped under tarpaulin’d deck, terrors growl in the hold

Memory’s ghosts, Future’s menace, Paranoia’s yarns unfold

Featureless void empty of clues; charts, clock, compass never provided

Movement or motion? Hard to detect, discomfort; conspicuously unguided

An impersonal “God”? What might that be? Love, Wisdom and Strength, inherent?

“Lowist Hubeco Vi Infrafu” a mantra for the Abandoned Adherent?

The Prayer    

“Celestial mermaids, swim from the stars, penetrate the smog and the smoke

Enter the hovel, this trash-can ‘my home’, your help I humbly invoke”

On my own I can do nothing, like a fly I'm entangled, efforts backfire or hit a block

The secret key, hidden, within reach? The treasure trove I’m unable to unlock

I cry for freedom, seek the door to escape, let new life displace the old

Imminent death, conundrum, predicament, snap the pattern, break the mould?

Starshimmer Ship ’cross Galaxy Ocean, Sunwhale, Moonwhale – pull!

Lush green pastures of Tomorrow’s Paradise, carry me, O Golden Bull.



gold and brown bar
















~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


excerpts from


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


The Age Of Inversion & Opposites



Investment & Inflation

Illiteracy, scarcity of books

Access to information

Marriage & Families


Loyalty, fidelity the norm

Song & Dance










Spend savings, cheap loans

Texts excess, e-mails

Information overload



Glorified swingers & porn

Solitude & trance


Fight Back

We, the human beings, members of the family of mankind, need to fight back against the robots, the 'lobots', the 'Machine Heads'.

But how?

Is it possible?

Is 'The Cure' something completely different?

Is 'The Enemy' something 'out there' or 'in here'?

˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜ ˜


Lowist Hubeco Vi Infrafu


Lo4Wi6St7   Hu6Be6Co7   Vi6   In9Fr7A3Fu3

No3He4De5Sen6   He5Tru5Ha9

Al6De6I2Fa6   O2Y4O3L4   N2O5De7M5A3S5 (VLH)

Re7Al3Se7Co12   Le3Th3Pa4 B2A2No7 (VLH)

Pr7Y3A3Th3   De5A3Li4   Li4A1Sa5   Gr9Am9Go8Lu4


*  Al3Th6Ar3Po8 *


Love Wisdom Strength Humour Beauty Courage Victory Innocence Freedom And Fun

Now Here Death Senses, Heart Truth Happiness

“Always Decide In Favour Of Your Own Life, No Other Decision Makes Any Sense” VLH

Reverse All Self Condemnation, “Let The Past Be As Nothing” VLH

Pretend You Are The Devil And Live Like A Saint, Gratitude, Amazement, Goodwill Luck

* All Things Are Possible *

funnY toN sI thurT eTh

VLH: Vernon Linwood Howard, author









  Not A Care In The World

I don’t care if I live or die

I don’t care if I laugh or cry

I don’t care if the sky falls in

I don’t care if they lock me in the loony bin

I don’t care if they paint my name black

I don’t care if they stab me in the back

I don’t care if there’s nowhere I belong

I don’t care if it all - goes - wrong

I don’t care, I don’t care, I just don’t care - I don’t so there!

(perhaps you should)   *



Get to Hell, go away!

My life's not begun, I still want to play!

Get! Go! Disappear

Before I give you a clip on the ear!

Who d'you think you are, robbing us of life?

Devoid of any sympathy, you bring nowt but strife!

Misery and heartache are your gleeful stock in trade

I hear you gloat and chuckle behind that icy blade.

Have you any idea what tortured suffering you bring?

Get ye gone, horrid spectre, your loathsome neck we'll wring



It is your turn to die, to cease to exist

How'd you like that? You won't even be missed!

When you are gone, locked in your cage

The world will rejoice for age upon age!

Our mirth will be boundless at your departure

Wild celebrations will fill every pasture!

Get, go, pack up and leave

’tis time now for your kind to break down and grieve.


  Hammer and Tongs

Blacksmiths and swordsmiths with hammer and tongs

Like iron and steel, words shaped into songs

Behind every cry, exclamation and protest

Mountains from molehills, emotional unrest

Follower or slave, who is 'King Of The Castle'?

Love swapped for power, each moment's a "Hassle"

Rapport, exchange, comparison, expectation

What deep hidden currents shout 'No!' to reconciliation?


  Three Legged Race

The answer (I fear) may actually be simple

Universal laws we forget (and trample)

'This' goes with 'That' and these belong here

Conduct and tone, alertness to 'Out There'?

'I' correct 'you', you correct me

A three legged race, neither of us free

'Score A Point' prove 'other half' is "WRONG!"

Interminable arguments, a discord of 'Our Song'.




* * * oOo * * *



We really do have to have sex with our wives together with other men as, “A Breakthrough For Women”.

(Professor Germain Greer 1971, Nancy Friday 1996)


"Women‘s Liberation" rape in a uniform?

"Moral condemnation - jealousy in a halo"  

(Aldous Huxley)

"Yippee!" "Ha Ha" "Oh no" - "Oh Yes."


VIZ Magazine * smutty and rude, an antidote to religious guilt and moral condemnation.

When plunged into "Ayatollah!" mode, read purile jokes, bring back a broad perspective.


"If you could see the true nature of the world you would live like a trapist monk."

(Carlos Castaneda's ‘don Juan’)


My only solution is death*.



* O *



“Political Correctness”: If I can be criminalised for saying I'm nipping out to the Paki or Chinki what about “Guy”, “Bloke” “Chippi” and “Kid”?


If you envy what you believe I have
You will get what I have got.


In the Brave New World of "Role Reversal", "Women On Top", "Girl Power" and "Equality", where there are more women in employment than men, oops, sorry, I do of course mean "Evil-Male-Chauvinist-Pig-Bastard-Rapist-Wife-Beater-Sex-Abuser-Misogynist-Bloke-Chap-Arsehole-Guys!" (OR, how about, "ThoFAToCaTheMé": Those Formerly Allowed To Call Themselves Men) more job opportunities for women than for men EMCPBRWBSAMBCAG (EMaChauPiBaRaWiBeSAMyB-CAG?) more women (TOKAW?) Graduates, Millionaires, Property Owners and Decision Makers than men "ARSEHOLES!" "B*******S!", the cry of “EQUALITY” means RECIPROCITY i.e. "Ratio Reversal": fifty times more women in prison (there are approximately seven times more men in jail than women), twenty times more women suicides, more women destitutes and a huge increase in violence against women. How much more 'silenced' can a man be than when he is killed?

The moment a superior being shrieks “EQUALITY” these reciprocated conditions follow in her wake. The coin has two sides, not one; no 'Cherry Picking'. You want what I have? Here you are.

Sour Fruit of the False Self?



The Blame
Is hers
She decrees





I strived to follow the will of heaven and ended up crushed like a can


Pornography: nothing more complicated, malicious or sinister than any act of sex performed for reasons other than procreation?


“Domestic Abuse” is presumed to mean woman being battered by an Evil-Male-Chauvinist-Pig-Bastard-Rapist-Wife-Beater-Sex-Abuser-Misogynist-Bloke-Chap-Arsehole-Guy yet a woman with fifteen years experience as a relationship counsellor wrote to the papers to point out that the majority of physical violence in the home is directed against him by her (how often have I heard my professional friends tell of unreported assaults by their Better Halves?) I guess that's OK in this the age of eternal extermination.


The legal definition of rape is sex where she is not in total control. Under the terms of Role Reversal, where rape and pornography are declared to be one and the same, the woman ought to be charged with statutory rape if she has sex with a men chap for any purpose other than to bear the men dude a child whom he may present to the world bearing his name.


Researchers say that over seventy per cent of men arseholes wanted that "Holiday Romance" to be true love for life while fewer than twenty per cent of Superior Beings say the same.   (Well, that is inevitable, he is criminalised where she is exalted.)


An end to back-slapping congratulations for her but "Quite Right Too! Jail for him!"

"DANCE ON HIS GRAVE"? - Pump action shotgun  


and that is why ourCriminal Justice Systemmust face eradication


See the innocence. Unravel the error. Identify the Scapegoat.


Could it be that our words and actions are an automatic response to forces unseen?

Some say that it is indeed so. Expectation, belief, obedience, acquiescence...


It is said that each one of us, regardless of status or background, is six times more likely to commit murder than win the National Lottery Jackpot.


When a TOKAW / BaBoBAbo (Batter Bonk Betray Abort) enters a room, 'they' exerts upon the men a force that strives to make them into wife-beaters ("batter") and serial rapists ("Liberation's" Bonk) while upon the Superior Beings the same force changes their original natures.

It turns out English wives always have been pro-active predatorial adulteresses, (especially the higher classes)"liberation" merely adorns tradition with ideology.


The force is automatic and impersonal, it operates on a level outside of everyday thinking.


Have the Superior Beings consciously, deliberately, knowingly and wilfully imposed upon society the removal of marriage, the annhilation of the possibility of love and in their place, campaign to this day for regular, unrestrained, unchallengeable ugly words and behaviours?


There is no 'Sexual Revolution' only the replacement of procreation with it's polar opposite.


We can have a few 'Red Light Districts' if our society at least tries to be founded upon love and loyalty, there can be no commitment in the New Society that triumphantly and gloriously champions female promiscuity, adultery and infidelity.


The arithmetic, "A=B therefore B=A" (= * =) means that under the logic of Political Correctness (institutionalised insanity?) and Criminal Justice "CrimJus" (Crime in a uniform?) some two thirds of the Superior Beings face jail sentences measured not in years but in decades.




Is it human to deny genuine anger, to smile benign, to twist oneself into pious ingratiation when publicly humiliated, slandered, liabelled, wronged, robbed and crushed?



I’ve never done anything wrong

I greet each morning in song

Mostly I love to pray

My holiness fills my day

I am whiter than white

I always am in the right

I have never ever done anything bad

Never for a moment am I indolent or sad

Who me, tell a lie?

I’d ne’er hurt a fly

You think I’d steal a sweet?

The Pope’s my friend to greet

Each morning I praise in song

I have never done anything wrong




The Criminal Justice System (CrimJuS?) is designed only to find guilt and inflict punishment.
Those who wish to redress a wrong without formal accusation and blame have no voice.


The Criminal Justice System is a force of authority that educates and imposes upon every one of us the principle that violence and aggression are correct forms of attitude and behviour when the actions of another are deemed to be wrong.


IF "CrimJuS" is to be recognised as fair and proper and if the principle of "equality" is to be applied and it is recognised that it is the 'car-driver', not the passenger, who is responsible when things go wrong, then surely professionals who prescribe or adminster contraceptives to unmarried, under age teenagers ought to be recognised as being responsible for each and every incident where the consequence of their professional action has been sex for purposes other than family, procreation, love, romance, and at least an effort to attain the mythical "Happily Ever After".

These professionals are paid to be responsible, their crime is not "pimping" but "rimping".

"Equality" means every report of "the evil man" must be matched by one about "the evil woman".

The "consequences" which our new leaders proclaim should be disregarded ("A woman must go from bed to bed ... without considering the consequences"), are suicide, violence, insanity, rape, abortion, single parenthood, poverty, self-hate, rage, heartache, grief, guilt, despair and worse.

If "CrimJuS" is valid, then such professionals - along with the presenters, producers, directors and executives behind broadcasts and publications that promote "The F**k" (“Found Under Carnal Knowledge” Irish Police notebook shorthand, allegedly) - deserve to be jailed on a multiple of the standard sentence for statutory rape.

Statuettes of infamous celebrity "abusers" ought to adorn every room and studio of the broadcasters who earn income by exalting crimes which, in the real world, are condemned.


Pulpits in the morning, prostitutes at night

"Thou Shalt Not Kill" on Sunday, on Monday lead the fight


Found Under Carnal Knowledge could be interpreted to mean rape that is at the behest of the superior being except it is not as simple as that.


(The truth may be something completely different)


If it were, CrimJuS would today be tasked with imprisoning every Superior Being who has ever dragged a Male Chauvinist Pig-Bastard into her boudoir without waiting for him to propose.


The title, "Ms", means, what, exactly?


I really do have two psychic axes in my head, a razor pressed against my throat for over twenty years; I really have been faithful to the same girl for a ridiculously long time while she enthusiastically embraced two-at-a-time "Liberation" and those who have battered-bonked-betrayed and aborted their ways into power really do hail rampant promiscuity as a breakthrough for them but a crime for men. I really do have to have sex with my wife together with other men. I gave her my most precious things because I was convinced we would be together forever, therefore, I was not giving them away, not parting with them. I really did find myself having the living daylights crushed out of me by some inexplicable psychic force. The years of telepathic communications really were as they were and not phantoms thrown up by my own imagination.   My fault? Her fault? Whose? No one's? If not then what?

(Ahem, I hasten to add, she has also for a time been a good Muse.)


Invisible forces govern our world.

Who is the criminal in all of this?

Why, I am of course, that is obvious.
          (Never had a home, a family, a career, a wife or a life.)


"Suicide on Sunday..."


When Mrs B. chopped off her husband's penis and threw it into a field, everyone understood perfectly well that the criminal was Mr B. How could it possibly be otherwise?


Penis chopping is far more common than people realise,
it's not reported because it does not help
the programme of extermination.


What happens when the Superior Beings apply the principle of equality?


He chops off her...(it doesn't bear thinking about).


The hardest and most private human experience is to see one's own criminality.



* xxXZyo0oyZXxx *


If the answer is a feather that floats on a pond

Is the question like a stone trapped in my shoe?

If the answer is a beetle who finds love on a frond

Is the question like an owl shot dead in a zoo?

If the answer is a napkin, unwashed, in a hotel

Is the question like a twig that snaps in the silence?

If the answer is a cigar-tip reflected in a well

Is the question like a smile that arrests the violence?

Is each answer, alone, a fragment, incomplete?

Let us hear them rustle, like leaves at our feet.



How different my life would be

If I had never made a mistake

How different my life would be

Had I not had a terrible loss

How different my life would be

If I’d seized that golden chance

How different my life would be

Had I not been horribly wronged

How different my life would be


It were


But it ain’t


* xxXZyo0oyZXxx *


“Everybody is wrong about everything”      

“Nobody knows anything, not really.”      

- Ntumu      

He beats her in the afternoon and expects to make love f*** her at night. She attacks him with the kitchen knife and when he fights back jails him as a wife-beater yet expects him to welcome her as his wife when he gets out of prison. She returns to him despite his abuse, he clings to her despite infidelity, libel and slander.

It takes a lot of strength and a great deal of experience to understand these things.

It's beyond me, that's for sure.




I ask The Question

I receive The Answer

To articulate The Answer in direct exposition results in instant death.

Conclusion? We are in the age of S.A.W. - Stupid And Weak?

The Greeks of Zeus, the Vikings of "Odin" and the Ntumu of Africa - they know?

Truth is like ablutions and procreation, private, personal and grist for the mill of art & literature.

H.A.T.E. Humour Allegory Tact and Elevation, the subtle(?) wise(?) presentation of shocking truth?

Don't we just hate it when we can't simply express whatever we think, unrestrained?



♥   ♥   ♥   ♥


A hundred million solitary men are on the road to bliss

With fear and dread the streets they tread where skyscrapers wall the abyss

The comforts and luxuries of former homes they carry in over-stuffed bags,

Their once fine clothes and well-heeled shoes have turned to smelly old rags.

"Enlightenment," "Redemption," "Deliverance" and "Salvation" they've long ago given a miss

For these lost men t’would be enough to be simply given a kiss.


♥   ♥   ♥   ♥


A hundred million lonesome ladies meditate on holiness and truth

Rejected by kin, their hearts they nurse as they grieve the folly of youth

Faded photographs and idealistic posters adorn their tidy homes

Instead of children and helpful men their companions are garden gnomes

"Happily Ever After" The Romantic Dream by disillusion crushed long ago

For these "once-teenagers" t’would be enough to be taken for a meal and a show.

(Nah nah, they’re aw’ half pished)


♥   ♥   ♥   ♥


A hundred million joyful couples celebrate night and day...


♥   ♥   ♥   ♥



Next: squiggles


☝Top   ☛>>   >>♥♥   <<☥   >>☻   >>♕   <<✂   <<☂   ☠>>   <<☬   >☾<   +☩+   <<☟  





A P P E N D I X   T W O



of less common words




own, my ain: my own kind



All(3) Things(6) Are(3) Possible(8)



early name for what is today Scotland



adjective, opening, as of one’s bowels



“Act Of Faith” (Portuguese) the burning of a heretic by the Inquisition & etc



rumbustious, exuberant, boastful talk and behaviour



a name for death



to dress out with vulgar finery



prove a person to be wrong, convict of error by argument or proof



the attribute of being so near as to be touching (WordWeb)



underground passages, burrows, long tunnels



Where one lives, the centre of one’s world



shafts of dancing or shimmering light



swallow, accept



To add small amounts (Chambers Scots Dictionary by Alexander Warrack c.1973)



One animal stuffed inside another, then another as many as you please



exceptionally wicked



a caprice, whim: a conceit; a piece of deception, a humbug.



someone who waits near diners in the hope of being invited to join them



vestments appropriate to any office or occasion



incapable of being moved to tears



to know



primal energy at the base of the spine, released through meditation



barking as in mad



quarantine building for poor lepers



one who indulges in lots of sex



Loretto School for boarding and day pupils, Musselburgh, East Lothian



early nick name for Cinema

LoWiSt HuBeCo


Love Wisdom Strength Humour Beauty Courage



the “Luci-ahri-atan” or Lucifer-Ahriman-Satan Express



Leith, north part of Edinburgh, along the coast from Joppa



corner, where two walls meet

Magic Mirror


a memory, image or omen that contradicts or endorses words thought or spoken



to free, release



Subtle dishonesty, lying, deceiving



Snake-headed female entity whose gaze turns men to stone; analogy for ‘Media’?



Boundary line, border



a civil wrong that causes a claimant to suffer loss or harm, it can include emotional distress, negligence, financial loses, injuries and many other things.



Molfar: Carpathian sorcerer and healer or medicine man



a mysterious creature found near the Montauk Research area Wikipedia



Misery lowered to the power of two, that is, misery squared



Nervously diseased,



divine or presiding power or spirit, devine, divinity



Government by the mob, crowd rule

Oort Cloud


ring of asteroids that orbit the perimeter of our solar system



“He who eats the tail” mystical symbol, a snake that encircles the earth



Pandora opened a jar and all the evils of the world flew out leaving only Hope, today means to release unexpected trouble.



venture or enter with peril; L. “periclitor”, to try, test, to risk, attempt

Pineal Gland


base of the brain, “seat of the soul”, revered in many traditions



Rejected by God, condemned as worthless, inferior, impure, morally corrupt



or 'Richestahn', a nationless, borderless world, the land of the Untaxed



smiling, self satisfied, cheerful



five skandhas store our experiences and recur with each incarnation



spiritless, dull



radiance, “out-stream” in German

Succubus & Incubus


female and male sexual fantasy demons, whether independent or thought projections



infernal, from Tartaris, the purgatory beyond Hades



the infernal purgatory beyond Hades



Bare walls, bare floorboards; "kitchen" a small washhand basin; "bathroom" a toilet; cooking facilities: a socket for an electric kettle. To be fair, the landlord fitted a power-point for my second-hand cooker, it cost me a tenner and has lasted three and half decades. After a third of a century, bath and bathroom-sink were provided.



grisly monster



Those Once Known As Women



Those Formerly Allowed To Call Themselves “Men”



one who searches the sewers for lost trinkets and treasures



Traduce: to speak evil of, speak falsely or maliciously, to defame, malign, slander



Tourette Syndrome, sufferers involuntarily shout obscenities



Much talk or babbling



pot bellied



spouting lots of words with not a lot of real meaning



cunning & crafty



farm, country house; the smallest administrative unit of land



strong deprecation, abusive fault finding (raging angry hostility)



Vernon Linwood Howard, esoteric author and teacher



acquiescent cuckold, husband aware of his wife's infidelities

Wolfe, the


Derived from Jonathan Miller’s middle name, “the act” between characters



Colourless flammable volatile liquid hydrocarbon used as a solvent



name of an angel





A P P E N D I X   T H R E E



Ntumu wisdom (French Cameroon): “A Leaf Of Honey and the Proverbs of the Rain Forest” by Joseph Sheppherd


QUOTE (paraphrased from an actual letter): “Your thirty year old pension fund has been exhausted by charges, the balance therefore is nil.”   back


“Delilah” Tom Jones 1968 written by Les Reed and Barry Mason, released by Decca   back


“Pot calling the kettle black” criticise others who are the same as you   back


The once beautiful, user-friendly IMDB bought over and drenched in Mr Creosote’s vomit   back


“Nights In White Satin” by The Moody Blues, 1967, written by Justin Hayward, released by Deram Label back


 Kin: what we become when we closely interact.   back


“The Big Book Of Bloke Jokes” by Louise Johnson & Sarah Nayler, New Woman Magazine 2001   (back)


“BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour Early Milennium   back


“The Joy Of Sheds, Because A Man's Place Isn't In The Home” by Frank Hopkins   back


“The Teachings Of Don Juan, A Separate Reality” and other works by Carlos Castaneda   back


Not a quip but a principle, Irina Dunn: “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle” wrongly attributed to the 'batter-bonk-(angry-victim)-betray/er/ed' Gloria Steinman   back


Female erased, child erased, human being erased, mankind erased, machine displaced, dysfunctional replaced society. Why? back


“The wrongness I face is the error I erase” VLH: Vernon Linwood Howard, (esoteric author and teacher): “Conquer Harmful Anger – 100 Ways” (Other books include “Psycho-Pictography” “The Mystic Path To Cosmic Power” “Esoteric Mind Power” “The Power Of Your Supermind” “Pathways To Perfect Living”)



The 8 Whys

Why do birds fly South?

Because it’s too far to walk.


Why do storks stand on one leg?

Because if they lifted up the other one they’d fall down.


Why is milk the fastest thing on earth?

Because it’s past-eur-ise(d) before you see it.


Why is an elephant large, grey and wrinkled?

Because if it were small, white and smooth it would be an asprine.


Why do giraffes have long necks?

Because their heads are so far from their bodies.


Why did the boy throw the clock out the window?

Because he wanted to see time fly.


Why do ducks have webbed feet?

For putting out forest fires.

Why do elephants have flat feet?

For putting out burning ducks.


Why did the chicken cross the road?

Who cares?



Why must you never go into the woods on a Wednesday?

Because the elephants have their parachute practice.

Why are alligators long and flat?

Because they went into the woods on a Wednesday.



And that at long last is that   

(Apart from the pictures)   

(& stuff +☩+ )






















A P P E N D I X   F O U R


The Wheel of Lowist HuBeCo


The AlThArPo Star


The Book


The Book Strike The Strong by Lord Ex of Glencoe


“Strike The Strong” by Lord Ex of Glencoe








*People Are Good”




(I don’t know, you’ll have to ask somebody else)


How about, “I Am Silence”?      




















The Opposite Of Death

Lowist Hubeco Vi Infrafu

Lowist Hubeco Vi Infrafu

Nohedesen Hetruha

Aldeifa Oyol Nodemas

Realseco Lethpa Bano

Pryath Deali Liasa Gramgolu



LoWiSt Wheel

LoWiSt Wheel

Love Wisdom Strength Humour Beauty

In every man and in every woman there is

Energy Enthusiasm Inspiration

Goodwill Amazement

LoWiSt Wheel

LoWiSt Wheel

Courage Victory Innocence Freedom And Fun

goodness, wholeness, honesty and strength

Effort Impeccability Spirit

Gratitude Luck

LoWiSt Wheel

LoWiSt Wheel

LoWiSt Wheel

LoWiSt Wheel


All Things Are Possible

The wit and insight of a child

The knowledge and wisdom of a centenarian

The physique and vigour of a thirty three year old

for everyone       

LoWiSt Wheel

LoWiSt Wheel

(crap graphics but you should get the idea)  




The Star Of AlThArPo

slide dissolve best in Internet Explorer


<< ☟

☛ >>
















  **   QUIPS   **  

*Q* hidden phrases in the left hand column *Q*




back     A "Poisonhead" is anyone afflicted by unstoppable internal dialogue fixated on wrongs.


back     C4E4S7ToSmi11B4A5L8 the Cock-Eyed Smashed To Smithereens Born Again Loonatik



back     14 You know things aren't going too great when 'incredibly difficult tasks' include cutting a slice of bread or lying in bed.



back     15 Suffering: “Wait it out, call its bluff” V.L.H.


back     20 “What about expectations you raised then dashed, hearts you broke?”
        “Ah, well, should I commit suicide now or would you rather do it for me?“


back     23 All things may be possible but may not be permissable.


back     24 Tir-na-nÓg (Irish, Celtic), Elysium (Greek mythology), lands of eternal youth


back     29 Not only does the woman change the man, she changes the course of his life.


back     37 The shining light of my radiant star   Sends heavenly blessings near and far   Those I know whether friend or not   A place reserved on the Cosmic Yacht


back     38 The sole reason why our city streets are not alive with the laughter and chatter of cheery children is fear. There is no other reason.


back     43 You know things aren't going too well when what you earn is less than what you pay in taxes.


back     44 You know things aren't too great when you feel like you're in the middle of next week and the Fire Officer comes up and says, "that's funny, I feel like I'm in the middle of next week"


back     44a N.E.W.S - North East West South.


back     45 "Earned over a fortnight, a hundred and thirty five ponds. Job Seekers allowance docked from one hundred and twelve pounds to zero, Housing Benefit docked sixty five pence in the pound. Net earnings? Negative.


back     44 You know things aren't too great when you feel like you are invisible and then find you can't seem to see yourself in a full-length mirror.


back     45 If two thirds or more of citizens closed their bank accounts and insisted on cash transactions, would the nation's economy soar into an unprecedented fast-cash small-business boom (and would the government do all in its power to curb the growth)?


back     45 Mini-skirt, hot-pants, crop-top, and now (shock horror) men in shorts, investment speculators refer to the 'hem-line indicator'.


back     46 Cyber sodomy


back     48 To want is to suffer, to suffer is to undergo, to endure is to evolve


back     49 The State, through Tax Collectors, is the single greatest cause of bankruptcy


back     51 THE JUDGE   The judge   Condemns   The Words   The Writer   Because   The Words    Do not    Tell   The Judge   To think     What   The judge     Wants   To be told   To think   Why not     Just     Think     Free?


back     52 Every nation has a character, every character, a nation


back     52 Each day a celebration


back     53 Kill one you're a murderer, heroes kill hundreds. States slaughter cities.


back     53 An Internet Search Engine whose results exclude 99.999% of websites because they fail to comply with their commercial demands may be considered a cartel. Such deliberate misrepresentation is a breach of company law.


back     60 The Generals of The Great War were not incompetent, the Armistice was signed when the target for population reduction had been reached (but did they or the politicians know?)


back     61a State Benefits are a reward for failure, tax a punishment for doing well


back     61b Many's the marvellous legacy left to us by the “horrid rich”


back     61c Celebrate Success


back     62 “Hello Stranger, who are you, there, in the mirror?”


back     63 Institutions are made up of individuals


back     64 "Neropatra": Emperor Nero of Rome and Cleopatra of Egypt both killed family members in order sit on the throne.


back     65 “Ms” means, “don't you dare ask if I am married”


back     67 Old Testament, Norse Myths, Olympiad: allegories to veil and avoid humiliation


back     70a That's rude! How dare you speak of Mother Church with such insolence. - Sorry, it sounded good at the time.


back     65 Were she to ever encounter her feminine side she would have the shock of her life


back     66 Can you imagine a million people living together with the peace and tranquillity of a forest glade?


back     77 “Cloud” & “Sync” euphemisms for 'steal'?


back     73 If I look at a conclusion long enough it’ll turn into its opposite e.g. earth is flat, sun rises


back     73 If I praise, I'm wrong, if criticise, I'm wrong, if I judge, I'm wrong, if I condone, I'm wrong. There's something very different going on.


back     73 The Battle With (or within) The Self is like scraping tar from the path with a broom made of rose blossom (without damage to the petals)


back     80 Pluck the rose, carry the thorns, custom and tradition teach how.


back     81 Not only do we (most of us) not know who we are, "Who I Am" changes with circumstance


back     88 hear her bawl, watch her sectioned, see her recover from her attempt suicide


back     87 passion, sex, war, demon, words, expectation, delusion, disentanglement, truth, understanding, resolution, heart, love...


back     88 Days after this cheery chirp on National Geographic Cable TV the news gave a blow by blow account of how a woman jailed her husband for six years.


back     89 hc = x    where   h = human   c = contraceptive   x = unknown


back     90 If you are The Devil to me, then, I am The Devil to you


back     91 “Men must accept the polygamous nature of women.” - Nancy Friday, “Men In Love” hailed as a “breakthrough for women”


back     91 Is it the woman who makes the man or does his Rise vs Fall hinge on his Admiration - Heartache?


back     92 Teenage male's lonely sexual fantasy causes adult superior being to go on the game - UK TV Channel 4: kerb crawler's reprimand


back     106 How many clients make love to no one else?


back     106 “The Female Eunuch” by Profesor Germaine Greer, 1971, hailed as a “breakthrough for women”


back     106 How many clients make love to no one else?


back     94 “Invasion Of The Body Snatchers” not Science Fiction but docu-drama


back     96 Under the Women's Movement loyalty is the crime because through his philandery and licentiousness the Evil Male Chauvinist Pig endorses and validates the Superior Being's infidelity and prostitution.


back     96 “He hasn't had a girlfriend in forty years.”


back     97 the modality of today: "Never mind the music, does he shag pigs?"


back     97 eradication of maleness has been decided, completion is a few generations away


back     100 Paris is surely still recognised as the world's finest symbol for romantic love? "Copenhagen" "Reykjavik" & "Aberdeen" haven't quite the same ring.


back    100 Men are jailed, women sectioned; Women self harm, men kill themselves


back    101 “The seventh man had such a big load I couldn't keep my eyes on the camera”
         - beautiful cheery Superior Being porn star talking on television.


back    102 “Auswitch was a Jewish Holiday Resort, Hitler a disgruntled Rabbi” - her line or his?


back    103 Too much thinking going on.


back    103 We made love, where's my baby? We made love, that means we're married. We made love, where's my money? We made love, NEXT!


back    104 Am I the sum total of my thoughts, words, deeds, decisions and interactions or am I only my last deed?


back    104 Perfect Attunement: A most uncomfortable, “goody goody” experience


back    106 “'Tis good to see the bad” - esoteric principle


back    106 “A rolling stone gathers no moss,” says he


back    108 “You know things aren't going too well when the difference between life and death is a single thought.


back    109 “You know things aren't going too well when you sit up all night negotiating with your death and feel the early morning taxis drive in through your window.


back    112 We We all meet up again in the end, the helped, the loved, the wounded and the lost.


back    114 He must hand over his coin with Heads, no Tails, for nowt in exchange


back    114 Job-Seeker's workshop: facilitators two women and a flamboyant gay, delegates twelve men, one woman.


back    114 Twenty eight books for sale, only one by a man.


back    115 Despite women out-numbering men in decision-making roles, university graduations, millionaires and jobs, "BATTER" has escalated to "SMASH".


back    116 If my purpose is to evolve and become a star, are earthly wrongs lessons and rungs?


back    117 Royalty may not be perfect but the alternative is worse, better to make it work


back    117 abuse is classless


back    117 There is much to be said for inherited knowledge.


back    117 Woman + Contraceptive = negated femininity, or, hatred of one's own womanhood.


back    118i Who decides? Who guides? Who accompanies who?


back    118ii The trouble he has with her is matched by her troubles with him


back    118iii BaBoBAbo Batter Bonk Betray Abort escalated to SmaFuBeKi (Smash Fu** Betray Kill).


back    151 Not for a moment would I suggest that the Dali Lama introduces himself as, "I-am-holy-and-pure."


back    120 'ang on a mo', what if the word is from the Great Out There?


back    121 A few words from her and he is, "turned - to - stone"


back    122 I see my mistake when it is too late


back    124 Scientists divide reality into 'particles' & 'waves' but there are no waves, that's just a convenient term of reference, the waves are symptom. How about Particles, Gel, Push and Vacuum?


back    124 Liver, spleen, heart, lungs, bones radiate continuous self expression


back    128 If a modern calendar-clock were sent back ten thousand years, would it still synchronise with the moon and the sun?


back    130 Before 'The Fall', none of these were known: work, self-pity (egotism/self-importance), pornography, war.


back    130 Mind you don't wrap your soul in a plastic bag, it might hold last week's fish.


back    137 “A lifetime in an hour” - the tiniest thought an 'event'


back    130 In the next Great Era there will be no such thing as men or maleness, bulls, rams, cockerels all will be driven out.


back    136 Everything I do, I do for you. - Brian Adams. Would a female sing such a song? Would she be allowed?


back    170 The Odyssey is the tale of our solar system, see, 'Before The Delusion' by William Gleeson


back    143D In our cities, human needs take third place after the demands of money and machines.


back    143D In the Garden of Eden there was no concept of war or what we call work.


back    143D S.C.U.M. The Society for Cutting Up Men.


back    139 Asked on television why his new dating site excluded women over 40, a man explained, "because they're rotten fruit"


back    142 Middle Age: Where hope and aspiration are eroded by regret and remorse.


back    145 All things are possible? I can barely change what I think


back    146 M.A.D. Mutually Assured Destruction, inevitable and inescapable unless we change.


back    146 a woman's response to a remark on how many men died in The Great War (World War I) was what a great benefit their erradication was to women.


back    147 you'll never make a champion sword by slapping a bar with a leaf.


back    152 Gone to the washing asylum, your loony is in the dinner machine


back    158 “Receptivity is the whole works” V.L.H.


back    159 “Always be like a teenager who has just been up to mischief


back     Viz Magazine provided the key to the allegory: snake-tree-apple.   VIZ website


back     A warrior, in your situation, would commit suicide.


back     Thomas Cook left to go bust but a Taxpayer bail-out for RBS.



In the end they all lived happily ever after; nope, we're a' dead.








(word droppings?)


That sets me free

Made of facts

I cannot see

Shocking truth

May burn and skewer

Withstand the pain

Await the cure

The truth I fear the most

Is the one that strikes too close

The harsher I condemn your error

The more likely you are my mirror?

"How much truth can you take"?
Esoteric principle


Two Stones



Still water

Form rings

Where the rings meet



~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~

Beings of light

Put up a fight

Rescue me from my plight

Help me to see

How to set myself free

With victory


And insight

If I were to see   The truth about me

Would I take stock   Or be killed by the shock?

I pack up my problems like loaves of bread

Carry them in a basket on top of my head

For in this way my mind is set free

To dream and think, discover and see.




Can make


Angry Happy Or Afraid

Then Who

is in control

Of me?

  (says Angry Old Git)*      



Success is silent

Gain is guarded

Loss is loud

Failure fumes

Fuming fails

Loudness loses

Guardedness gains

Silence succeeds


Comb you hair

Groom your garments

Bolster your ego

Flatter your friends

Preen your pride

Polish your purpose

Control your tongue

Refine your manners

Develop your style

Shine your spirit

My upset

At your behaviour


My upset


Your Behaviour


N O W H E R E    

If every word here is laboured and wrong

How then flow the words of heaven's true song?

“Immutable destiny acquiesce and accept

The 'Link With Intent' strive to reconnect”

'Now-Here' is all, 'No Record Doth Love Keep'

Correct misbehaviour but don't make us weep

Invisible beings, 'Karma' and the Out There

Reward and guide, firm, purposeful (and, fair).


N O   C U R E ?    

The answer to our interminable conundrums

Demands for freedom from fearsome incumbrance

Is it to shoulder our burdens, live with discomfort?

Desires denied, unrewarded effort?

Expectation and ego, boomerang'd passion

'Brilliant creations' despised, rendered ashen?

To the cliff

I run


Too fast

Don't stop




Dead or broken


Not personal.


It is for us

To beware.


- * -


What does it mean   

When I say   

(Whoever "I" may happen to be)   

“It is   












My own    




- * -    



Might is right

Greed is freed

Virtue hurts you

Vice is nice



Had no name

Out There's Law


The same.

Human laws

Are not.

Without kindness

No compassion:




Family and friends.


The unfathomable


The intertwined.


- * -



If we see

The Criminal Justice System


just criminal

Have we hope

Society's wounds

To heal

(or am I wrong yet again?)


- * -


The Fragile Force

World Wrestlers

Bludgeon, battle

Writhe & gasp


Lame girl

Enters the ring



Gentle, tender.

In Physics

The Same?

then along came television
and she whacked 'em in the crotch

Swings & Roundabouts
Fouls & Up The Spouts

Whoosh chute

Whee swing


I jump on

You fly


Your roundabout

I push

I shove

Round you


Wedge a stick


You stop.

We sit

On the seesaw

Down you gaze

I leave

You drop



- * -












- * -


A hundred million screaming monkeys, I wish I were, instead, a bubble of peace.



Kinship looks for the good, heartache & alienation dig the dirt.

One event

Three participants

Seven witnesses

Eighty listeners

A thousand readers

How many descriptions?

“Chinese Whispers”

A story changed or


After a single




Battle to win



At best



"I love you" she croons, her letters a flood

He shrugs, her words are but the sea upon rocks

"I hate you" she screams with threats to draw blood

Her anger as remote as foghorns from the docks

"No" she replies when he hopes they will meet

His fury erupts without respite

"I've married" she explains - she has sunk his fleet

Her merest 'Hello' would do more than excite.


You lost

Yes, but




I know but




Well I tried








In your


Life, Death and

Eternal Destruction


In your palm:


Each and every one of us



What to do

How to handle

Each and every


In which

We find ourselves.


Could be futher


The truth.



How to live


Emotions and passion





Easy peesy

So simple


Makes C.E.R.N. look like


'Mechano' Kit.


'Aye, right'

(maybe not)

Battered and broken, splintered, destroyed

I stew in my own juice, bitter and annoyed

“Help! Help!” I’ll bet nobody can hear


Galloping hooves from afar draw near

Silver-Light horses whinny and prance

I seize their reins, my one last chance.

Trench Boot

Around the table the four of us sit

Our weekly coffees we gently sip

Stories we share of amazing wonders

Like a boot in a trench we cling to our blunders

Those miracles are real, not madeyup nonsense

How do we transcend our stagnant ignorance?

The Consolation Prize  


You (or I)  

Eat alone  

We are allowed to  

Slurb, burb, slouch, fart.  

Is it  

More fun to  

Be polite and  






Clamorous “ME!” “ME!”


Can there be

Pure Objectivit-ee

With Clarity to see


Will set BOTH FREE?


Knaves and Fools

Fool's Goal = Happiness

"Cash!" Crave Crooks



To Be


By The World







Shocking Truth

We each must learn


It is





Does not

Recite old records

But nor

Is love


(minimum necessary reprimand?)


("A diplomat is someone who tells me to go to hell in such a way that I actually look forward to the trip." - unknown)

Three-Legged Hobble


For him


For her






To him


To her.

For life.






am in



can I



It must be




To sue.


W-I-N ?


Of status

Each one of us

Is more likely


Commit murder



The Lottery






I think

I am

Where I am

Because of


Him, her, this, that

or the other




Might think

The same?

Where, then

Do we apportion



Observation - Amplification

A statement



more weight









& Validation?

(“True!” ”Who says?”)    


If I

(out of hope and expectation)

Praise the




Makes me





Death strikes

a riddle

don't you think?

devil head Satan   devil head Satan
Two Shoes cartoons ONW Opens in New Window

Happily Ever After?

Happy for her, miserable for him

Misery for her, happy for him,

Misery for both, e’er happy for all?



The Media Age

Are all

Of us

In the

'Media Age'




The Truth



is more



~ ~ ~



~ ~ ~



Text message


More than


Between the flowers

Beneath the trees

By the river

Head bent

On phone




~ ~ ~


Which I

Do not


Does not


(funny that)



Hits me

On the head

(funnier still)


I say

"It is so"



It is


The world that I see

Must surely be


And that is


okay smartypants, what's your answer?

    The One Thing

    I can know

    And be sure

    What I think

    All I believe

    Must ultimately be

    A strange fantasy

    Projected from me

    How much of what I see

    Is projected



    What then

    Is real?

The Wind

Are we

Like leaves

On a

Stormy day


Along the street

Or into a






It's Tricky

To find a girl is hard

To keep her can be tricky

If either wants to be apart

You may find it gets a bit sticky


To keep a spouse

Free Self is slain

Beheaded as it were

That which remains

Thrown as a prisoner

A slave, toy, a trophy

Abandoned and discarded

Owned not owner

Or, neither?






If I am







May be



(how many times?)



Our Task

Our task is not

To punish, kill, destroy

But elevate


Especially the worst

See the best

We then become

(What, exactly?)


Who am when I own

Who am I when bereft

Who am I when alone

Who am I after theft

Who am I when disgraced

Who am I when I'm praised

Who am I when displaced

Who am I when I'm crazed.




If procreaction is the seed of life

Is contraception the seed of strife?

The worst I can do

When angered and blue

Is unite, ignite and 'Be Right!'



Experience has taught me

don't believe The Book

Experience has taught me

the pain of dismay

Experience has taught me

every man is a crook

Experience has taught me

'other half' will betray

Experience has taught me

business means debt

Experience has taught me

love leads to bereave

Experience has taught me

every turn ends in threat

When will I learn

to once again be naïve?


Enemy Number One is not

The State, the Church nor the System

Not our upbringing, school or 'The Ex'

Enemy Number One is


Enemy Number Two is

The wrong sense of self

What if you

Are the one who

When asked to

Choose between

Your car


Your child

You chose



Is not some faraway devil

Hidden in Underground Deviland


Is close, nearby, right here


Big car, grand house, fancy yacht

Luxury indulgent machines

The most seductive and terrible intoxication


I Am




Must be


If not


I shall


Your fault, see?

      The Snowflake

      Each moment, so simple, few sided, the same

      Routines, home & workplace, life's dice-rolling game

      Meet & greet, custom tradition; rebellion, ugly habit

      Tiger, bear, sloth or ant, snail or bouncy rabbit

      Been there, done that, know-it-all, stale

      Monotonous descriptions, the drab urbanite's tale

      Destiny, karma, opportunity and decision

      Everything explained to us by Wondrous Television

      Silence the mind, let the running gerbil sleep

      A myriad sense impressions, infinite world, too deep

      Smile, scowl, tantrum, agree: a repertoire for The Show

      As simple as a cardboard box or as complex as a flake of snow

      Subtle changes, many interactions, definitions, switching roles

      A single glimpse is all we need to see we're as blind as moles.


      The tight-rope walker is not driving a car

      The tight-rope walker is not writing a book

      The tight-rope walker is not staggering through tar

      The tight-rope walker is not shooting a rook

      The tight-rope walker is not dusting the mantelpiece

      The tight-rope walker is not doing battle with enemy soldiers

      The tight-rope walker is not painting a masterpiece

      The tight-rope walker is not sifting through someone else's folders

      The tight-rope walker walks, boldly, the tightrope.


      The tight-rope walker is not tormented by sprites

      The tight-rope walker is not trapped by flammables

      The tight-rope walker is not dazzled by lights

      The tight-rope walker is not captured by cannibals

      Upon the tightrope the funambulist walks.

The tone of the spirit, the desires of the will

The thoughts of the heart, abilities and skill

The racket in the head, the rage in the chest

Interactions with others make up the rest

Fixated beliefs, receptivity and compliance

Conformity, rebellion, worship and defiance

Like sinews and bones, windows and wires

A path through a glade or a struggle through briars.

  PEOPLE are not all equal:

OBSPART - obsessive spartan self denier

SOBITES - sound-bite know-alls

BOOGORM - book worm

MOGRABINCH - money grabber pincher miser

ADULEB - adulates celebrities

DESPODY - despises everybody

SCREENICTS - screen addicts

MEATUMPS - meat lumps incapable slobs

COUPADITS - couch potatoe telly addicts

ZOMBIED - lifeless animated corpses

Real Woman - just so

(Voluntary, consequential or imposed?)

BODSNATS - 'Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers' soulless

GOHLIER - God fixated holier than thou (any creed)

DROOLETS - drool for drink letch for sex

LOBOTS - lobotomised comprehend eat drink no more

MECHEADS - mechanical head motor-mouths

TICKOTTERS - tick-tock repeaters regurgitators

ZOOBONS - zoom bones hyperactive fit freaks

POLIRECTS - political correctness brigade

Trueman - true man well rounded capable disciplned

Native - never been corrupted rotted degenerated

      All In the Mind

Down Fumblin' Cliff by Ditherer's Scree

To the West of Authoritarian Peak

Frigid icebergs of Conscience Lea

Forgotten Falls in Paddleless Creek

The Abyss Of Deception crossed (or not?)

Tentativity Bridge a fragile rust

Endeavour's Track to Confusion's Knot

Perseverance Stair beneath pessimist's dust

Upward, backward, downward, on

"Enlightenment!" a tease, an indistinct cry

Lake Loss ripples with rings of The Con

"Success!" abandoned by Dejected's "Why?"


The Star Of AlThArPo


I didn't realise how crap this is





What is the opposite of a Pyramid?


What is the meaning of that word, "Guy", how does it differ from "Chick"?

What is the difference between film star and singer, castigate Marylin, celebrate Mick?

What is the meaning of this word, "Woman"? How does it differ from "Bloke"?

What is the difference between "husband" and "wife"? Why is adultery a joke?

What is the difference between crime and sublime, jailed or paid according to rank?

What is the difference between seller and buyer? Bankrupt Cook but rescue the bank?*

Newspapers, magazines, radio and television, Internet, Smartphones - sting or song?

Concrete dustbin 'urbanisation' to get through each moment be incredibly strong.

Is knowledge opinion championed by ego?





Under the Altharpo Star in silence I lie in bed

I calm my writhing heart, I’m told that soon I’ll be dead

Everything, I’ve heard, is possible, health and fitness I ask

Spring from this quagmire of doom, in radiant success to bask

Impertinent? Greedy or cheeky? Dare I not make such a request?

"Who do you think you are?" a 'Kafka!' held "Under Arrest"?

In 'The Place Of Sublime Indifference' the Past falls away like a coat

Paranoid self-condemnation evaporates with Stardom’s bright note.   *"Ting!"*






“She offered her honour he honoured her offer, all night long he was on ’er and off ’er” (anon)


My wrong sense of me, my wrong sense of you, your wrong sense of you, your wrong sense of me



Words before deeds, agreement before entanglement, clarity before commitment


A romance, a fling, an "affair", a year, month, week or an hour,
can result in catastrophe for one or both parties


At what point does a “One Night Stand” switch from
“A Breakthrough In Women’s Rights”
to a crime worse than murder? *


(still canna’ work it a’ oot)





Does bashin’ wi’ the 'Holy Book' make more crooks than saints?



If an elderly gent can be sent to prison because he stroked a girl's knee decades earlier, should not the Superior Being be locked up for the lad she straddled in her teens?

Or instead, scrap jail?

“I am a real slut. I fuck men two at a time, husband likes to watch.”

(Magazine advertisement with fanny-photo)


















The Axe-In-Head Legacy

The answer is not here.

This is all wrong

a roar of rage.

You likely know better.


The Society for Cutting Up Men

Tit for tat, tat for tit, this then that.

Life is easy when all is well

To be happy is harder when burning in hell.

Coal cellar's window, barely a glint

Heaven alone knows, “heed the higher hint”.



















Individuals are innocent

People  are  good

You Are The Best

1 6 4






bliss button ONW

if you want bliss, think about it



. x - X - x .


* o0o *


Vanquish the concept of suffering and pain

The Garden Of Eden & Paradise to gain

Attachments discarded make us courageous.

Sadly the idea is too outrageous


sorry about that, a bit crap but you get the idea, maybe.



* ☾ ☼ ☽ *








Higher consciousness gives the answer, I repeat the answer, I am wrong. My heart gives the answer, I repeat the answer, I am wrong. Dreams provide the answer, I repeat the answer, I am wrong. Omens provide the answer, I repeat the answer, I am wrong.
To be wrong means struck down, death.
A situation, would you say, that is straightforward, or what?



Lord Ex

was given

a directive

in vision, omen,

divination & channel

by The Great Out There


Three years later he heard

“There might be another way”

The star appeared, “Al-Th-Ar-Po“


The Star Of AlThArPo

The Star Of AlThArPo

After an impoverished decade
little has improved

Barely a hundred fifty a week

*\HER/* thoughts move his wrists

Her words spring from his toungue.

There really is a razor by his pillow.




"The woman makes the man"

What does that mean?

His success makes her shine in his eyes?

Her thoughts make him succeed?





Why do we grieve?

Why do we cry?

Why do we believe?

Why do we sigh?

Why do we give?

Why do we rage?

Why do we live?

Why do we age?

Nae idea.



The Last Q:

The reason I did not commit suicide was a) suicide among men is such a commonplace event only immediate family and friends would even notice; b) the new decision-makers have a proclaimed agenda to see maleness erased from earth and would therefore react not with concern but with a secret glee; c) rarely if ever have such self-sacrifices made a jot of a difference to anything; d) I'm a stubborn old git. (I'd most likely have been branded ill.)

I can't believe I've written this but what is harder to accept is that it is true.



The Aeolian Maze



"You - must - kill - yourself - to - show - 'The Women's Liberapist Movement' - for - what - it - truly - is."

(or was it because the one in the wrong is me?)



All I wanted was to marry the love of my life and follow the path with heart.

Every bit of this stuff is ugly old crap.




Not only has no scapegoat been identified, you have completely failed to pin-point the cause.

  hang on a mo’ there might be a solution, a cure.       

The answer is something completely different and it cannot, actually, be put into words

Reinstate femininity
Restore womanhood
Boldly declare:
At the heart of society:

when nature's deepest need is thwarted
when new life is blocked
things go wrong




  At the heart of our city-world we place foremost the demands and requirements of finance and machines. 


  The Benefits Of Big Population  

  * Supermarkets * Transport * Communication * Mass-Production * Choice * Variety *  


  No, no, no ya daft ol' git, ye've done it again. Look!  

☝Top   ☛>>   >>♥♥   <<☥   >>☻   >>♕   <<✂   <<☂   ☠>>   <<☬   >☾<   +☩+   <<☟  


If the statement is true, "THERE ARE TOO MANY PEOPLE" then it follows, 'man and woman' become 'male and female', 'customer' becomes 'consumer' then, 'corporate prey'. 'Customer Service' - customer contempt - 'look up our website'.





Write her a letter to make it all better

‘A hardened criminal who refuses to obey’ Out There intervenes


“BANG” shock-blast, what was that?

Alone in my 'dungeon', a paper torn, such power.


Nowhere is there 'FREEDOM' nor true independence?

(“LIBERATION” the superior beings ask to be jettisoned into space?)



Surgery is a success only if the incisions heal


  prisoner of promise, widower to liberation, jobless, home-less cuckold-pimp reprobate  


Scapegoat? Cause? Truth?


“Everybody is wrong about everything”      

“Nobody knows anything, not really.”      

- Ntumu wisdom        

 Joseph Shepperd: A Leaf Of Honey and the Proverbs of the Rainforest       

"A Leaf Of Honey" Joseph Shepperd


  The fastest game on the planet:

  Pass The Buck  


  can we eliminate the concept:

  “Error Earns Retribution”  





The anananswer izz somomething so completeletely differifferent we might as well say, “The moon is made of cheese”.



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I Know Not ONW   Thought is not what we Think It Is  ONW   four ages of knowledge ONW



If I know that my thinking is wrong

How do I think about what I do not know?


Waddya gonna do, write a book, "The Mastery Of Ignorance"?



  © Future Views Magazine